Log of the 2008-01-22 Tri LoCo Meeting
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20:00 < greg-g> Welcome all 20:00 < seisen> to have a good time? 20:00 < soldierbo> lol, no 20:00 < greg-g> I like the introductions idea, lets go around and at least say where you are from 20:00 < greg-g> Hi, I'm Greg, residing in Michigan at the moment 20:00 rick_h__ is from michigan and does what greg-g tells him to 20:00 < tnseditor> haha 20:01 < xjdriver6> hehe 20:01 < greg-g> that's true 20:01 seisen hears a whip cracking 20:01 greg-g pats rick_h__ on the head 20:01 soldierboy is from Lake Milton, Ohio 20:01 posingaspopular is from chicago the official 'head' of the LoCo, but that's really because he's the sexiest in the group. i like cake. yellow cake! hehe 20:01 < picard_pw> I'm Alvin, residing in Dublin, Ohio 20:01 < tnseditor> hahaha 20:02 seisen is from akron, Oh 20:02 < greg-g> seisen: the seisen from ubuntuforums? 20:02 < seisen> yep 20:02 < seisen> why? 20:02 < greg-g> cool, welcome 20:02 < greg-g> you post a lot :) 20:02 xjdriver69 is from hinckley il, media outreach/ubuntu-training 20:02 < picard_pw> I'm a student 20:03 < greg-g> is that everyone? 20:03 < seisen> picard is a youngin 20:03 < tnseditor> I am from Ohio 20:03 picard_pwns_kirk is a youngin 20:03 < greg-g> well, the "agenda" is at this page: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MichiganTeam/Meetings/TriLoCo20080122 20:03 < posingasp> xjdriver69 is the loco bouncer/coffee runner. don't listen to him, he's not that big a deal! ;p 20:03 < picard_pw> we covered everyone not idling 20:03 < wolfger> hey, I'm not idling 20:04 rivalarrival is not idling 20:04 < wolfger> I'm scrolling to see what I missed when I was 20:04 < seisen> we need one of those for the OHio loco any volunteers 20:04 posingaspopular waits around 20:04 < greg-g> well, go ahead and instroduce yourselves 20:04 < picard_pw> yeah 20:04 < wolfger> Wolfger, from New Baltimore, MI 20:04 < rivalarri> Hi, I'm dave, and I'm an ubuntuholic 20:04 < tnseditor> hi Phoenix301 20:04 < picard_pw> my mom says I gots until 8:30 20:04 < greg-g> heh 20:04 < wolfger> <-- not a youngin 20:04 < rivalarri> Kent Ohio 20:04 < Phoenix30> whew, im here now sorry. Kay. Phoenix 301 from ohio 20:04 < picard_pw> Phoenix301: better be 20:05 < greg-g> ok, welcome everyone, feel free to hang out here afterwards also to chat 20:05 < greg-g> again, "agenda" is here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MichiganTeam/Meetings/TriLoCo20080122 20:05 < picard_pw> not much on an agenda... 20:05 < greg-g> we are just going to talking about ways to have better cross loco team cooperation for events, like conferences 20:05 < markyb86> Good evening all 20:05 < tnseditor> hi Marky86 20:05 < greg-g> hello 20:05 < markyb86> Am I late? 20:05 < greg-g> nope 20:05 < rick_h__> Are all of us recognized groups now? 20:05 < tnseditor> yes 20:05 < greg-g> just started 20:05 < tnseditor> horribly :-p 20:06 < markyb86> ok sweet 20:06 < greg-g> rick_h__: I think yes, we were the last of the three to be approved 20:06 < rick_h__> ok, wasn't sure with Chicago. It'll be easier approaching canonical if we're all offical 20:06 < greg-g> except for Minnesota, but I dont think anyone from there showed up tonight, they were iffy 20:06 < posingasp> okay well speaking for my LoCo, we like confrences. they are a good place to hang out and meet other people, etc. 20:06 < posingasp> rick_h__: heeh we were only the second LoCo founded ever. ;p 20:06 < greg-g> I agree with posingaspopular 20:06 < rick_h__> Well, there are a few existing confences already. Let's start with those 20:06 < picard_pw> posingaspopular: especially the freebies 20:07 < rick_h__> 1) Ohio linuxfest ++ 20:07 < xjdriver6> like confrences, we are confrence whores!! 20:07 < tnseditor> :-) 20:07 < posingasp> so that's one area im going to focus on this year if possible 20:07 < rick_h__> 2) Penguicon 20:07 < seisen> huh?? 20:07 < greg-g> penguicon is coming up! 20:07 < greg-g> penguicon.org 20:07 < picard_pw> is notacon a Linux one? 20:07 < greg-g> a lot of ubuntu folk will be there 20:07 < rick_h__> Pengiucon is MI in april 20:07 < posingasp> chicago: Chicago barcamp and flourish and Pycon are the ones i konw of 20:07 < posingasp> i really want to go to penguincon, can't really afford the ticket atm :| 20:07 < picard_pw> ugh, michigan has got it set 20:07 < wolfger> I think notacon is.. uh.. not-a-con 20:08 < greg-g> our (michigan's) page about penguicon: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MichiganTeam/Projects/Penguicon 20:08 < seisen> yes im going my aunt doesnt live that far from troy I don't thin 20:08 < seisen> I am so there 20:08 < greg-g> it hasn't been updated, but most ideas are on it 20:08 < picard_pw> Randall Munroe, Jono Bacon, Benjamin Mako Hill... 20:08 < posingasp> Rusell Monroe. jono bacon and mako hill. great! 20:08 < greg-g> and jorge castro 20:08 < greg-g> as a nifty 20:08 < rick_h__> Chris Dibona and the other person from Google SOC 20:08 picard_pwns_kirk wishes he could go 20:08 < posingasp> so what resources in general do we have setup for these confrences? 20:08 < greg-g> for penguicon we have most of what is on that page I linked 20:08 < rick_h__> well there's setting up booths at events. Ohio guys had a nice setup at OLF 20:09 < greg-g> oh, speaking of Ohio's OLF booth, I haven't heard anything about the banner 20:09 < wolfger> Kyle Rankin is at Penguicon too (Ubuntu Hacks) 20:09 greg-g makes note to email jono about that 20:09 < picard_pw> get jono to come to ohio 20:09 < seisen> how far is troy from detroit 20:10 < seisen> im too lazy to look it up myself 20:10 < greg-g> I have a message from the person who will be getting the room for our room party: 20:10 < greg-g> <tjagoda> I'm going to be unable to make the meeting tomorrow, could you wave the flag and tell people who are interested in contributing to the cost of the room, and willing to help man it for some period of time on PengiCon's friday, that they should e-mail me their willingness to render aid? my email = spam.goes.here48048@gmail.com 20:10 < tnseditor> hi kdubois 20:10 < rick_h__> seisen: 30-40min 20:10 < greg-g> "the room" is the room party mentioned on the penguicon planning page on Michigan's wiki 20:10 < kdubois> hey tnseditor 20:10 < posingasp> xjdriver69 and i were talking about our confrence pack from Canonical, and it's not much, just a couple of shirts, etc. 20:11 < greg-g> posingaspopular: yeah, I just ordered ours for penguicon~ 20:11 < xjdriver6> posingaspopular: i think we should ask for more 20:11 < greg-g> so, is anyone from non-michigan planning on attending? 20:11 < xjdriver6> greg-g: order a couple 20:11 < greg-g> xjdriver69: you can? 20:12 < picard_pw> greg-g: depends, can you pay for my ticket? 20:12 < posingasp> can we ask for more? 20:12 < xjdriver6> i dont know but 4 shirts 20:12 < picard_pw> :P 20:12 < xjdriver6> not sure 20:12 < seisen> I am almost positive I am going 20:12 < greg-g> picard_pwns_kirk: sorry 20:12 < greg-g> seisen: awesome 20:12 picard_pwns_kirk will go once he learns to drive 20:12 < picard_pw> :P 20:12 < seisen> my wife will be glad to get rid of me so... 20:12 < tnseditor> :-D 20:12 < posingasp> someone get picard_pwns_kirk a ride? 20:13 < greg-g> posingaspopular: we might as well try and ask for more, can't hurt as long as we are nice 20:13 < posingasp> okay, but for what event? ;p 20:13 < picard_pw> Penguicon, IIRC 20:13 < greg-g> Penguicon! 20:13 < wolfger> tjagoda likes giving people rides. He can go pick picard_pwns_kirk up :-) 20:13 < greg-g> wolfger: heh, yeah, all the way down to ohio :) 20:13 < dantalizi> hey guys don't forget you may have to pay import duty for everything in the conf pack 20:13 < tnseditor> hi teeahr1 20:14 < wolfger> import tariffs suck 20:14 < greg-g> welcome teeahr1, we're in the middle of the tri-loco meeting, discussing a conference in April called Penguicon, penguicon.org 20:14 < teeahr1> howdy 20:14 < picard_pw> whoever goes -- mail me some freebies :P 20:14 < tnseditor> :-p 20:14 < greg-g> dantalizing: I lucked out on the box of cds (the big box approved teams get), didn't pay a dime 20:14 < xjdriver6> check out this link https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuAtConferences 20:14 < picard_pw> I'll probably pick up the CD at OLF '08, though 20:15 < posingasp> okay so we have lots of people willing to go. is there anything besides ridesharing that we can do to help make penguincon better? 20:15 < greg-g> so, would anyone be willing to help out with the room cost, like $10 a peice 20:15 < greg-g> posingaspopular: ^ 20:15 < posingasp> is this event before or after the hardy release 20:15 < greg-g> 1 week before :( 20:15 < greg-g> so, "here is a cd, install it, then in a week download 300 megs of updates" 20:15 < wolfger> heh... we just need to create a bunch of unapproved LoCo teams, and we'll have tons of shirts :-) 20:15 < picard_pw> greg-g: might want to get RC cds for people who want them 20:16 < dantalizi> greg-g wi'll ask you about the cds later 20:16 < seisen> maybe even though I can just stay at my aunt's anyway 20:16 < wolfger> greg-g: I can swing $10 towards the room cost 20:16 < greg-g> dantalizing: ok 20:16 < greg-g> wolfger: aweosme, email tjagoda 20:16 < seisen> I will let you guys know 20:16 < greg-g> spam.goes.here48048@gmail.com 20:16 < greg-g> (that is his real email, honest) 20:16 < seisen> I might evn be able to offer more 20:17 < posingasp> okay, im sorry can I get more details about this room cost deal? 20:17 < greg-g> seisen: cool 20:17 < greg-g> oh, yeah 20:17 < greg-g> so, this room, as described on the wiki page, costs us money. It is simply a hotel room. It is on Friday night (the first night) where we will be hanging out and showing demos, watching a movie, etc 20:18 < wolfger> possibly pouring homebrew 20:18 < greg-g> I can't remember what the cost of it will be, it will be more than a standard room because we are having them remove the bed (which costs more) 20:18 < wolfger> I still need to ask about that 20:18 < greg-g> wolfger: ++ 20:18 < posingasp> where will I sleep? 20:18 < wolfger> floors are comfy ;-) 20:19 < tnseditor> on the floor :-p 20:19 < xjdriver6> in the hall 20:19 < posingasp> maybe.. 20:19 < greg-g> in a room that you get yourself, with someone else from this meeting because that is what we are here to do! 20:19 < posingasp> xjdriver69: you going? 20:19 < xjdriver6> bathtube 20:19 < xjdriver6> on the fence right now 20:19 < tnseditor> you're sleeping on the fence now? The floor will be better than that! :-p 20:19 < xjdriver6> you havnt seen my fence 20:19 < xjdriver6> :) 20:19 < picard_pw> hahah 20:20 < xjdriver6> its pimp 20:20 < tnseditor> is it a nice fence? 20:20 < xjdriver6> no its a pile of crap 20:20 < greg-g> so yeah, recap, for those coming, if you are willing to pitch in $10 for the room, let tjagoda know 20:20 < tnseditor> aww 20:20 < xjdriver6> but it keeps the dog in 20:20 < tnseditor> oh 20:21 < seisen> sometime why I am up there I need to pick up that server too 20:21 < greg-g> If you want to come to Penguicon, but need a ride, put your name on the wiki page saying so 20:21 < greg-g> (unless we can think of a better way to do ride share right now) 20:22 < posingasp> does that cover all of penguin con? 20:22 < greg-g> do what? 20:22 < posingasp> ohio and xjdriver69 want to say anything? 20:22 < greg-g> does 20:22 < greg-g> oh, all of the stuff we need to talk about, yeah, I think so 20:22 < greg-g> just pass along the information to other loco members who might be interested 20:23 < greg-g> point them to our wiki page, tell them to get in contact with either tjagoda or I or someone in here if they have ideas/questions/whatever 20:23 < picard_pw> how about Ubucon? 20:23 < rick_h__> wolfger: OT check msg please 20:23 < xjdriver6> do we have any other sponcers at our booth? 20:23 < seisen> hey tnseditor post a link in the ohio loco wiki to penguicon 20:23 < xjdriver6> system76. dell. zareasons 20:23 < tnseditor> ok 20:23 < tnseditor> where should I put it? 20:23 < seisen> um..... 20:24 < posingasp> man I could not s76 to respond back to my emails for flourish 20:24 < tnseditor> and what link? The one for pengiucon or to the wiki? 20:24 < greg-g> tnseditor: both please if you would be so kind :) 20:24 < tnseditor> ok 20:24 < wolfger> rick_h__ ??? 20:24 < seisen> under projects 20:24 < seisen> ya add theirs too 20:25 < rick_h__> wolfger: check PMs please 20:25 < tnseditor> dang... what's the links again 20:25 < seisen> or you can create a new wiki page and name tri-loco projects 20:25 < greg-g> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MichiganTeam/Projects/Penguicon 20:25 < picard_pw> I gotta go in 5 20:25 < xjdriver6> posingaspopular: you would think they would jump at the chance, unless someone else got them 20:25 < greg-g> so, what is the next con or event we need to discuss right now? 20:25 < picard_pw> ubucon? 20:26 < posingasp> i thought we were doing ubucon 20:26 < greg-g> any resources set up for it yet? (planning page or something) 20:26 < picard_pw> nothing IIRC 20:26 < tnseditor> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/OhioTeam/OhioUbucon08 20:26 < picard_pw> well, very little 20:26 < posingasp> but it is happening? expected draw, etc? 20:26 < greg-g> tnseditor: I'll add that to the MichiganTeam wiki 20:27 < tnseditor> thanks 20:27 < seisen> is rustybronco on here? 20:27 < tnseditor> I'm working on a tri-loco event page 20:27 < picard_pw> wow, a lot has happened since I last checked 20:27 < wolfger> Ubucon is on a Sunday? 20:27 < tnseditor> well 20:27 < tnseditor> tentatively 20:28 < seisen> thats a tentative date 20:28 < tnseditor> we need a place first :-p 20:28 < greg-g> tnseditor: if you are going to do a tri-loco event page for everything we do, you wanna make it wiki.ubuntu/TriLoCo or whatever, just so it looks like it is everyone's project, not just Michigan's or Ohio's. Just an idea/suggestion, do what you want. 20:28 < picard_pw> Columbus Convention Center? 20:28 < wolfger> rick_h__: send you PM saying I have no PMs... no reply... still confused what you are talking about 20:28 < tnseditor> ok 20:29 < picard_pw> well, I gotta go 20:29 < posingasp> yea greg-g doe have a point ;p 20:29 < greg-g> later picard_pwns_kirk 20:29 < wolfger> seeya picard_pwns_kirk 20:29 < posingasp> picard_pwns_kirk: thanks for beinghere 20:29 < tnseditor> bye picard_pwns_kirk 20:29 < picard_pw> my pleasure 20:29 < tnseditor> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/triloco 20:29 < tnseditor> will that work? 20:30 < xjdriver6> yeehaw 20:30 greg-g likes capitalization 20:30 < tnseditor> ok 20:30 < picard_pw> not meant in any gross or perverted way 20:30 < tnseditor> hang on 20:30 < picard_pw> anyways, peace out 20:30 < xjdriver6> that dude wasnt kidding 20:30 < wolfger> TriLoCo could be anywhere... could we be more descriptive? 20:30 < greg-g> wolfger: good point 20:30 < xjdriver6> Triloco-midwest 20:30 < tnseditor> ok 20:30 < rick_h__> wolfger: nvm, I'll email you. I'm typing, but you're not getting. 20:30 < tnseditor> is that ok with everyone 20:30 < tnseditor> ? 20:31 < xjdriver6> TriLoco-Midwest 20:31 < greg-g> MidwestLoCoConsortium :) 20:31 < tnseditor> haha 20:31 < xjdriver6> hehe 20:31 < greg-g> MiLoCoCo 20:31 < posingasp> mywestLoCodeathUbuntuLoCo 20:31 < wolfger> the Midwest LoCo Collective 20:31 < xjdriver6> shaweet! 20:31 < tnseditor> MidWestLoCoConsortiumcoolpeopleandfriends 20:31 < posingasp> okay that's a bit much tnseditor.... :P 20:31 < wolfger> ok, now that's getting a wee bit silly 20:32 < tnseditor> sorry... I was getting a bit carried away I guess :-p 20:32 < tnseditor> so TriLoCo-Midwest 20:32 < wolfger> How about MichiganLoCoAndFriends :-D 20:32 < greg-g> :0 20:32 < greg-g> :) 20:32 < wolfger> fine. TriLoCo-Midwest 20:32 < greg-g> TriLoCo-Midwest works for me 20:32 < tnseditor> sounds like a cheap Barney knock-off 20:32 < posingasp> TriLoCo-Midwest is +1 from me 20:33 < greg-g> good deal, TriLoCo-Midwest it is 20:33 < tnseditor> I'll get the very basic ideas down now and then add more later 20:33 < greg-g> who said making group decisions was hard 20:33 < wolfger> as for Ubucon, I'm out if it stays on that weekend :-( 20:33 < greg-g> tnseditor: thanks! 20:33 < rick_h__> wolfger: email sent 20:34 < seisen> any other events? 20:34 < tnseditor> hang on a sec. 20:34 < greg-g> k 20:34 < xjdriver6> Florish 20:34 < greg-g> linky? 20:34 < tnseditor> what's the penguicon link (to their page, not the wiki) 20:35 < greg-g> penguicon.org 20:35 < tnseditor> :-p 20:35 < greg-g> http://www. 20:35 < tnseditor> ok 20:35 < greg-g> reverse that 20:35 < greg-g> :) 20:35 < tnseditor> :-p 20:36 < greg-g> xjdriver69: link for Florish? 20:36 < seisen> what is it? 20:36 greg-g doesn't know 20:36 < xjdriver6> http://www.flourishconf.com/ 20:36 < posingasp> yes 20:36 < xjdriver6> click the link to see what they did last year 20:37 < posingasp> i think they are still working on the site, i should ask roberto about that... 20:37 < posingasp> anyway im helping plan it and we have MADDOG 20:37 < posingasp> yes! 20:37 < xjdriver6> nice 20:37 < xjdriver6> just keep RMS away 20:38 < xjdriver6> :P 20:38 < rick_h__> wolfger: do you have IM, can you PM me an IM name pls?> 20:38 < greg-g> florish looks interesting, at least last year's events 20:38 < posingasp> what is RMS? 20:38 < xjdriver6> hehe 20:39 < posingasp> greg-g: last year was fun, this year is going to be better. better speakers, more people, nice layout, etc. 20:39 < greg-g> posingaspopular: cool 20:39 < posingasp> can someone tell me what an RMS is? 20:39 < greg-g> so, yeah, add that to TriLoCo-Midwest then 20:39 < wolfger> ??? 20:39 < wolfger> "what is RMS? 20:39 < xjdriver6> Richard Stalman 20:39 < wolfger> lol 20:39 < tnseditor> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TriLoCo-Midwest 20:40 < greg-g> it is a measurement of constant wattage, usually seen on car stereo ads 20:40 < posingasp> so yea, besides a confrence pack and cds, the loco isn't going on much 20:40 < wolfger> Now I feel old... somebody asked what RMS is. :-P 20:40 < tnseditor> I knew who he is 20:40 < tnseditor> :-) 20:40 < greg-g> thanks tnseditor 20:40 < posingasp> im going to try and push some of the loco into the mini bar camp sessions to do tech. talks if at all possible 20:40 < tnseditor> I'm 19 20:41 < posingasp> how is richard staleman =RMS 20:41 < greg-g> Richard M. Stallman 20:41 < posingasp> that should be RSM afaik 20:41 < tnseditor> Richard Matthew Stallman 20:41 < posingasp> who? 20:41 < xjdriver6> hehe 20:41 < posingasp> that is that upside down W? 20:42 < greg-g> so yeah, anything else we need to discuss event wise? 20:42 < tnseditor> eventually later in the year, Ohio Linux Fest 20:42 < posingasp> okay boo 20:42 < tnseditor> and we'll probably do a Hardy release party 20:42 < greg-g> tnseditor: yeah, we can probably save that till a bit later, we have other things to get through first 20:42 < posingasp> i requested 600 cds. and they gave me 150 20:42 < snap-l> Hola. 20:42 < tnseditor> thanks for your support posingaspopular 20:42 < tnseditor> :-p 20:42 < posingasp> hold on now everyone 20:42 < posingasp> nobody leaves LOG CLOSED Tue Jan 22 20:42:56 2008 LOG OPENED Tue Jan 22 20:43:16 2008 20:43 < posingasp> everyone get togther, smile, say chesse and promise to remember this moment 20:43 < tnseditor> on an IRC channel. 20:43 < posingasp> no silly! 20:43 < tnseditor> what is the world coming to? 20:43 < posingasp> we need to schedule another meeting 20:43 < snap-l> wait, my eyes were closed 20:43 < tnseditor> ... and I looked stupid 20:43 < greg-g> how's a month from now? 20:43 < tnseditor> ok 20:43 < xjdriver6> the picture makes me look fat, wait i am fat 20:44 < tnseditor> haha 20:44 < posingasp> feb. 19th? 20:44 < seisen> ok 20:44 < posingasp> same time? 20:44 < wolfger> everyone smile and say "KDE" 20:44 < tnseditor> ok 20:44 < posingasp> KDE!!! 20:44 < seisen> by then I will know what i am doing 20:44 < greg-g> posingaspopular: sure 20:44 < tnseditor> GNOME! 20:44 < seisen> OPENBOX!!!!!! 20:44 posingaspopular thinks tnseditor is bad at photography 20:44 < xjdriver6> GOME!!! 20:44 < rivalarri> XFCE 20:44 < greg-g> CLI!!! 20:44 < tnseditor> I could be worse :-p 20:44 < rivalarri> WIN2K!!! 20:44 < posingasp> so can i tnseditor 20:45 < posingasp> 'whats that upside down W mean?' 20:45 < tnseditor> myspace? 20:45 < xjdriver6> MIDWESTSIDE!! 20:46 < wolfger> rofl 20:46 < greg-g> so, who wants to mail out the respective mailing lists the next meeting date and time? 20:46 < tnseditor> are we going to meet on #ubuntu-us-mi again? 20:46 < tnseditor> I will for Ohio 20:46 < greg-g> we can move it around each time 20:46 < tnseditor> ok 20:46 < tnseditor> how about #ubuntu-us-oh? 20:46 < xjdriver6> i think mi is good, keeps the chicago punks out 20:46 < greg-g> see how we like each other's furnishings 20:46 < wolfger> is #ubuntu-us-triloco-midwest too long of a channel name? ;-) 20:46 < tnseditor> haha 20:47 < seisen> kind of 20:47 < greg-g> or, we might be able to reserver #ubuntu-meeting if we want 20:47 < posingasp> tnseditor: im okay with -ohio 20:47 < greg-g> but then we won't get loco stragglers 20:47 < tnseditor> ok 20:47 < wolfger> sure 20:47 < seisen> why don't we do that greg-g 20:48 < greg-g> who do we talk to to reserve it? 20:49 < xjdriver6> just take it 20:49 < xjdriver6> ask for permission later 20:49 < tnseditor> :-p 20:49 < posingasp> email the ubuntu-fridge people 20:49 < rivalarri> Always better to ask forgiveness than permission 20:49 < xjdriver6> what are they going to do, take away your birthday? 20:50 < greg-g> so, Feb. 19th at 8pm EST, in #ubuntu-meeting ? 20:50 < wolfger> woot 20:50 < posingasp> if possible greg-g, if we cant get that -oh 20:50 < wolfger> although I may not be there 20:50 < greg-g> sounds good 20:50 < posingasp> i need to go do other non ubuntu stuff now. seeall of you around 20:50 < greg-g> I'll email the fridge people asking about it 20:50 < tnseditor> adios 20:50 < greg-g> later 20:50 < wolfger> seeya 20:51 < greg-g> when I get a response for yes/no, I'll let the other teams know so they can relay the message 20:51 < greg-g> tnseditor: I'll copy over the meeting "agenda" and log to TriLoCo-Midwest/Meetings/20080122 20:52 < tnseditor> ok 20:52 < greg-g> --- Meeting Adjurned ---
TriLoCo-Midwest/Meetings/20080122log (last edited 2008-08-06 16:25:58 by localhost)