May 2009
ISET Bizerte 9.05
Iset Bizerte event was an inetresting event for the students and professors to discover ubuntu and the FLOSS in general.It started at 2h00PM on the 21th May with a presentation made By Mr Mohamed Said wergui(DFSA, MTI) "free software and licences, the second prssentation 'what is ubuntu?" made by Mr Karim fathallah (Ubuntu-tn) start at 3h00PM, the third one "how they win money with Open source software?" by Mr Zied ALAYA (Ubuntu-tn). On this event we distribute more than 100 CD (self burned one) with ubuntu9.04 OS.(see Report(En) and Report(Fr) for more details)
Credits : Hatem, Rached ALEYA, ubuntu-tn-editorial and ubuntu-tn LoCo Team
TunisianTeam/TeamReports/09/05-May (last edited 2009-08-28 03:11:33 by 41)