This is the gallery page for the UKTeam. Please resize photos to 800x600 or smaller for the benefit of people with low resolutions/bandwidth. If you put your name next to photos you upload people can contact you if they want a higher resolution version.
Museum of Computing Demo Day 2008
Visitors try a demo machine with an expert (Dianne Reuby)
Linuxworld London 2006
Ubunteros! (Adam Bagnall)
LinuxWorld1 (Adam Bagnall)
LinuxWorld2 (Adam Bagnall)
LinuxWorld3 (Adam Bagnall)
LinuxWorld4 (Adam Bagnall)
LinuxWorld5 (Adam Bagnall)
LinuxWorld6 (Adam Bagnall)
LinuxWorld7 (Adam Bagnall)
LinuxWorld8 (Adam Bagnall)
UKTeam/Gallery (last edited 2008-08-06 16:13:32 by localhost)