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Comment: Initial Minutes Typed up . im off to locate links and guilty parties.
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* mmedland | * mmedland - MattMedland |
This is the fifth meeting of the UKTeam, starting at 21:00 GMT and finishing at xx:xx GMT
Please type PRESENT at the start of the meeting to ensure we are all clear who is online and paying attention. Active Atendees:
LoudMouthMan - NikButler (Meeting chair)
popey - AlanPope
Seeker` - ChrisOattes
- Gazzak
- anto9us
mmedland - MattMedland
jayteeuk - JamesTait
- Owdgit
- Dsas
- Mentoring
- Should there be a UK based mentoring service?
- EDM follow up
- How do we follow up requests to sign EDMs?
- Charities
- What progress has been made with choosing charities to support?
- Mailing List
- Create a new low traffic mailing list for announcements that everyone should see.
- What we would like from members
- Do we need a page that provides information about things we would like to get as many members as possible involved with (e.g. Create a wiki page and write a section about how you got involved in FOSS)
- Screencasts
An update from AlanPope about the status of the screencasts project.
- Stands at party political conferences
As per mail from Llywelyn Owen on the list - https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-uk/2007-January/002556.html
- Forum
- Should there be a Ubuntu-UK forum, based in ubuntuforums.org?
- If so, would this make the mailing list "obsolete"?
- Haven't we talking about this at length already?
- Recycling old PCs with K/X/Ubuntu for other people/charities
- Should we do something concerted as a group
- Document minimum specs, share experience of locating old computers, share info about needy people/charities
Branding, logo's, Desktop images with Ubuntu-uk logo? ( added by GaryKearley )
- Role of Ubuntu-uk.org
- A process needs to be defined for adding "polished" wiki pages to ubuntu-uk.org (as decided in the previous meeting)
- Delete (seemingly) unused wiki pages
- [:UKTeam/DiscDuplication: Disc Duplication]
- [:UKTeam/UKTeamLeader: UKTeamLeader]
Do ubuntu-uk want the ubuntu-uk.org website ubuntufied as in this mockup http://www.ubuntu-uk.org/dev/new/
Mentoring Both AlanPope and NikButler volunteered to write a document as part of a project to define the specification for the role of mentoring. This was considered a role which is not particularly LOCO specific and the document would have a benefit for the wider community as a whole.
EDM A page will be created to consolidate both the existing responses to written letters to MPs and to provide direction and advice on the next activity.
Charities It was agreed that the Team would promote both the NSPCC and Amnesty International in fund raising events which may occur in the future. Both Gazzak and AlanPope would provide documentation to define how contributions can be made.
Mailing List It was suggested that a trial of using [ANNOUNCE] in the subject lines for headers on the Ubuntu-UK Mailing list would be proposed by ? and reviewed for a later date.
Screencasts AlanPope detailed the already stellar work carried out on the screencasts and the links provided here detail the work. Alan recognised the valuable assistance in Mentoring from MDKE as part of this process.
What we would like from members was mooted as a topic similar to the issue on mentoring and was tabled until the mentoring documentation was completed.
Stands at party political conferences Given the wider possibilities of mixed messages it was agreed that NikButler would approach Jono Bacon to discuss possible issues or ramifications in relation to Marketing and promotion of Ubuntu.
Forum MDKE and Neuro_ would investigate the issues relating to intergration of forums and mailists and report back to the team.
Recycling old PCs it was felt that this would require suitable definition of the expected goals and requirements before any action or agreement could be made on the topic.
Role of Ubuntu-uk.org and Do ubuntu-uk want the ubuntu-uk.org website ubuntufied It was decided to leave the site as is and unmodified in appearance.
Delete (seemingly) unused wiki pages It was agreed that the pages would be updated with TO BE DELETED before allowing a suitable period to pass before the removal of those pages.
Any Other Business No other business was raised and the Meeting concluded with the date 31st January 2007 being set for the next meeting.
For the first time, there will be a meeting bot. The following explains why.
- Why?
Currently, compiling the minutes for each of the Ubuntu-UK meetings can take a while. It involves either searching through the meeting logs for all of the decisions made, or taking notes throughout the meeting, which means that the chair cannont concentrate on the contents of the meeting as easily. The bot aims to make the process of compiling minutes easier by recording certain events in the meeting, and recording them in a concise form.
- How
The bot will record all topics discussed, all ideas suggested, the results of votes and the final decisions on the topic. It does this by listening for messages beginning with specific strings:
%startmeeting |
Tells the bot to start listening. Sets the meeting chair to whoever issues this command |
Records a topic of discussion (Can only be issued by the meeting chair) |
[IDEA] |
Records an idea releated to the current topic of discussion (Can be used by everyone) |
[VOTE] |
Starts a vote. (Can only be issued by the meeting chair) |
+1 / -1 |
Records a vote for the current [VOTE]. (Can be used by everyone) |
%endvote |
Finishes the current [VOTE] (Can only be issued by the meeting chair) |
Records an action that is decided on (Can only be issued by the meeting chair) |
Records and agreement on a idea (Can only be issued by the meeting chair) |
%endmeeting |
Ends the meeting (Can only be issued by the meeting chair) |
Whilst it can be fun to have a bot in the channel, please do not abuse it during the meeting or otherwise.
Guide Lines
The chairman of the meeting should endeavour to ensure that key points are discussed in an appropriate time. Key Topics from the Agenda should be tabled in the channel using a market such as [ TOPIC ] or * TOPIC * Followed by the agenda item. Where Suggestions or Ideas are put forward and considered as acceptable to the group then it should be noted by the Chairman as [ IDEA ] or * IDEA * . Where a concept is discussed and agreed the use of [ AGREED ] or * AGREED * should be defined by the chairman and should signify the topic is discussed and the meeting is to move on. Be clear on the channel when the meeting is concluded and how and when the minutes will be posted.
IRC logs
UKTeam/MeetingNotes/20070110Meeting (last edited 2008-08-06 16:16:03 by localhost)