Meeting opened by AlanBell at 19:00

AlanBell - review of action items from last meeting

Daviey write a year in review post to the mailing list

Daviey to kick off team reporting and find interested parties to do regular reports

lucyb to work with MunkyJunky and gord to plan Manchester Jam

AlanBell to find out what happened at the manchester jam

YaManicKill investigate a possible launch party in Scotland

Daviey mail the list about a BBQ / Picnic / Camping event

Daviey and czajkowski to do more publicity on the geeknic

popey Discussion about new policies to be done in ML. To be reviewed and finalised for policy at next meeting (popey to start discussion on ML)

Lord-Readman update on status of translations to en_GB

congratulations to everyone who helped with the en_GB translations!

Daubers - Support Guidelines

daubers to put support guidelines in a wiki page prior to next meeting

AlanBell - Any Other Business

AlanBell - Date of next meeting

next meeting 28th April 8PM

brobostigon to chair

Meeting closed at 19:43

People Present

Actions Recorded

UKTeam/MeetingNotes/20100407 (last edited 2010-04-07 19:48:07 by 98)