Meeting opened by AlanBell at 19:00

  • <AlanBell> hi all

    <Daviey> \o

    <brobostigon> present

    <AlanBell> lets keep this one fairly swift as there are not many of us

    <Daviey> (\o/)

    <brobostigon> ok AlanBell

    <AlanBell> say hi if you are here for the meeting

    <brobostigon> hi

    <ubuntujenkins> hi

    <theopensourcerer> Hi

    <Azelphur> hi, but don't know how long I can stay

    <Daviey> Hilo

    <AlanBell> [TOPIC] AlanBell - review of action items from last meeting

AlanBell - review of action items from last meeting

  • <AlanBell> [PROGRESS REPORT] Daviey write a year in review post to the mailing list

Daviey write a year in review post to the mailing list

  • <Daviey> Okay, i feel the boat has somewhat sailed on this

    <Daviey> We are now in the second quarter

    <Lord-Readman> present

    <Lord-Readman> hi

    <Daviey> I think this item should be changed to "team reporting" which is something we need to start doing

    <AlanBell> I would agree, maybe a pre-lucid launch summary

    <Daviey> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TeamReports

    <brobostigon> banbury lucid party, is on the right planning direction.

    <Daviey> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TeamReports/March2010

    <Daviey> AlanBell: Can you [ACTION] me to kick off the team report, and post to the mailing list asking people to add contribs

    <AlanBell> ok, lets do that

    <AlanBell> I think we need to assemble a team for that

    <Daviey> AlanBell: I'm not convinced i agree

    <Daviey> "interested parties" is enough IMO.

    <AlanBell> [ACTION] Daviey to kick off team reporting and find interested parties to do regular reports

Daviey to kick off team reporting and find interested parties to do regular reports

  • <AlanBell> [PROGRESS REPORT] lucyb to work with MunkyJunky and gord to plan Manchester Jam

lucyb to work with MunkyJunky and gord to plan Manchester Jam

  • <AlanBell> anyone here can speak to that? it happened did it not?

    <brobostigon> i think so.

    <Daviey> it did, but we haven't had a blog post or pics afaik

    <brobostigon> not tht iwas there.

    <AlanBell> ok, I will follow up and try and get some pics/info out of them

    <brobostigon> good idea.

    <AlanBell> [action] AlanBell to find out what happened at the manchester jam

AlanBell to find out what happened at the manchester jam

  • <AlanBell> [PROGRESS REPORT] YaManicKill investigate a possible launch party in Scotland

YaManicKill investigate a possible launch party in Scotland

  • <brobostigon> that reminds me, take pics from launchparty this time.

    <AlanBell> anyone got an update on the Scotland launch party situation?

    <Daviey> brobostigon: Hmm, there are pics of me from launch parties, which i wish didn't exist Smile :)

    <Daviey> AlanBell: I've not heard anything in that regards

    <brobostigon> Daviey: i will try and avoid posting those kind of pics.

    <Daviey> I'm not convinced it will happen, hope it does

    <AlanBell> ok, lets carry that one forward then

    <brobostigon> i think it ays confirmed onthe wiki.

    <AlanBell> where is the wiki page of launch parties?

    <brobostigon> wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseParties

    <AlanBell> [link] http://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseParties

  • <Daviey> i stand corrected, seems they have it in order

    <Daviey> Although the Uni association organising it, seems to have their website down Sad :(

    <AlanBell> looking good, they have a venue

    <AlanBell> Canonical will be sorting out one in London

    <Daviey> brobostigon: Are you doing a local one to you again?

    <brobostigon> i stillneed to confirm venue and time, but date is confirmed

    <AlanBell> they don't want assistance with that, but suggested we do something later in May, which we can come on to later

    <brobostigon> Daviey: yes.

    <AlanBell> [PROGRESS REPORT] Daviey mail the list about a BBQ / Picnic / Camping event

Daviey mail the list about a BBQ / Picnic / Camping event

  • <AlanBell> well we are having a BBQ/geeknic at Oggcamp

    <Daviey> so we are.. this part of it should recieve more advertisement

    <AlanBell> it should, perhaps a geeknic specific mail to the list is in order

    <brobostigon> Daviey: ihave also emailed various lugs inthe area, so hopefully. more interest willbe there.

    <Daviey> AIUI laura cz<tab> is organising that.. so i might try and get her to raise some publicity for that element

    <AlanBell> [action] Daviey and czajkowski to do more publicity on the geeknic

Daviey and czajkowski to do more publicity on the geeknic

  • <AlanBell> who needs tab complete

    <AlanBell> [PROGRESS REPORT] popey Discussion about new policies to be done in ML. To be reviewed and finalised for policy at next meeting (popey to start discussion on ML)

popey Discussion about new policies to be done in ML. To be reviewed and finalised for policy at next meeting (popey to start discussion on ML)

  • <Daviey> me Smile :)

    <brobostigon> yea, idid have some concerns onthis one,last meeting,

    <AlanBell> ok, popey has real life friends so can't be with us this evening

    <brobostigon> about being as specific as possible of the OT boundriies in #ubuntu-uk

    <brobostigon> ok.

    <AlanBell> I am pretty comfortable with the current situation personally

    <AlanBell> although as Ubuntu grows and the channel grows things may have to change

    <brobostigon> i like having well defined boundries, if they are going to be more enforced

    <brobostigon> so i know, when and ifand how, they are broken, invery specific terms,

    <AlanBell> ok, don't think we have the people here to be productive on this topic so lets move on

    <Daviey> +1

    <brobostigon> agreed, just thought i should put that out there, as how i see it.

    <AlanBell> [PROGRESS REPORT] Lord-Readman update on status of translations to en_GB

Lord-Readman update on status of translations to en_GB

  • <Lord-Readman> The en_GB translations have come along great

    <Lord-Readman> however kubuntu-docs have just been released

    <Lord-Readman> meaning 2500 further translations to crack at

    <Lord-Readman> they are marked low importance, but apart from those, Ubuntu has 100% en_GB translations

    <Daviey> \o/

    <AlanBell> cool!

    <Lord-Readman> If anyone can help out with the Kubuntu translations, start=750&batch=250 and you will see them

    <AlanBell> so is that all of the Main repo?

    <Lord-Readman> https://translations.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/lucid/+lang/en_GB/+index?start=750&batch=250

    <Lord-Readman> Yes

    <AlanBell> or universe too?

    <Lord-Readman> every application in the main repo

    <Lord-Readman> universe cannot be translated, unless the app is in launchpad, or you translate further upstream

    <Daviey> Lord-Readman: Do you fancy blogging and mailing the list and drum up some people to help?

    <Lord-Readman> I can have them done on Saturday morning to be honest

    <AlanBell> [agreed] congratulations to everyone who helped with the en_GB translations!

congratulations to everyone who helped with the en_GB translations!

  • <Lord-Readman> For those testing and on 10.04

    <Lord-Readman> if you notice any spelling errors, please login to launch pad and fix them directly

    <brobostigon> Smile :)

    <AlanBell> ok, thats great, lets move on to the first new topic

    <AlanBell> [TOPIC] Daubers - Support Guidelines

Daubers - Support Guidelines

  • <AlanBell> daubers isn't here but he left something for me

  • <brobostigon> http://pad.ubuntu-uk.org/atS35AtTW5

    <daubers> Did I miss it?

    <AlanBell> I think there should be a general set of guidelines for supporting new users. A brief list of what has been considered so far can be seen at http://pad.ubuntu-uk.org/atS35AtTW5 I'd like to push this for more discussion with the possibility of a vote to adopt the guidelines at the next meeting

    <AlanBell> oh hi daubers, just in time!

  • brobostigon setup that pad.

    <daubers> Just got home and sat down

    <brobostigon> Smile :)

    <daubers> That brief synopsis more or less covers my point really. It just seems confusing with various peoples slightly different ways of giving support

    <AlanBell> ok, I think that the etherpad is a great set of guidelines

    <brobostigon> agreed

    <daubers> It's certainly good enough to run as an experiment for a while

    <brobostigon> we need everyone to read them, and use them.

    <AlanBell> I think we should all review it and edit it between now and the next meeting, then put it in a wiki page to vote on as an official -uk set of guidelines

    <daubers> AlanBell: Agreed

    <brobostigon> agreed AlanBell

    <Gadget3000> AlanBell: Agreed

    <brobostigon> maybe a message to the ML, for review of it.

    <AlanBell> the point of it being official is that we can expect everyone providing support to have read it, and we can tell people to go and read it if they have not

    <daubers> It would also help set a users expectations of community based support

    <AlanBell> [action] daubers to put support guidelines in a wiki page prior to next meeting

daubers to put support guidelines in a wiki page prior to next meeting

  • daubers adds that to his todo list

    <brobostigon> iwould prefer the etherpad,i find it easier to edit thanthe wiki.

    <Daviey> I think this could equally be promoted to other LoCo's.. I'll mail the LoCo contacts and let themknow, and see what they think

    <daubers> brobostigon: The etherpad would stay for discussion, but the wiki page will contain the official adopted guidelines

    <Daviey> brobostigon: once it's agreed, it shouldn't be that easy to edit.. infact it should be locked Smile :)

    <brobostigon> ok.

    <AlanBell> brobostigon: I prefer etherpad for fast collaborative editing, then wiki for a more permanent feel

    <brobostigon> good idea AlanBell

    <Daviey> +1

    <brobostigon> agreed Daviey

    <AlanBell> ok, moving on

    <AlanBell> [TOPIC] AlanBell - Any Other Business

AlanBell - Any Other Business

  • <Daviey> nope, none here ATM.

    <AlanBell> ok, anything anyone wants to bring up?

    <AlanBell> OGGcamp? UDS-M?

    <brobostigon> any suggestions any locals want to give me for banbury party, welcome.

    <AlanBell> Maverick Meerkat wasn't it?

    <brobostigon> lucid.

    <brobostigon> h, sorry.

    <brobostigon> nothing here really,other than that.

    <AlanBell> ok, with nothing else, lets draw this to a close

    <brobostigon> ok.

    <AlanBell> [TOPIC] AlanBell - Date of next meeting

AlanBell - Date of next meeting

  • <AlanBell> suggestions?

    <Daviey> hmm, 1 month

    <Daviey> unless we want to do release party stuff

    <AlanBell> I didn't get much objection to wednesdays 8PM when I mailed the list

    <brobostigon> good idea Daviey, maybe need to reportonrelese party stuff.

    <brobostigon> AlanBell: works for me, here.

    <AlanBell> maybe 28th April, just before release party, release, oggcamp, UDS etc

    <Daviey> go for it

    <brobostigon> +1

    <Daviey> AlanBell: Chair for next meeting?

    <AlanBell> [agreed] next meeting 28th April 8PM

next meeting 28th April 8PM

  • <AlanBell> hands up who wants to chair?

    <brobostigon> depends if i am eating, but i can do some research, and confirm closer tothe time,

    <brobostigon> if i can handlethe bot,

    <daubers> I can't safely volunteer to chair on weekdays (as today proved!)

    <brobostigon> dont confirm me.

    <AlanBell> it is a very tame bot

    <AlanBell> anyone not done it before who wants a go?

    <brobostigon> let me reserach how it works,firstplease,and how to controlit.

    <AlanBell> brobostigon: sure, we can do a practice meeting

    <brobostigon> AlanBell: interesting idea.

    <Daviey> We can do that,

    <Daviey> now lets wrap up Smile :)

    <AlanBell> [agreed] brobostigon to chair

brobostigon to chair

  • <brobostigon> ok,

    <brobostigon> maybe*

    <AlanBell> #endmeeting

Meeting closed at 19:43

People Present

  • AlanBell

  • Daviey
  • brobostigon
  • ubuntujenkins
  • theopensourcerer
  • Azelphur
  • Lord-Readman
  • daubers
  • Gadget3000

Actions Recorded

  • Daviey to kick off team reporting and find interested parties to do regular reports
  • AlanBell to find out what happened at the manchester jam

  • Daviey and czajkowski to do more publicity on the geeknic
  • daubers to put support guidelines in a wiki page prior to next meeting

UKTeam/MeetingNotes/20100407 (last edited 2010-04-07 19:48:07 by 98)