Contents |
Meeting opened by daubers at 19:01
<AlanBell> o/
<dutchie> o/
<brobostigon> o/
<daubers> Apologies if I muck up commands, my lappy screen is a bit small for two sets of crib sheets
<Yorvyk> o/
<daubers> Anyone who's present say so please
<brobostigon> present
<MunkyJunky> present
<BigRedS_> present
<daubers> present
<Yorvyk> present
<freesitebuilder_> present
<Azelphur> present
<L0ki> present
<daubers> ok
<daubers> [TOPIC] Review of action items from last meeting
Review of action items from last meeting
<daubers> [PROGRESS REPORT] Daviey to kick off team reporting and find interested parties to do regular reports
Daviey to kick off team reporting and find interested parties to do regular reports
<daubers> Daviey?
<Daviey> \o
<The_Toxic_Mite> oops, present
<daubers> How goes said reporting?
<Daviey> Ok, deadline for April is technically this Sunday
<Daviey> I've today posted to the LoCo list
<Daviey> asking people to add activities
brobostigon read it.
<Daviey> https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-uk/2010-April/023790.html
<Daviey> Essentially, it's a call for people to add anything they have achieved in April
<Daviey> (or the LoCo)
<Daviey> I'm going to poke a few people that i know have achieved stuff
<Daviey> if people present could do that also, it would be grand
<daubers> Excellent
<brobostigon> willdo Daviey
<daubers> [ACTION] People who have achieved something in April, please place it in the report
People who have achieved something in April, please place it in the report |
<daubers> Shall we move on?
<brobostigon> agreed.
<daubers> [PROGRESS REPORT] AlanBell to find out what happened at the manchester jam
AlanBell to find out what happened at the manchester jam
<AlanBell> the manchester jam occured and seems to have gone well, MunkyJunky talked about it on the full circle podcast
<Daviey> ta
<Daviey> present btw
<MunkyJunky> It did go well!
<AlanBell> http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/team/51/detail/
<daubers> Excellent, well done to those that organised it
<daubers> Moving on?
<AlanBell> yup
<daubers> [PROGRESS REPORT] Daviey and czajkowski to do more publicity on the geeknic
Daviey and czajkowski to do more publicity on the geeknic
<daubers> Daviey?
<daubers> czajkowski?
<Daviey> no action from here.
<brobostigon> she was talking about it in #ubuntu-uk not long ago.
<daubers> Ok, can we someone volunteer to post to the mailing list?
<daubers> [ACTION] Daubers to either poke czajkowski to or get himself to send a mail to the -uk list this evning about the geeknic in Liverpool
Daubers to either poke czajkowski to or get himself to send a mail to the -uk list this evning about the geeknic in Liverpool |
<daubers> Ok, next
<daubers> [PROGRESS REPORT] daubers to put support guidelines in a wiki page prior to next meeting
daubers to put support guidelines in a wiki page prior to next meeting
<daubers> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UKTeam/Support_Guidelines
<brobostigon> iam happy with it, right now.
<daubers> I've popped these on the wiki now, and (think) I dropped an email to the list.
<daubers> I'll go further into this in a second
<daubers> since thats the end of the last meetings actions
<daubers> [TOPIC] Daubers - Support Guidelines
Daubers - Support Guidelines
<brobostigon> Do we need to do a review of those proposedguidelines?
<daubers> As I said these are now on the wiki, an I believe I emailed the mailing list. Do people want time to review them further and me to push them a bit more, or how would people like to proceed?
<brobostigon> i would like to be able to review them, please.
<AlanBell> would be good to share them about at UDS
<daubers> Ok, are there any major failings in the proposed guidelines?
<brobostigon> daubers: not that i can immediatly remember, no.
<daubers> AlanBell: Would you be happy to do that? I'm not going
<daubers> Work, money and stuff are in the way
<AlanBell> I see no failures, but they can probably be expanded on over time
<AlanBell> yes I can try and talk to other teams about them at UDS
<brobostigon> I would be happier with review before proper adoption.
<daubers> Awesome, if anyone thinks it would help, I'm happy to do a session at oggcamp
<brobostigon> and good scruteny.
<Yorvyk> I think they need to bee used to see if they work
<AlanBell> an oggcamp session would be great
<daubers> So, if I do an oggcamp session and write up some bits, are we happy to do a trial implimentation as of next week and then a review afterwards?
<AlanBell> I am
<daubers> See if I can organise a meeting dedicated to that topic
<daubers> [ACTION] Daubers to write a tal for Oggcamp on the proposed support guidelines
Daubers to write a tal for Oggcamp on the proposed support guidelines |
<daubers> Do we want to vote on a trial implimentation?
<brobostigon> ok.
<AlanBell> ok
<brobostigon> after review,yes.
<The_Toxic_Mite> ok
<brobostigon> not before.
<daubers> brobostigon: Not sure there's a lot to review initially. They're set out fairly plainly in the wiki page. There will be a lot of wiggle room in the trial as well
<BigRedS_> I'd suggest a trial to find out what needs adding. I've had a skim and there appears to be vagueness rather than anything likely disagreeable
<brobostigon> daubers: i mean, for any big issues, thats all, or any possible additions or changes.
<daubers> brobostigon: I think a trial would be best to hilight that (personally)
<daubers> If it all fails during the trial then obviously it'll get pulled and discussed further
<brobostigon> daubers: true, but a "not firm trial" rather thandefinate firm trial.
<daubers> Yes, as I said, wit a lot of wiggle room
<brobostigon> ok,
<AlanBell> more of a beta than a release candidate
<brobostigon> i am happy.
<daubers> [VOTE] Should we have a beta trial of the support guidelines, followed by a meeting to review them?
Motion: Should we have a beta trial of the support guidelines, followed by a meeting to review them? |
<AlanBell> +1
<daubers> +1
<brobostigon> +1
<BigRedS_> +1
<Yorvyk> +1
<freesitebuilder_> +1
<Azelphur> +1
<L0ki> +1
<TonyP> +1
<danfish> +1
<The_Toxic_Mite> +1
<daubers> Blimey, I think we can take that as a yes
<daubers> [ENDVOTE]
Results: 11 in favour, 0 against, 0 abstained. |
Overall: 11 |
Motion Carried: Should we have a beta trial of the support guidelines, followed by a meeting to review them? |
brobostigon goes to make a copy of the guidelines,
<daubers> [ACTION] Daubers to send a mail to the list explaining the guidelines
Daubers to send a mail to the list explaining the guidelines |
<daubers> [Action] Daubers to organise a meeting following the trial
Daubers to organise a meeting following the trial |
<daubers> Everyone happy?
<brobostigon> yes.
<daubers> Ok, moving the train along
<daubers> [TOPIC] TBA - OGGCamp related bits
TBA - OGGCamp related bits
<Azelphur> hehe, I did 99.9% of stuff that was in the guidelines anyway
<Yorvyk> Should the IRC channel be informed
<daubers> Yorvyk: I'll do that as well
<Yorvyk> ok
<Daviey> daubers: Wikipage + url to topic?
<AlanBell> ok, so who is going to oggcamp?
<Yorvyk> o/
<dutchie> o/
<AlanBell> o/
<daubers> o/
<daubers> Daviey: Yes please
<daubers> sorry, I moved on a bit quick there
<daubers> Would Daviey or anyone like to say a few words about oggcamp?
http://ideas.oggcamp.org/ is a collection of bits of oggcamp info |
<AlanBell> http://ideas.oggcamp.org/ is a collection of bits of oggcamp info
<AlanBell> in particular look at the talks page
<AlanBell> and there is of course the geeknic on Friday afternoon
<yamanickill_> have i missed the meeting
<yamanickill_> ahhh that'll be a no
<yamanickill_> good
<daubers> Anyone considering a talk, do it!
<AlanBell> yamanickill_: still proceeding
<daubers> Also, anyone I've not yet met, come say hello!
<yamanickill_> AlanBell: cool thanks, sorry if i missed my section
<daubers> Any other Oggcamp business people would like raised?
<dutchie> go to oggcamp!
We'll move along then
<daubers> Steaming through today
<daubers> [TOPIC] TBA - UDS related bits
TBA - UDS related bits
<AlanBell> I am going to UDS
<daubers> Anybody intending to attend UDS?
<AlanBell> and I found out today I am doing crew for it too
<The_Toxic_Mite> No
<daubers> AlanBell: \o/ Crew is the best thing to do at these things
<Yorvyk> I am in the vacinty that week so might pop in
<AlanBell> popey and Daviey are going, amongst others
<brobostigon> writing a blueprint thoygh
<AlanBell> if there is anything that you want raised with the wider community then fill in blueprints or hassle people who are going
<AlanBell> or both
<daubers> If poeple want help finding who to hassle or with blueprints please ask in the channel
<brobostigon> will do
<daubers> AlanBell: Anything else you wanted to cover here?
<AlanBell> no, don't think so
<daubers> Ok
<AlanBell> party on the Eurostar
<daubers> Heh, just don't go starting any fires!
<danfish> eggplant =! aubergine
<daubers> [TOPIC] Any other business
Any other business
<daubers> Anyone like to raise something?
<yamanickill_> want an update on scottish release party?
<daubers> yamanickill_: Yes please!
<daubers> I must have missed that
<daubers> sorry
<AlanBell> wasn't there a release parties topic?
<daubers> [TOPIC] Release Parties
Release Parties
<yamanickill_> AlanBell: yeah, but i wasn't here
<yamanickill_> i couldn't get onto irc
<yamanickill_> the planning for this party is going pretty well. 1 week to go until the party
The_Toxic_Mite smacks his head
<yamanickill_> we have almost everything organised. didn't get any sponsors for beer, so we are just gonna let people BYOB
<yamanickill_> and everything is going good :-
<The_Toxic_Mite> yamanickill_: Where's the party going to be?
<daubers> yamanickill_: Got a link for your release party info?
brobostigon sneaks in banbury
<The_Toxic_Mite> brobostigon: _
<yamanickill_> The_Toxic_Mite: it is in the Strathclyde university union
<yamanickill_> daubers: erm its on the release parties page, me thinks
<yamanickill_> you mean detailed info?
<AlanBell> release parties should be now added to the loco directory
<The_Toxic_Mite> yamanickill_: Ah. Glasgow's fairly inconvenient for me, and given that I have exams on, I may not be allowed to come
<daubers> yamanickill_: Yes please
<yamanickill_> ok, well the only detailed info that is public is the info on my evernote...2 secs lemme get the link
<yamanickill_> http://www.evernote.com/pub/yamanickill/ubuntu
<daubers> [ACTION] Anyone in the vicinity of the Scottish Release Party to go, be sociable and enjoy themselves while celebrating Lucid
Anyone in the vicinity of the Scottish Release Party to go, be sociable and enjoy themselves while celebrating Lucid |
<daubers> Awesome
<Daviey> +1
<daubers> yamanickill_: Can you make sure a reminder goes to the -uk list?
<AlanBell> ok, London party is tomorrow night
<yamanickill_> daubers: yep, will do that
<brobostigon> daubers: banbury also please.:)
The_Toxic_Mite checks timetables on nationalrail.co.uk
<daubers> [action] yamanickill to send a reminder to the list
yamanickill to send a reminder to the list |
<daubers> brobostigon: Once AlanBell is done with London we'll come to you
<brobostigon> i am eating, so give me a shout.
<daubers> Was the London one organised by Canonical again this time around?
<AlanBell> so the London party is in a wine bar in Pall Mall
<AlanBell> it is canonical organised, they sorted the venue
<AlanBell> but we had some input into it and it should be a bit classier than before
<daubers> Excellent
<AlanBell> not sure of the age limit
<AlanBell> anyone under 21 and intending to go might want to give them a call and check first
<funkyHat> If only I didn't have college the following morning, I might have caught the train down from Northampton
<AlanBell> see you all tomorrow o/
<daubers> Good good
<daubers> So to Banbury
<brobostigon> one sec.
<daubers> [action] People attending the London launch part to enjoy themselves immensley
People attending the London launch part to enjoy themselves immensley |
<brobostigon> okies
<Azelphur> ...or else?
BigRedS_ will do his best
<daubers> brobostigon, over to you
<brobostigon> saturday night, may 1st, olde reindeer inn, more social.
<brobostigon> nothing to formal,
<yamanickill_> daubers: aw...can the scottish launch party people not enjoy themselves?
<daubers> yamanickill_: That was already actioned
<brobostigon> also need to be of the right age, and dress responably smart/casual.
<brobostigon> reasonably*
<daubers> brobostigon: What's the age limit?
<brobostigon> around 7:30pm start,
<yamanickill_> daubers: ha, nothing about fun tho :-P
<brobostigon> daubers: generally over 21.
<daubers> Ok, and is there an event page?
<brobostigon> daubers: on loco.ubuntu.com and onthe wiki. yes.
<brobostigon> ido have the paghe infront of me,
<brobostigon> dont*
<daubers> ok, http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/team/120/detail/
<daubers> Looks to be the one
<brobostigon> thats it.
<daubers> http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/team/120/detail/
<daubers> Thank you Mr Bot
<daubers> Ok, any other release parties?
<daubers> [action] People attending Banbury release party to enjoy themselves
People attending Banbury release party to enjoy themselves |
<Daviey> I have a bottle of port waiting for my personal release party
<brobostigon> and good beer,
as always,
<daubers> Daviey: May I suggest some cheese with that?
<Daviey> daubers: you may!
<daubers> Ok
Going back to AOB
<daubers> [TOPIC] Any other Business
Any other Business
<AlanBell> I just phoned the London venue, it is over 18
<daubers> Anyone like to raise any issues?
<dutchie> go to oggcamp!
<brobostigon> generally over 18 is fine for banbury, aswell,
<brobostigon> but over 21 is there as a rule for certain peole.
<daubers> Okey dokey.
<daubers> brobostigon: Can you drop a reminder to the -uk list too please?
<daubers> for the banbury party
<brobostigon> daubers: yes,
<daubers> [action
<daubers> [action] brobostigon to send reminder to mailing list re: banbury release party
brobostigon to send reminder to mailing list re: banbury release party |
<daubers> No more business?
<brobostigon> not from here, no.
<AlanBell> May 6th, don't forget to vote
<daubers> Oh yes, everybody remember to vote on the 6th
<Azelphur> AlanBell: oh cool, is that when the election is?
<daubers> Those who are eligable anyway
<AlanBell> Azelphur: yes
<Azelphur> i see
<Azelphur> I registered at aboutmyvote.org but never received any papers yet
<Azelphur> aboutmyvote.co.uk, rather
<daubers> Ok, shall we organise the next meeting?
<yamanickill_> ahh yes...the election
<daubers> [topic] Date of next meeting
Date of next meeting
<yamanickill_> are we continuing on the 1st wed of each month?
<yamanickill_> apart from today obv
<AlanBell> I think so
<yamanickill_> i'm happy with that. not so good with the last wed
<daubers> Is it ok for me to organise an out of sequence meeting the following week to chase support guidelines? Or would people rather we have it run for 2 weeks
<daubers> (though that would be 2 weeks)
AlanBell is confused
yamanickill_ is also confused
<brobostigon> sothree insted of two?
<daubers> The first wednesday of the month would be next week
<AlanBell> ok, this meeting was brought forward a week to be in front of release and oggcamp
<daubers> Ah, ok
<brobostigon> true
<AlanBell> the next meeting I was expecting would be July 7th
<AlanBell> oops, no
<AlanBell> June 2nd
<AlanBell> so when do you want the support guidelines meeting?
<brobostigon> as long as not, tuesday evening, i amhappy, i play chess tuesday evening.
<daubers> I'd like to run that on the week containing the 14th
<brobostigon> i am happy to go with everyone else on this one, i am very free.
<daubers> Which lets it run for 2 weeks
<AlanBell> UDS is the week containing the 14th
<daubers> Ah, ok, so the following week
<AlanBell> sounds good
<yamanickill_> is there internet at uds? :-P
<brobostigon> sounds fine here.
<daubers> [action] Daubers to organise support meeting on the 19th of April
Daubers to organise support meeting on the 19th of April |
<brobostigon> i am hppy.
<daubers> Can we have a chair for the meeting on the 7th of July? (as that is a general meeting)
<brobostigon> count me out, my internet is not reliable right now, consistently.
<Yorvyk> April ??
<AlanBell> danfish for chair?
<daubers> sorry
I'll correct that in the minutes, I meant may
<yamanickill_> june...not july
<daubers> and june
<daubers> I'm rubbish at this!
<yamanickill_> :-P
<daubers> danfish: Would you like to volunteer?
<daubers> or yamanickill_ ?
<Yorvyk> 19 may is a tuesday
<daubers> Yorvyk: It's a wednesday according to my calender
<Daviey> We can leave it without a chair, and get a volunteer prior to the start of the next
<Yorvyk> OK wring Year
<yamanickill_> i'll go for it if someone tells me what to do. i've no iea what to do. this is the 2nd of june, yeah?
<daubers> yamanickill_: 7th of june
<daubers> according to AlanBell
<danfish> yep, I'll voluteer - flattered!
<yamanickill_> 7th is a friday...that was the july one wasn't it?
<yamanickill_> wow this is confusing just now
<daubers> yamanickill_: 7th is a monday
<AlanBell> 2nd of June!
<daubers> ok
<daubers> Next meeting: 2nd of June
<daubers> danfish or yamanickill_: Who'd like to do it?
<yamanickill_> danfish: you go for it
<yamanickill_> i'll take it some other time
<daubers> [topic] Next meeting 2nd of June danfish to chair
Next meeting 2nd of June danfish to chair
<daubers> #endmeeting
Meeting closed at 20:03
People Present
- dutchie
- brobostigon
- daubers
- Yorvyk
- BigRedS_
- freesitebuilder_
- Azelphur
- L0ki
- Daviey
- The_Toxic_Mite
- TonyP
- danfish
- yamanickill_
- funkyHat
Actions Recorded
- People who have achieved something in April, please place it in the report
- Daubers to either poke czajkowski to or get himself to send a mail to the -uk list this evning about the geeknic in Liverpool
- Daubers to write a tal for Oggcamp on the proposed support guidelines
- Daubers to send a mail to the list explaining the guidelines
- Daubers to organise a meeting following the trial
- Anyone in the vicinity of the Scottish Release Party to go, be sociable and enjoy themselves while celebrating Lucid
- yamanickill to send a reminder to the list
- People attending the London launch part to enjoy themselves immensley
- People attending Banbury release party to enjoy themselves
- brobostigon to send reminder to mailing list re: banbury release party
- Daubers to organise support meeting on the 19th of May
UKTeam/MeetingNotes/20100428 (last edited 2010-04-28 20:20:37 by 98)