Meeting opened by AlanBell at 20:01

  • <AlanBell> hi all, please wave to indicate your presence

    <AlanBell> o/

    <Monotoko> o/

    <CyberJacob> o/

    <brunogirin> o/

    <MichealH> o/

    <popey> o/

    <ck> o/

    <czajkowski> aloha

    <Daviey> \o (only half here)

    <MichealH> Daviey: Your on the Agenda

    <AlanBell> ok, welcome one and all

    <Daviey> oh goody.

    <MichealH> With me

    <AlanBell> [TOPIC] AlanBell - review of action items from last meeting

AlanBell - review of action items from last meeting

  • <AlanBell> [PROGRESS REPORT] People who have achieved something in September, please place it in the report.

People who have achieved something in September, please place it in the report.

  • <Monotoko> I think I was the only one with an action item from the last meeting

    <AlanBell> anyone done anything interesting they want to add to the report?

    <AlanBell> if so, it is a wiki, please add it

    <AlanBell> [PROGRESS REPORT] Monotoko to call places

Monotoko to call places

  • <CyberJacob> I'm in the progress of trying to work out how to install NBR without a cdrom or usb

    <Monotoko> I have called places, however the cost is too high for me to cover alone and I have not heard anything from IT companies

    <Monotoko> If it was to go ahead, we also have a set location of Leeds

    <AlanBell> hmm, ok

    <AlanBell> what costs are you looking at?

    <Monotoko> around £150 for the hire for a day

    <popey> thats not so bad

    <Monotoko> I did try to call some libraries as you suggested but due to the fact that it is a Sunday the majority are closed

    <Monotoko> popey, I'm still a student so don't really have a working wage

    <CyberJacob> same

    <AlanBell> we need to get more businesses involved in the loco

    <contrary> Just snooping but why not look for a community trust that has a hall - they might welcome the income of a day's hire

    <Monotoko> Yeah...I mean if no business is willing to sponsor fully I could put up half

    <Monotoko> community trust in Leeds...hmmm I could have a look

    <AlanBell> I would totally sponsor something like that if it was close to me

    <brunogirin> so would I

    <contrary> Councils are trying to ditch their community centres in the Midlands, so they are probably doing the same in Yorks

    <popey> ditto

    <AlanBell> I think another appeal for sponsorship to the list is worth a try

    <Monotoko> AlanBell, okay I will have a go...shall i appeal to the local LUG as well?

    <AlanBell> other than that it is a pointer that we need to do more to convince businesses of the value of getting involved in the community

    <MichealH> Monotoko: Probably

    <Monotoko> AlanBell, definitely

    <AlanBell> also, Sunday was a bit of a poor choice of release date, even if it is 10/10/10

    <daubers> Oooh er

    <daubers> evening

    <Monotoko> MichaelH, okay I will shoot an email over there...and yes it certainly was, could have had the university if it wasn't a sunday

    <AlanBell> ok, lets move on

    <AlanBell> [TOPIC] Daviey and MichealH - Website

Daviey and MichealH - Website

  • <Daviey> (well we all suspect it will be unofficially released on the |Friday)

    <AlanBell> any updates on that?

    <Daviey> Well the last 2 weeks have been pretty hectic for me, so i apologise that not too much has changed

    <Daviey> One key thing that has changed is that....

    <Daviey> The problem i was having was integreting the planet

    <Daviey> Following a discussion with AlanBell, and some further thought... that should be kept seperate

    <MichealH> Daviey: And thats fixed?

    <MichealH> Ahh

    <AlanBell> there is a cunning plan

    <MichealH> Daviey: Are you going to call for help?

    <Daviey> (hopefully with the hope of it being part of the main planet, but under a seperate location... need to ack that with the CC)

    <MichealH> Daviey: Like, Let us get involved?

    <Daviey> So as it stands... it's actually in a pretty good shape.

    <AlanBell> what is?

    <CyberJacob> I'd be willing to help out

    <Daviey> It has probably another hour of work left to do... which is great timing as now we are in FF -.. my life is easier

    <Daviey> One issue we do have... is content

    <Daviey> Once it's live... it's still gonna be bare of content

    <Monotoko> Daviey, as in Articles?

    <Daviey> The main thing we really need at the comment is content

    <MichealH> Daviey: I can write for the site

    <Daviey> Monotoko, well yes.. but also "What we do"

    <Daviey> MichealH, Awesome

    <Monotoko> Daviey, i can write for the site...i write for brighthub under the Linux channel at the moment

    <MichealH> Daviey: Smile :)

    <Daviey> \o/

    <Daviey> Okay

    <Daviey> One thing the team needs to decide is how to control that

    <Monotoko> shoot an email over to me tomorrow

    <Daviey> I think in some form, there needs to be peer review.

    <popey> the fridge does that, peer review

    <popey> one person submits, another accepts

    <Daviey> Monotoko / MichealH: will do... Any other volunteers for content?

    <Daviey> popey, perfect

    <AlanBell> yeah, I will help with content

    <popey> me too

    <Daviey> \o/

    <Monotoko> sorted Big Grin :)

    <Daviey> Should we have an editoral team?

    <AlanBell> ok, so Daviey, when can you tell the content peeps how it all works?

    <popey> yes

    <popey> no single point of failure

    <AlanBell> and no single point of win

    <Daviey> AlanBell, I would like to tie it to Wednesday evening next week.. that gives me time for some polish.

    <Daviey> and get it uploaded.

    <Daviey> Is that suitable?

    <Monotoko> Daviey, yes...everyone makes typo's

    <MichealH> Daviey: Yes

    <MichealH> It can be done for Wed

    <AlanBell> [action] Daviey to work with the website editorial team Wednesday 22nd

Daviey to work with the website editorial team Wednesday 22nd

  • Daviey proposes AlanBell to form an editoral team :).

    <AlanBell> [action] AlanBell to form an editorial team

AlanBell to form an editorial team

  • <Daviey> \o/

    <popey> \o/

    <AlanBell> any more on the website?

    <Monotoko> \o/

    <CyberJacob> \o/

    <AlanBell> [TOPIC] daubers - Improving Support

daubers - Improving Support

  • <Daviey> AlanBell, just that - interested people - jump here on Wednedsay evening.

    <daubers> ah me!

    <AlanBell> yup

    <daubers> Umm... I've been through a manic period at work (blasted customers) so haven't done anything more really

    <Monotoko> daubers, what needs doing?

    <daubers> There is a meeting shortly (next week I think) to go over stuff, so I need to do stuff by then

    <daubers> Shall put a mail to the list

    <AlanBell> ok, so can you sumarise the last meeting a bit?

    <daubers> The last meeting was a very good starting point for getting things moving. We identified that some effort needs to go into talking to the docs team

    <daubers> and some targets and stuff need to be set

    <daubers> But everyone was interested, which is cool Smile :)

    <AlanBell> [action] daubers to mail list relating to progress and next steps on the improving support project

daubers to mail list relating to progress and next steps on the improving support project

  • <daubers> ta

    <AlanBell> next meeting is on the 23rd still?

    <daubers> Yes

    <AlanBell> great

    <daubers> I've been trying to timethem as the week following the -uk general meeting

    <AlanBell> ok, lets move on then

    <AlanBell> [TOPIC] 10.10.10 Release Party

10.10.10 Release Party

  • <AlanBell> right, now there is some news on this

    <Monotoko> ohhh?

    <CyberJacob> yay

    <AlanBell> Canonical seem to want to support a community event more this time

    <AlanBell> rather than the london event being an office party for Canonical

    <AlanBell> and we have an event in the planning already

    <Monotoko> AlanBell, that just gave me an idea, would Canonical be interested in sponsoring the leeds installfest?

    <AlanBell> Monotoko: we can but ask

    <Monotoko> Smile :) add that to my actions .#

    <AlanBell> [action] AlanBell to put Monotoko in touch with someone at canonical to ask about sponsorship of Leeds installfest

AlanBell to put Monotoko in touch with someone at canonical to ask about sponsorship of Leeds installfest

  • <AlanBell> that is the details of the party as is, we think the venue will be big enough

    <AlanBell> John Stevenson has organised it which is fantastic

    <AlanBell> and lets all get behind that one and support it how we can

    <Monotoko> I really wish I could attend that one

    <AlanBell> starting by registering attendance on that page I guess

  • brunogirin is registering now

  • daubers will check with the bank of wife

    <AlanBell> I guess we should publicise that a bit more including something to the list and on the planet etc.

    <AlanBell> any more to say on the release party at the moment?

    <daubers> (Don't forget your towel)

    <AlanBell> good point

    <AlanBell> [TOPIC] AlanBell - Any Other Business

AlanBell - Any Other Business

  • <CyberJacob> what's the smile for towel?

    <AlanBell> ok, one thing that happened in the last day or so is the UDS sponsorship decisions

    <AlanBell> I am not going Sad :-(

    <AlanBell> anyone get sponsorship, or is going anyway?

    <Monotoko> id take that as a no

    <Monotoko> :P

    <AlanBell> tumbleweed rolls past

    <AlanBell> I believe there is quite a focus on upstreams getting to UDS this time

    <brunogirin> not going either: I would need a new passport...

    <Monotoko> I wish i was, but not enough money or a passport

    <AlanBell> well, remote participation all round then.

    <AlanBell> ok, another thing

    <Monotoko> indeed!

    <AlanBell> the Profile Roulette thing was a good project, however I keep forgetting to spin the wheel

    <CyberJacob> autospinner?

    <AlanBell> but it is a wiki, so anyone can do it

    <AlanBell> and I would encourage you to do so

    <AlanBell> CyberJacob: if you can do an autospinner that can do oauth authentication against the wiki that would be fab

    <CyberJacob> the auth may be a problem, but I'll give it a go

    <Monotoko> CyberJacob, if not I could...I have oauth scripts and a server for other projects

    <AlanBell> it is all possible, I just never found the time to figure out oauth from python

    <CyberJacob> I've got a brand new server sitting in a datacenter to run it on

    <AlanBell> [action] CyberJacob to investigate automating the profile roulette page

CyberJacob to investigate automating the profile roulette page

  • <AlanBell> any other other business?

    <Monotoko> hmmm, nope I think thats all

    <Monotoko> from here anyways

    <AlanBell> going once

    <AlanBell> going twice

    <AlanBell> [TOPIC] Date of next meeting

Date of next meeting

  • <CyberJacob> sold!

    <Monotoko> any date should be fine by me as long as its this sort of time

    <CyberJacob> same here

    <Monotoko> shall we just say 2 weeks then?

    <Monotoko> 1st October

    <AlanBell> 1st sounds good to me

    <AlanBell> friday

    <brunogirin> that's a Friday, probably better on the 30/9

    <AlanBell> maybe tuesday 28th

    <AlanBell> haven't done tuesday for a while

    <Monotoko> hehe

    <Monotoko> tuesday is good by me

    <brunogirin> tuesday 28th works for me

    <AlanBell> any objections to tuesday 28th?

  • Monotoko watches tumbleweed roll past again

    <TheOpenSourcerer> Tuesday is better than friday

    <Monotoko> indeed

    <CyberJacob> nope, no objections

    <AlanBell> [Agreed] next meeting Tuesday 28th September 9PM

next meeting Tuesday 28th September 9PM

  • <AlanBell> [TOPIC] Chair for next meeting

Chair for next meeting

  • <AlanBell> popey nearly volunteered last time

    <CyberJacob> o/

    <Monotoko> I am tempted, but not sure..

    <Monotoko> I will wait another meeting i think

    <CyberJacob> o/

    <popey> Smile :)

    <popey> sure

    <AlanBell> great

    <Monotoko> Smile :)

    <AlanBell> CyberJacob: shadow a few more meetings first, then certainly

    <CyberJacob> ok

    <AlanBell> [agreed] popey to chair the next meeting

popey to chair the next meeting

  • <AlanBell> #endmeeting

Meeting closed at 20:41

People Present

Actions Recorded

  • Daviey to work with the website editorial team Wednesday 22nd
  • AlanBell to form an editorial team

  • daubers to mail list relating to progress and next steps on the improving support project
  • AlanBell to put Monotoko in touch with someone at canonical to ask about sponsorship of Leeds installfest

  • CyberJacob to investigate automating the profile roulette page

UKTeam/MeetingNotes/20100916 (last edited 2010-09-16 21:38:25 by customer8910)