Meeting opened by danfish at 20:00
popey has a loco council meeting so wont be here
<AlanBell> o/
<brunogirin> o/
<danfish> Give a o/ if you're here
<brobostigon> present
<freesitebuilder> o/
<brobostigon> o/
<Yorvyk> o/
<danfish> [LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UKTeamMeetingAgenda/
<danfish> righty, let's crack on with the agenda
<danfish> as always if you've done anything this month, please update the report
<danfish> [LINK]https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UKTeam/TeamReports/10/October
<AlanBell> links to release party pictures would be good to put there
<danfish> most definitely
<brobostigon> yes.
<danfish> an email to the mailing list may be an idea
<danfish> [ACTION] danfish to email the mailing list re piccies
danfish to email the mailing list re piccies |
<danfish> [PROGRESS REPORT] daubers to mail list relating to progress and next steps on the improving support project
daubers to mail list relating to progress and next steps on the improving support project
<danfish> daubers around?
<brobostigon> this is interesting.
<brunogirin> well, there was definitely a mail sent to the list asking where everybody was based
<brobostigon> yes brunogirin
<danfish> it also may link into some of the ideas for the new website re location etc
<brobostigon> dont we have a location map onthe beta site
<danfish> there's the beginnings of one AFAIK
<danfish> moving on
<brobostigon> a beginning is good,
<danfish> [PROGRESS REPORT] CyberJacob to investigate automating the profile roulette page
CyberJacob to investigate automating the profile roulette page
<AlanBell> haven't heard anything further on that
<brobostigon> i dont know anything about this.
<danfish> I think it got carried over from the last meeting as well - probably best let it drop
<brobostigon> ok,
<AlanBell> lets move on from that, there might be a better way to do it . . .
<danfish> OK
<danfish> [PROGRESS REPORT] danfish - Distributed Storage
danfish - Distributed Storage
<danfish> oh - that's me
<danfish> [LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UKTeam/Projects/DistributedBackup
<danfish> a few meetings back I proposed looking into p2p distributed storage for archival purposes
<danfish> something we could offer team members
<brobostigon> interesting idea.
<danfish> I had a poke round some of the projects I could find, including one of the proprietary ones (wuala)
<brobostigon> ok.
<danfish> tbh, most of the projects I found have been abandoned for a number of reasons
<danfish> the legal situation for one is fraught with problems
<brobostigon> understandable.
<danfish> however, from the mailing list, a few people were interested in dropbox/ubuntu one alternatives
<danfish> maybe that's an idea for the future
<brobostigon> yes, i agree.
<danfish> moving on to...
<danfish> [TOPIC] AlanBell - The new team website
AlanBell - The new team website
<danfish> [LINK]http://beta.ubuntu-uk.org/
<AlanBell> right
<AlanBell> so, that is the new website we are working on
<AlanBell> [LINK] http://pad.ubuntu-uk.org/website
<AlanBell> that is the discussion document where we are throwing ideas down
<AlanBell> anyone with ideas should join in the pad document for a start
<AlanBell> looking for features to implement mostly at the moment
<AlanBell> or tweaks to the aesthetics
<brobostigon> i will think,
<AlanBell> then we will move on to content type stuff
<danfish> "Tweets We Twote"
<AlanBell> not duplicating generic Ubuntu stuff, focussing on UK stuff
<danfish> it's taking shape nicely
<AlanBell> we can do things like funky map integration, presenting the IRC stuff better
<AlanBell> provide news and links to events etc.
<JamesTait-HTC> It is looking great so far, really good work.
<AlanBell> any burning comments anyone wants to make now? or discuss more in the planning document
<brobostigon> i havent managed to have a good look at it yet,
<danfish> I think discuss more in the planning document and review at next meeting
<AlanBell> yup
<brobostigon> ok.
<danfish> [ACTION] AlanBell - discuss ongoing work re new website
AlanBell - discuss ongoing work re new website |
<danfish> [TOPIC] AlanBell - Christmas Party
AlanBell - Christmas Party
<AlanBell> me again
<danfish> is it nearly that time already!
<AlanBell> ok, so last year we had a party, it was fun
<AlanBell> [LINK] http://picasaweb.google.com/alanbelltolc/UbuntuUK <- fun
<AlanBell> so lets do it again \o/
<brunogirin> \o/
<danfish> any dates in mind?
<AlanBell> I spoke to a venue called the Hub today, sister site of the place we did last year
<brunogirin> the one in king's cross?
<AlanBell> http://kingscross.the-hub.net/public/
<AlanBell> they are thinking of doing a shared christmas event
<AlanBell> so it would be several groups at once
<brunogirin> as I said on the list, I live just up the road from there so if you need help organising, count me in
<AlanBell> great
<JamesTait-HTC> So take some CDs to hand out!
<AlanBell> it might be on the 16th of December (a Thursday)
<AlanBell> JamesTait-HTC: certainly!
<AlanBell> or I could tell them we would prefer Friday 17th
<AlanBell> opinions?
<brobostigon> friday might be better for those workingpeople.
<TheOpenSourcerer> Thursday
<danfish> do we want to vote?
<JamesTait-HTC> IIRC, the Canonical bash is on the 9th.
<AlanBell> hmm, not really
<TheOpenSourcerer> Lots of people will have already got Christmas doos organised for Fridays.
<brobostigon> i wont be ble to get to london, so no vote from me,
<JamesTait-HTC> Not saying that should influence anything, just FYI.
<danfish> very true TheOpenSourcerer
<AlanBell> ok, so Thursday or Friday both have their merits
<AlanBell> I will continue the discussion with them then
<TheOpenSourcerer> At that time of year, everyone wants to party as much as possible. So why clog up a busy Friday the week before Christmas.
<danfish> are you happy to lead on that AlanBell, with brunogirin to help?
<AlanBell> TheOpenSourcerer: Thursday is looking more probable certainly
<AlanBell> danfish: yup
<danfish> [ACTION] AlanBell - liaise with the Hub re XMAS bash, provisionally for Thurs 16th
AlanBell - liaise with the Hub re XMAS bash, provisionally for Thurs 16th |
<danfish> [TOPIC] danfish - Ubuntu and OSS in Public Sector Event
danfish - Ubuntu and OSS in Public Sector Event
<danfish> me again
<danfish> a good event (though I couldn't go) was held by AlanBell and others re ubuntu in business
<danfish> with the squeeze in public sector finances occuring, a similar event to target the public sector is an idea I've been brewing
<brobostigon> i like that ide, danfish
<brobostigon> idea*
<brunogirin> do we want to do public sector in general or more health oriented?
<danfish> I think both really
<AlanBell> when, where, what help do you need?
<TheOpenSourcerer> danfish: It's a good idea.
<danfish> It's gonna take some planning and advertising
<danfish> so any help welcome
<danfish> but I was thinking next year - Feb/March
<JamesTait-HTC> I think Public Sector is an impossibly broad target to start from, maybe select specific targets to gain momentum?
<brunogirin> I can help with passing the word around, in fact I've mentioned it to some people I know in the health sector and got some interest
<TheOpenSourcerer> There is increasing levels of interest and equal amounts of fear and uncertainty. We should take the opportunity to satisfy and help.
<danfish> We could start with health, as the microsoft exclusivity deal has now ended
<danfish> but then I'm biased
<brobostigon> yes
<danfish> the BCS are holding an event next week
<danfish> [LINK] http://www.oshi-uk.com/
<JamesTait-HTC> I don't know your background, but if you have contacts already we should capitalise!
<TheOpenSourcerer> I had that in my diary but will not be able to make it now.
<danfish> which I'm hoping to attend. I think this may be good place to judge the 'mood'
<JamesTait-HTC> Sounds like a plan.
<TheOpenSourcerer> The Westminster Eforum I spoke at last month was also interesting.
<TheOpenSourcerer> A whole event on Open Source.
<TheOpenSourcerer> The Policy Makers know what's coming.
<danfish> TheOpenSourcerer: I saw your transcript - good talk
<TheOpenSourcerer> TY
<TheOpenSourcerer> 5 minutes isn't long enough really.
<brunogirin> how do we intend to run the event? talks + demos like last time?
<TheOpenSourcerer> Not sure on the demo front.
<JamesTait-HTC> Success stories.
<TheOpenSourcerer> Yes. JamesTait-HTC
<danfish> I'm not sure we can only focus on Ubuntu - it may have to be more OSS
<danfish> in general
<brunogirin> yes it would open up the discussion a bit
<danfish> OK - I'll put some time into this one and report back at the next meeting
<danfish> any leads or contacts anyone can provide would be most welcome
<brunogirin> danfish, do you need help with ideas? I can also help with leads
<danfish> brunogirin: *any* help appreciated
<danfish> maybe an etherpad for this one
<brunogirin> good idea
<JamesTait-HTC> +1
<brunogirin> and what about an action for the both of us to start brainstorming ideas and come back with progress at the next meeting?
<danfish> [LINK]http://pad.ubuntu-uk.org/OSSinPublicSector
<danfish> brunogirin: excellent
<danfish> [ACTION] danfish and brunogirin to brainstorm re public sector OSS event
danfish and brunogirin to brainstorm re public sector OSS event |
<danfish> (and anyone else!)
<danfish> moving on
<danfish> [TOPIC] danfish - Any Other Business
danfish - Any Other Business
<danfish> any takers?
<AlanBell> UDS
<AlanBell> next week
<danfish> anyone here going?
<brunogirin> no, too far
<AlanBell> there are lots of sessions happening, do join in and get your opinions across
<JamesTait-HTC> Or participating remotely?
<AlanBell> czajkowski posted a great article on remote participation, go read it
<JamesTait-HTC> Indeed.
<danfish> [LINK]http://www.lczajkowski.com/2010/10/19/how-to-remote-participate-at-uds-n-and-get-the-most-of-the-sessions/
<danfish> any other, other business?
<danfish> Ok then
<danfish> [TOPIC] Date of next meeting
Date of next meeting
<danfish> we left a 3 week gap this time instead of the 'normal' 2 weeks
<danfish> any preferences?
<brobostigon> nothing specific here, no
<JamesTait-HTC> Same time works for me, not fussed about the day.
<danfish> let's say 2 weeks then
<brunogirin> 2nd November?
<brobostigon> ok.
<danfish> 2nd November 2010 at 20:00 UTC (21:00 BST)
<JamesTait-HTC> +1
<AlanBell> ok
<popey> +1
<brunogirin> +1
<brobostigon> +1
<popey> ^ sole contribution from me
<JamesTait-HTC> Will we still be in BST then?
<TheOpenSourcerer> +1
<TheOpenSourcerer> No. UTC
<danfish> JamesTait-HTC: good point - no
<jacobw> +1
<popey> s/UTC/GMT
<TheOpenSourcerer> lol
<popey> \o/ timezones
<AlanBell> 9PM dammit
<popey> heh
<TheOpenSourcerer> UTC==GMT
<popey> no, it isnt
<brunogirin> so that would be 21:00 UTC (21:00 GMT) then?
<popey> AlanBell: http://meow.popey.com/
<webpigeon_laptop> I didn't think UTC accounted for timezones
<JamesTait-HTC> So 21:00 UTC/GMT
<webpigeon_laptop> sorry leap secounds
<danfish> 2nd November 2010 at 21:00 GMT/UTC/GMB/GBH
<popey> 21:00 "UK Time"
<danfish> [TOPIC] Chair for next meeting
Chair for next meeting
<webpigeon_laptop> PST (popey standard time)
<brobostigon> lol
<popey> 21:00 Popey'o'clock
<popey> o/ volunteers
<TheOpenSourcerer> "In casual use, when fractions of a second are not important, Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) can be considered equivalent to UTC or UT1."
<popey> I'll have you know there's nothing casual going on here Mister Lord!
<TheOpenSourcerer> In technical contexts, usage of "GMT" is avoided; the unambiguous terminology "UTC" or "UT1" is preferred.
<TheOpenSourcerer> Hah
<danfish> was that TheOpenSourcerer volunteering?
<freesitebuilder> and on the third stroke ...
<AlanBell> danfish: popey volunteered
<TheOpenSourcerer> danfish (21:57:38) popey: o/ volunteers
<webpigeon_laptop> freesitebuilder, the time will be... KITTY \o/ ?
<danfish> oh yeah, my bad
<JamesTait-HTC> Seconded.
<danfish> [ACTION] popey to chair next meeting
popey to chair next meeting |
<JamesTait-HTC> EOM?
<danfish> \o/
<danfish> #endmeeting
Meeting closed at 21:00
People Present
- popey
- brunogirin
- danfish
- brobostigon
- freesitebuilder
- Yorvyk
- jacobw
- webpigeon_laptop
Actions Recorded
UKTeam/MeetingNotes/20101019 (last edited 2010-10-19 21:08:46 by www)