Meeting opened by AlanBell at 21:05
<brobostigon> present
<brunogirin> o/
<AlanBell> hi all, give us a wave
<AlanBell> o/
<brobostigon> o/
<Yorvyk> o/
<nperry> present
<Biglesp> o/
<nperry> o/
<freesitebuilder> o/
<Thingymebob> o/
<JamesTait-HTC> o/
<suprengr> o/
<ipopey> o/
<AlanBell> [TOPIC] AlanBell - review of action items from last meeting
AlanBell - review of action items from last meeting
<AlanBell> so first up our standing item on the team report
<AlanBell> [PROGRESS REPORT] People who have achieved something in October, please place it in the report.
People who have achieved something in October, please place it in the report.
<AlanBell> [link] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UKTeam/TeamReports/10/November
<AlanBell> ok, so we will have this meeting to add
<brunogirin> did you mean November then?
<AlanBell> anything else of note that we have missed?
<AlanBell> brunogirin: yes!
<AlanBell> [PROGRESS REPORT] People who have achieved something in *November*, please place it in the report.
People who have achieved something in *November*, please place it in the report.
<ipopey> Two podcast eps to add
<ipopey> Will do
<AlanBell> jolly good
<AlanBell> [PROGRESS REPORT] AlanBell - discuss ongoing work re new website
AlanBell - discuss ongoing work re new website
<AlanBell> ok, well some things have moved on
<AlanBell> we have added a totally awesome recipes section
<brobostigon> is that beta.ubuntu-uk.org ?
<AlanBell> I think most should be ubuntu themed in some way
<AlanBell> [link] http://beta.ubuntu-uk.org
<AlanBell> and we are having a website hack day on the 10th of December
<AlanBell> it will be an all day thing, somewhat organised on the IRC channel, pop along whenever you can
<ipopey> Great plan
<brobostigon> sounds interesting.
<nperry> how are we contributing?
<AlanBell> any thoughts and ideas on the website while we are here?
<AlanBell> nperry: content, some articles about the loco and what we are up to
<brobostigon> i havent had a good look yet, so dont know AlanBell
<AlanBell> the map needs a bit of work
<AlanBell> or you could even try putting in an Ubuntu themed recipe
<nperry> let me expand, I'm free for some wordpress hacking.. but we need the source first
<brunogirin> do we have the Ubuntini in there?
<nperry> so maybe github?
<AlanBell> we can put the ubuntini in, perhaps adding a uniquely british twist to it somehow
<JamesTait-HTC> I'm interested in the map project.
<AlanBell> nperry: or launchpad
<JamesTait-HTC> Also, is it just tweets up there, or dents too?
<ipopey> Be nice if we didn't fiddle much with the word press core
<AlanBell> nperry: actually the source is in a bzr repo, based on the light-wordpress-theme in the ubuntu-website project on launchpad
<AlanBell> JamesTait-HTC: just tweets, adding dents would be awesome
JamesTait-HTC notes the project report.
<JamesTait-HTC> repo! Autocomplete....
<AlanBell> I wouldn't touch the wordpress core, but we can do plugins that can do anything
<brunogirin> ipopey: if it's in launchpad then we can all start branches and someone (AlanBell?) can do the merges and make sure we don't touch the core
brobostigon gets a caffeince topup.
<brobostigon> caffeine*
<AlanBell> sounds like you need one brobostigon
<AlanBell> ok, moving on?
<ipopey> Cool
<AlanBell> [PROGRESS REPORT] AlanBell - liaise with the Hub re XMAS bash, booked for December 21st
AlanBell - liaise with the Hub re XMAS bash, booked for December 21st
<AlanBell> yeah, done that
<AlanBell> [link] http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/team/568/detail/
<AlanBell> so it is all booked for the 21st at the Hub Islington
<AlanBell> I was hoping for a few more people to be signed up than we have so far
<brunogirin> can't make it
<AlanBell> if anyone can help promote it and push it out to more people that would be great
<JamesTait-HTC> Bit far for me.
<AlanBell> tweets, dents, emails to LUGs etc
<nperry> sames as JamesTait-HTC
<AlanBell> facebook thingumies
<AlanBell> stick it on diaspora
<AlanBell> etc. etc.
<ipopey> Lol
<AlanBell> pimp that event!
<brobostigon> no-one had disapor access yet.
<Biglesp> AlanBell: I'll mention it where possible. Sorry I can't come, us poor northerners dont venture to the big smoke that often.
<brobostigon> diaspora*
<brobostigon> has*
JamesTait-HTC hands brobostigon a coffee.
<brobostigon> thank you JamesTait-HTC
<AlanBell> [PROGRESS REPORT] danfish and brunogirin to brainstorm re public sector OSS event
danfish and brunogirin to brainstorm re public sector OSS event
<brunogirin> I had a couple of email exchange with danfish and we came up with a few ideas
<brunogirin> then work deadlines took over
<brunogirin> but that should be over by the end of this week so will pick up with danfish from next week and over the xmas hols
<AlanBell> ok, that happens, want to share some of the ideas?
<AlanBell> ok, and danfish is currently lost in the snow on the way back from somewhere warm
<brunogirin> basic ideas: start with a state of the (health) nation
<brunogirin> Maybe group talks around use cases, such as:
<brunogirin> > * Primary care: what software is in use in GP practices,
<brunogirin> > * Secondary care: hospitals, community and mental health trusts,
<brunogirin> > * Medical labs?
<exobuzz> add the word "enterprise" to the oss software, and tell them its ?100,000 plus additional payments for the next 100 years, and they will surely buy into it. ..
<AlanBell> might be nice to compare or showcase open source healthcare solutions working in other countries
<brunogirin> yes indeed
<AlanBell> oh and don't forget openmolar for the dentists
<brunogirin> didn't know about it, so I will make a note
<AlanBell> the author was interviewed on the podcast
<brunogirin> anyway, as I said, I'll pick up with dan as soon as work quietens down
<AlanBell> I expect ipopey will tell you which episode
<AlanBell> right, lets move on, but have a progress report on that again in the next meeting.
<brunogirin> no problem
<AlanBell> [TOPIC] ipopey - Open Source Expo
ipopey - Open Source Expo
<ipopey> Eh?
<ipopey> Oh is this the expo in London?
<AlanBell> yes
<AlanBell> had your name against it, but I actually emailed the organiser
<ipopey> Any news?
<AlanBell> I need to follow up with a call
<AlanBell> I suspect we can get a stand in the .org village bit
<ipopey> Do you have a link ?
<AlanBell> especially if we can pursuade Canonical to get a paid for stand
<AlanBell> http://www.opensourceexpo.co.uk/
<ipopey> Ta
<AlanBell> is this something we want to do? What would we be doing there? what is our core message and so on
<ipopey> So once we have a stand we can put the call out for volunteers
<ipopey> Yeah
<AlanBell> or do we just get a desk and hand out CDs
<ipopey> That has worked in the past
<ipopey> We have previously had the busiest stand
<brunogirin> AlanBell: maybe we can make it an Ubuntu in Business event?
<AlanBell> oh and have we done whatever we need to do to get the banner?
<Biglesp> Demos of Ubuntu on various kit always brings in the crowds, especially jogglers
<ipopey> Heh
<AlanBell> brunogirin: the event itself is quite big, it is a proper show
<AlanBell> or have it running on an iPad . . . I wonder where we can find one of them . . .
<brunogirin> AlanBell: I know but if we prepare like a UIB event, we can prepare demos and stuff to show and say
<JamesTait-HTC> Heresy!
<ipopey> You'd need a lot of space for that
<ipopey> And for free you get very little
<nperry> Ubuntu on my nexus <3
<brunogirin> not necessarily, it's a case of thinking about the message as it's an enterprise event
<AlanBell> brunogirin: yeah, I am inclined to make it as professional as we can, but as ipopey said there won't be much room
<ipopey> It's not our event
<ipopey> As such
<AlanBell> indeed not
<AlanBell> we will get a small table and a little booth
<brunogirin> yes I know but we can have a laptop or two with some demos ready to run
<ipopey> Sure can
<AlanBell> but we can have some kit demoing things, we might be able to get a projector doing something on the back wall
<ipopey> That goes down well
<AlanBell> we can have posters on the walls
<ipopey> If there is room
<mattt> yeah, these things aren't a free for all
<mattt> you'll get a little cube
<mattt> end of
<AlanBell> we can have uniformed staff on the booth http://shop.canonical.com/product_info.php?products_id=776
<ipopey> Depends, we got a big one last year
<mattt> Alan: ha!
<brunogirin> and possibly prepare a few real life examples that we can talk visitors through
<AlanBell> or slightly more sensibly: http://shop.canonical.com/product_info.php?products_id=736
<brunogirin> indeed, and some CDs
<AlanBell> ok, so this sounds like something we want to try to do?
<Biglesp> AlanBell: Sounds good to me mate
<JamesTait-HTC> +1
<brunogirin> +1
<Biglesp> AlanBell: I'll lend a hand / provide advice where I can
<brobostigon> +1
<mattt> +1
<AlanBell> [AGREED] lets try and get a stand at the expo thing
lets try and get a stand at the expo thing |
<AlanBell> [AGREED] nobody will wear http://shop.canonical.com/product_info.php?products_id=776 unless actually on a bike
nobody will wear http://shop.canonical.com/product_info.php?products_id=776 unless actually on a bike |
<brobostigon> lol
<AlanBell> [TOPIC] AlanBell - Any Other Business
AlanBell - Any Other Business
http://shop.canonical.com/product_info.php?products_id=648 looks quite nice |
<JamesTait-HTC> http://shop.canonical.com/product_info.php?products_id=648 looks quite nice
<AlanBell> JamesTait-HTC: it does
<Biglesp> JamesTait-HTC: Looks good mate
<JamesTait-HTC> Sorry, I'm a bit slow on the phone.
<ipopey> Want
<AlanBell> ok, anything else to discuss?
<brobostigon> not that i can think of, AlanBell
<AlanBell> [TOPIC] Date of next meeting
Date of next meeting
<AlanBell> we have had a request for not a tuesday
<brobostigon> yes, i need to go to chess more, and that is a tuesday evening.
<AlanBell> Thursday 16th?
<JamesTait-HTC> Any day works equally well for me.
<AlanBell> between the website hack day and the christmas party?
<brunogirin> Thursday 16th is good for me
<brobostigon> looks fine here AlanBell
<ipopey> Nice to mix it up
<Biglesp> I'm happy with that
<AlanBell> any objections to the 16th?
<AlanBell> [agreed] next meeting Thursday 16th December, 9PM
next meeting Thursday 16th December, 9PM |
<AlanBell> [TOPIC] Chair for next meeting
Chair for next meeting
<AlanBell> eeny meeny miney moe
<nperry> lets hope its not forgotten
<ipopey> Sure
<AlanBell> nperry: did you just volunteer?
<ipopey> I'll do it
phillw hides in corner, not used to chairing meetings.
<AlanBell> ipopey sounded like a volunteer with more conviction than nperry
<JamesTait-HTC> I won't volunteer because my attendance is not guaranteed.
<AlanBell> [agreed] ipopey to chair, but probably using a real computer
ipopey to chair, but probably using a real computer |
<brobostigon> lol
<nperry> heh
<AlanBell> and with that
<AlanBell> #endmeeting
Meeting closed at 21:45
People Present
- brobostigon
- brunogirin
- Yorvyk
- nperry
- Biglesp
- freesitebuilder
- Thingymebob
- suprengr
- ipopey
- exobuzz
- mattt
- phillw
Actions Recorded
- None
UKTeam/MeetingNotes/20101130 (last edited 2010-11-30 21:56:28 by 98)