Meeting opened by popey at 21:00
<HazRPG> *waves*
<popey> anyone about for the meeting go o/
<DJones> o/
<HazRPG> o/
<popey> quite one
<popey> o/ btw
<popey> quiet even
<DJones> Are we supposed to have a vote on Daviey's replacement, or was that last meeting which I may have missed
<popey> hmm
<popey> AlanBell / Daviey poke
<HazRPG> erm, if I recall... this meeting was to confirm it
<HazRPG> we were giving people chance to at least pick someone
<HazRPG> sort of an extended chance... since no one else came forward (and still haven't iirc, but links are failing me at this moment in time)
<ZoeR> Hullo
<popey> ok, well if neither Daviey nor AlanBell are around we'll have to defer it
<popey> anyway...
<popey> [TOPIC] review of action items from last meeting
review of action items from last meeting
<popey> is the log from the last meeting
<popey> action items at the bottom
<popey> nothing from barry and alan so far
<popey> I'll take an action to poke them
<popey> [ACTION] popey to poke Barry Drake and Alan Cocks about in-store promos
popey to poke Barry Drake and Alan Cocks about in-store promos |
<popey> the next one is part of that
<popey> I believe Alan Bell has done the doodle poll and there is a date selected for the quiz
<popey> Saturday 16th April at 21:00 BST
<popey> [TOPIC] next team leader
next team leader
<popey> (as part of the actions from last time)
<popey> was the original mail from Dave stepping down
<popey> ] has only Alan Bell on it
<HazRPG> safe to assume Alan Bell wins
<popey> well, we decided on the following last time...
<popey> two weeks of more potential candidates followed by declaring AlanBell the leader if nobody else steps up
<popey> we have done the first part so it's really a formality to announce the latter
<popey> agreed?
<DJones> Agreed
<HazRPG> +1
<popey> win
<HazRPG> agreed
<popey> I'll take an action to announce that tonight after the meeting
<HazRPG> \o/
<popey> [ACTION] popey to announce the new uk team leader on the mailing list tonight
popey to announce the new uk team leader on the mailing list tonight |
<popey> right, that's everything from the last meeting
<popey> as usual..
<dutchie> ooh, a meeting
<popey> [PROGRESS REPORT] People who have achieved something in march, please place it in the report.
People who have achieved something in march, please place it in the report.
<popey> hi dutchie
<HazRPG> dutchie: you always seem to do that :P
<dutchie> HazRPG: it is due to my high degree of organisation
<HazRPG> dutchie: also, oh hi
<popey> so that's basically it
<DJones> Podcast only since last meeting then
<popey> yeah, just added that
<gneel> Sorry I'm late!
<HazRPG> I haven't had chance to write up my notes yet, so likewise some video-casts haven't been made yet
<DJones> congrats on the new season
<popey> no gneel
<popey> thanks
<popey> [TOPIC] Any other business
Any other business
<popey> right, we have ~50 mins to kill
<popey> open house
<HazRPG> but I'll be working on it at some point
<HazRPG> DJones, gneel: \o
AlanBell turns up
<popey> Congratulations AlanBell
<AlanBell> yay
<AlanBell> thanks
<HazRPG> AlanBell: Congrats dude
<HazRPG> ah you beat me to it popey :P
<DJones> COngrats, well deserved
<HazRPG> indeed, don't know a better man for the job
AlanBell is quite pleased
HazRPG quietly says speech to AlanBell - but is unsure if this is the appropriate place for it
<AlanBell> heh
<AlanBell> I would just like to thank my agent, my mum, my chickens . . .
<DJones> If there is a speech,ds to fill the remaining 45 minutes of the meeting slot
<DJones> s/ds/it needs
<BigRedS> That's an impressive typo
<HazRPG> I do have something to ask, but ... speech first
<HazRPG> BigRedS: indeed!
<DJones> BigRedS: sticky keyboard
<HazRPG> won't ask ...
<BigRedS> DJones: I'll ask no questions!
<AlanBell> there will be no speech, move on!
<HazRPG> ah okay
<gneel> Release party/ies?
<AlanBell> I spoke to marianna from Canonical about the London party
<AlanBell> she was going to run some ideas past Jane Silber
<AlanBell> I will find out what happened with that
<HazRPG> erm... iirc, there was mention of how elections are done, memory is foggy - but I think something about posting somewhere about it (like a formal rule set) to be sort of devised
<HazRPG> however I could just be making this up in my mind :S
<AlanBell> that was an action for daubers
<popey> HazRPG: we usually use CIVS
<popey> but on this occasion only one person volunteered and it was decided he was more than capable
<HazRPG> ah, ok
<popey> [ACTION] Alan Bell to liase with Canonical to organise one of the Natty release parties
Alan Bell to liase with Canonical to organise one of the Natty release parties |
<HazRPG> yeah I figured that this election was fair since Alan was the only one to come forward
<BigRedS> HazRPG: Usually, if only one person stands, questions are asked about the nomination process
<BigRedS> I'm not suggesting this is applicable here
<gneel> It was a self-nomination process, and only Alan stepped forward
<AlanBell> we will just write up what happens with a little flowchart or something
<BigRedS> but there's probably something suboptimal somewhere if only one person steps forwards
<gneel> Or everyone else stepped back quickly!
<gneel> AlanBell: sounds good
<AlanBell> BigRedS: the sub-optimal part was when we didn't know quite what to do next
<AlanBell> and as you shouldn't really make up election processes as you go along we will just document those kind of eventualities and it is all cool
<BigRedS> AlanBell: well, if too few people have the time/inclination to fulfil the role, should it be filled by one person?
<popey> [ACTION] Alan Bell to begin implementation of process to find his successor
Alan Bell to begin implementation of process to find his successor |
<AlanBell> heh
<HazRPG> :P
<HazRPG> still trying to make some sense out of my local LUG to try and see if we can get an ubuntu release shin-dig going
<HazRPG> or anything...
<HazRPG> still no joy
<HazRPG> seems some people have corrugated onto facebook, and just seems to be a stream of info but no real communication going on... and seems no one knows what exactly is happening
<BigRedS> your lug is a facebook group?
<HazRPG> and I'm not sure if I'm up to being a leader of any type
<HazRPG> BigRedS: seems that way :/
<popey> which LUG?
<BigRedS> how times change...
<HazRPG> Cumbrian LUG
<popey> ahh
<popey> schwuk lug
<HazRPG> I'm on the mailing list, but not much happens
<HazRPG> heh, yeah apparently one of my friends is on a course with schwuk
<HazRPG> all my knowledge is about him, he's on a course with my friend Lunchie doing the HND I previously did... and seems to be the head guy on the facebook group
<HazRPG> and works for Canonical (I think?)
<popey> he does
<popey> ok
<popey> anything else that needs discussing?
<HazRPG> don't laugh, but an idea I had floating around was to see if I could try and get in contact with Stephen Fry, see if he would be willing to come to Carlisle for an ubuntu-uk release and see if we could do something fancy...
<HazRPG> or anywhere in Cumbria... that's sort of central to Cumbrians
<popey> good luck
<HazRPG> see if I can get a linux user base going
<HazRPG> popey: I know it sounds out there, but it could happen
<gneel> Not the worst idea I've heard
<HazRPG> don't ask, don't get - sort of scenario
<popey> ok, so
<popey> [TOPIC] Date of next meeting
Date of next meeting
<popey> 2 weeks?
<HazRPG> seems people have stuff on today...
<popey> we didnt send a reminder
<gneel> 2 weeks sounds good to me
<BigRedS> Ah, paddy's day
<HazRPG> ah, of course heh
<popey> 31/3
<gneel> Not a Tuesday is my preference
<HazRPG> 2 weeks is good
<gneel> 31st sounds ideal
<HazRPG> yeah, lets roll with that
<popey> [ACTION] next meeting 31/3 at 21:00
next meeting 31/3 at 21:00 |
<DJones> Thursdays are good for me
<AlanBell> sounds good
<popey> chair?
<AlanBell> HazRPG:
<HazRPG> wait, what...
HazRPG freezes up
<popey> well volunteered!
<gneel> HazRPG: I think you mentioned watching a meeting then possibly running one...
<HazRPG> erm... okay... sure... gotta start somehow right?
<popey> great!
<DJones> HazRPG: Its not that difficult, mostly copy & paste & keeping things moving
<popey> thank you!
<AlanBell> "<HazRPG> I might do the one after that :)"
<popey> The log never lies.
<HazRPG> heh, I know what I said :P
<popey> [ACTION] HazRPG to chair
HazRPG to chair |
<HazRPG> I thought there was going to be more interaction in this one to learn more - but still cool with it either way
*steps forward*
<HazRPG> guessing the meeting start # (but other way round) is how one kicks the whole thing off correct?
<DJones> HazRPG: If you want to test out beforehand, I'm sure there'll be somebody around to practise
<HazRPG> ah, I'm sure it'll be fine
<DJones> HazRPG:
<HazRPG> DJones: winner
<popey> #endmeeting
Meeting closed at 21:44
People Present
- HazRPG
- popey
- DJones
- ZoeR
- dutchie
- gneel
- BigRedS
Actions Recorded
- popey to poke Barry Drake and Alan Cocks about in-store promos
- popey to announce the new uk team leader on the mailing list tonight
- Alan Bell to liase with Canonical to organise one of the Natty release parties
- Alan Bell to begin implementation of process to find his successor
- next meeting 31/3 at 21:00
- HazRPG to chair