Meeting opened by AlanBell at 20:13

AlanBell - review of action items from last meeting

People who have achieved something in April, please place it in the report.

Poke AlanBell for an update on the launch party for natty.

Notify the team of the change in title to PoC.

AlanBell to put launch party on loco directory

popey to mention launch party on the next podcast

Deferring "Daubers - UUK PoC Election Process" till next meeting

AlanBell to cover Election process at Global Jam

AlanBell to put election process on the wiki

AlanBell to email the list about mumble, etc

daubers to email list about Sci-Fi event, and post up doodle poll

HazRPG to hit up Cumbria LUG about Sci-Fi event and post some details their way.

Poke Biglesp about how they got on at U3.

Biglesp to produce and circulate lessons learned document from U3

AlanBell Quiz night

AlanBell - Any Other Business

Date of next meeting

date of next meeting May 5th 9PM

Chair for next meeting

popey to chair

Meeting closed at 20:57

People Present

Actions Recorded

UKTeam/MeetingNotes/20110414 (last edited 2011-04-14 21:02:20 by 98)