Meeting opened by AlanBell at 20:13
<AlanBell> ok, fairly light agenda, lets rattle through it
<popey> o/
popey creates
<AlanBell> [TOPIC] AlanBell - review of action items from last meeting
AlanBell - review of action items from last meeting
<AlanBell> [PROGRESS REPORT] People who have achieved something in April, please place it in the report.
People who have achieved something in April, please place it in the report.
<popey> done
<Biglesp> doing it now
<AlanBell> so podcasts and the oggcamp announcement are in
<AlanBell> hi Biglesp, u3 can go there, that would be great
<AlanBell> quiz night will go in (more on that later)
<popey> beerex?
<AlanBell> global jam
<Biglesp> U3 is in there now
<popey> nice one Biglesp
<AlanBell> [PROGRESS REPORT] Poke AlanBell for an update on the launch party for natty.
Poke AlanBell for an update on the launch party for natty.
<AlanBell> right, I can give an update on this
<AlanBell> the planned press launch in the afternoon is cancelled
<AlanBell> Canonical couldn't come up with anyone to attend and say a few words
<AlanBell> so not doing that this time
<AlanBell> however, the suggestions from the list of the Porterhouse in Covent Garden were liked by Canonical
<BigRedS> that was the pre-pub bit at BCS?
<AlanBell> that was indeed the pre-pub bit
<AlanBell> so we are going straight on with the pub bit now
<AlanBell> timing is after work, or whenever you get there, till late
<AlanBell> and of course we have the Natty bank holiday the day after
<AlanBell> any more to mention on that?
<AlanBell> [PROGRESS REPORT] Notify the team of the change in title to PoC.
Notify the team of the change in title to PoC.
<BigRedS> it should probably be in ?
<AlanBell> or from PoC to team leader that should be
<BigRedS> the loco launch do list thingy
<AlanBell> BigRedS: it should indeed
<AlanBell> [action] AlanBell to put launch party on loco directory
AlanBell to put launch party on loco directory |
<popey> add an action for me to add it to next podcast
<popey> which will be live on 26th
<popey> released on 27th
<popey> just in time
<AlanBell> [action] popey to mention launch party on the next podcast
popey to mention launch party on the next podcast |
<AlanBell> not sure the change in title went to the list, I will sort that out with the minutes of this meeting
<AlanBell> [PROGRESS REPORT] Deferring "Daubers - UUK PoC Election Process" till next meeting
Deferring "Daubers - UUK PoC Election Process" till next meeting
<AlanBell> [PROGRESS REPORT] AlanBell to cover Election process at Global Jam
AlanBell to cover Election process at Global Jam
<AlanBell> putting those together, we did review the process document during the global jam
<AlanBell> need to pop that on a wiki page and vote it in I think
<AlanBell> probably at the next meeting as this one is rather lightly attended as we all forgot about it
<AlanBell> [action] AlanBell to put election process on the wiki
AlanBell to put election process on the wiki |
<AlanBell> [PROGRESS REPORT] AlanBell to email the list about mumble, etc
AlanBell to email the list about mumble, etc
<AlanBell> did that
<AlanBell> mumble worked rather well for the global jam I thought
<AlanBell> and we are going to use it again on saturday for the quiz
<AlanBell> [PROGRESS REPORT] daubers to email list about Sci-Fi event, and post up doodle poll
daubers to email list about Sci-Fi event, and post up doodle poll
<AlanBell> hmm, I didn't see that
<AlanBell> nope, looks like that is one to carry forward
<AlanBell> [PROGRESS REPORT] HazRPG to hit up Cumbria LUG about Sci-Fi event and post some details their way.
HazRPG to hit up Cumbria LUG about Sci-Fi event and post some details their way.
<AlanBell> well that would be a bit hard without the details being set first really
<AlanBell> HazRPG: how is Cumbria LUG?
<AlanBell> no HazRPG, never mind
<Biglesp> AlanBell: If HazRPG isn't on, I know that he posted the Sci-fi event on the mailing list, and that Cumbria LUG is restarting to a degree
<AlanBell> yeah, saw something about that which was quite encouraging
<AlanBell> anyhow . . .
<AlanBell> [PROGRESS REPORT] Poke Biglesp about how they got on at U3.
Poke Biglesp about how they got on at U3.
<Biglesp> Looks like Cumbria LUG will be split into smaller lugs
<AlanBell> POKE!!!
<Biglesp> UCubed was a great success, we had a full day of talks and workshops.
<Biglesp> Talks ranged from Ubuntu packaging, to video editing, and home servers.
<Biglesp> The attendees enjoyed the unconference format of the event.
<Biglesp> Blackpool LUG were there, and they ran a Debian demo area, which proved to be a huge crowd pleaser.
<Biglesp> A write up can be found here
<Biglesp> And our pictures can be found here
<Biglesp> The organisers will be meeting soon to review the event and create a lessons learnt document for future events.
<Biglesp> </copy-paste>
<AlanBell> excellent
<AlanBell> that would be a useful document to circulate
<Biglesp> Put me down for that then mate
<AlanBell> [action] Biglesp to produce and circulate lessons learned document from U3
Biglesp to produce and circulate lessons learned document from U3 |
<Biglesp> Probably take a few weeks to get a version to you
<AlanBell> yeah, no problem
<AlanBell> ok, moving on?
<AlanBell> [TOPIC] AlanBell Quiz night
AlanBell Quiz night
<popey> good photos
<AlanBell> so the quiz night is on Saturday
<AlanBell> at 21:00 local time
<AlanBell> the questions are all set and ready
<AlanBell> they have been prepared by people from all over the world for the UK team
<AlanBell> it is in the #ubuntu-trivia channel
<AlanBell> and you can go there now and have a play with the quiz bot
<AlanBell> the ubuntu questions will be released before the quiz
<AlanBell> and we will also be using the mumble server so we can laugh at each other
<popey> win!
<AlanBell> I will also reset the score table before the quiz so everyone starts from zero
<AlanBell> but generally there is a running high score, and the observant will notice that I am in the top 10 \o/
<AlanBell> ok, any questions on the quiz?
<popey> how will you stop googling?
<AlanBell> it has cheat protection which stops people putting in multiple answers, can't stop people using google
<popey> ok
<AlanBell> however googling is slower than knowing the answer in the first place
<AlanBell> and they are all on the subject of Ubuntu
<AlanBell> unless we run out of questions and move to a different category
<AlanBell> and there will be awesome prizes
<AlanBell> which are somewhere on my desk I think
<AlanBell> okies
<AlanBell> lets leave the british library topic for the moment as Daubers isn't available
<AlanBell> [TOPIC] AlanBell - Any Other Business
AlanBell - Any Other Business
<AlanBell> anyone got anything else they want to bring up?
<AlanBell> oggcamp tickets are going rather well
<popey> blimey 26 left
<BigRedS> is there scope for releasing more?
<popey> yes
<popey> maaaaybe
<popey> (main room holds 450)
<AlanBell> so that is 174 tickets gone!
<Biglesp> Blimey!
<AlanBell> in what three days?
<popey> hope they turn up!
<popey> yeah, since monday 20:00
<popey> 100 went in first 24 hours iirc
<AlanBell> there is a nice chattery channel at #oggcamp too
<BigRedS> oooh
<AlanBell> so for the benefit of the minutes, popey what is oggcamp?
<popey> OggCamp is a community driven un-conference
<popey> made possible by the presenters of Ubuntu UK Podcast and Linux Outlaws
<popey> It's on 13th - 14th August in Farnham, Surrey
<popey> this will be our third - binary 11, which handly is the year
<popey> (last year was oggcamp 2, 10)
<popey> we're asking people to come along and talk about stuff that interests them
<popey> not specifically linux or ubuntu, but just 'stuff'
<popey> open technology, open culture, open minds
<popey> <EOF>
<AlanBell> and Farnham is awesome
<popey> It is
<popey> I'm well chuffed to get that venue
<popey> its a lovely place
<popey> I hope the weather holds out, because Farnham is beautuful
<popey> *beautiful
<Biglesp> popey: Will there be a list of hotels etc put on the website?
<popey> yes and no
<popey> we dont have an 'official' hotel
<popey> but we are recommending the Premiere Inn in Aldershot
<popey> which is just a few miles down the road and they have a deal on at the moment
<popey> 44 quid a night iirc
<Biglesp> ok cheers
<popey> we have a bug tracker too
<popey> if there's anything you think we need to do
<popey> file a bug against
<AlanBell> there may also be some camping options
<AlanBell> possibly even one with some soothing farmyard clucking sounds
<AlanBell> any more any other business?
<popey> not from me
<popey> oh actually
<popey> if anyone has suggestions for people we should invite to oggcamp, please do let me know!
<suprengr> just arequest to resend the mumble email... pretty please
<AlanBell> suprengr: will do
<suprengr> AlanBell:
<AlanBell> in short apt:mumble
<AlanBell> then connect to
<suprengr> cool... & thanks
<AlanBell> ok, will think about people to invite to oggcamp
<popey> thanks
<AlanBell> [TOPIC] Date of next meeting
Date of next meeting
<popey> bump to 1 week after release IMO
<AlanBell> May 5th then?
<popey> yeah
<Biglesp> sounds good to me
<AlanBell> [agreed] date of next meeting May 5th 9PM
date of next meeting May 5th 9PM |
<AlanBell> [TOPIC] Chair for next meeting
Chair for next meeting
<popey> yeah gwan
<AlanBell> [agreed] popey to chair
popey to chair |
<AlanBell> #endmeeting
Meeting closed at 20:57
People Present
- popey
- Biglesp
- BigRedS
- suprengr