Meeting started by AlanBell at 20:01:46 UTC. The full logs are available at http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-uk-meeting/2011/ubuntu-uk-meeting.2011-10-20-20.01.log.html .

Meeting summary

  • review of actions from last meeting
    • REPORT] People who have achieved something in October, please place it in the report. (AlanBell, 20:03:20)

LINK: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UKTeam/TeamReports/11/October (AlanBell, 20:03:23)

  • REPORT] popey to do a report on the amazing oggcamp event (AlanBell, 20:05:55)

  • REPORT] GreenDance to start a sub-project specifically look at how to improve Ubuntu's coverage in the education area. (AlanBell, 20:06:22)

ACTION: AlanBell to call for a contact person for the December happy hour (AlanBell, 20:19:32)

LINK: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/loco-contacts/2011-July/005506.html (AlanBell, 20:41:44) LINK: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/OneiricOcelot/LocalizedImagesRollout (AlanBell, 20:43:07)

  • The Chair - Any Other Business
  • Date of next meeting

Meeting ended at 20:54:44 UTC.


Action items

  • AlanBell to call for a contact person for the December happy hour

Action items, by person

People present (lines said)

  • AlanBell (73)

  • BigRedS (26)
  • brunogirin (10)
  • meetingology (4)
  • TonyP (3)
  • SuprEngr (3)

  • jacobw (2)
  • popey (2)
  • diplo (1)

Full Log

  • 20:01:46 <AlanBell> #startmeeting LoCo Meeting

    20:01:46 <meetingology> Meeting started Thu Oct 20 20:01:46 2011 UTC. The chair is AlanBell. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AlanBell/mootbot.

    20:01:46 <meetingology>

    20:01:46 <meetingology> Available commands: #accept #accepted #action #agree #agreed #chair #commands #endmeeting #endvote #halp #help #idea #info #link #lurk #meetingname #meetingtopic #nick #progress #rejected #replay #restrictlogs #save #startmeeting #subtopic #topic #unchair #undo #unlurk #vote #voters #votesrequired

    20:01:57 <popey> o/

    20:02:02 <brunogirin> o/

    20:02:23 <BigRedS> o/

    20:02:31 <TonyP> hi

    20:02:37 <popey> I'm in a pub!

    20:02:37 <AlanBell> #topic review of actions from last meeting

    20:02:45 <AlanBell> yay, pub

    20:03:20 <AlanBell> [PROGRESS REPORT] People who have achieved something in October, please place it in the report.

    20:03:23 <AlanBell> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UKTeam/TeamReports/11/October

    20:05:55 <AlanBell> [PROGRESS REPORT] popey to do a report on the amazing oggcamp event

    20:06:02 <AlanBell> popey failed Smile :)

    20:06:05 <AlanBell> moving on

    20:06:19 <AlanBell> #

    20:06:19 <AlanBell> #

    20:06:22 <AlanBell> [PROGRESS REPORT] GreenDance to start a sub-project specifically look at how to improve Ubuntu's coverage in the education area.

    20:06:54 <AlanBell> um, more lack of action I think Sad :(

    20:07:14 <AlanBell> [TOPIC] AlanBell - The Next Happy Hour(s)

    20:07:19 <BigRedS> There has been a lot of pub recently

    20:07:30 <AlanBell> so one is happening right now

    20:07:55 <brunogirin> BigRedS: you can never have too much pub Smile :-)

    20:07:57 <AlanBell> the next one is planned for Nottingham, 10th November

    20:08:02 <AlanBell> in the Roundhouse

    20:08:14 <AlanBell> I have added the event to the LoCo directory

    20:08:32 <BigRedS> brunogirin: no, but it can get in the way of progress Smile :)

    20:08:38 <AlanBell> would be great if people can publicise that a bit, especially in the Notts area

    20:09:11 <AlanBell> so, after Nottingham, where next?

    20:09:50 <BigRedS> where's that map of members? Pick another population hotspot?

    20:10:24 <brunogirin> Manchester?

    20:10:26 <BigRedS> oh, here: http://ubuntu-uk.org/where-are-we/

    20:11:03 <AlanBell> Oxford, Southampton, Manchester are all quite good options

    20:13:08 <AlanBell> any preferences?

    20:14:17 <brunogirin> nope 20:14:27 * BigRedS can't really get to any of those so doesn't particularly mind

    20:15:10 <TonyP> none near me either

    20:15:40 <AlanBell> ho hum

    20:16:44 <brunogirin> I can probably do Oxford or Southampton

    20:17:06 <brunogirin> Manchester at a push if it's on a Friday

    20:17:40 <AlanBell> ok, well lets try to find a person in one of those places who can certainly turn up one evening early december

    20:18:01 <AlanBell> I want to announce that one on the day of the Notts one

    20:18:44 <brunogirin> so is that an action for you to post on the mailing list a request for volunteers to go to the pub one evening in December?

    20:18:54 <AlanBell> yup

    20:19:32 <AlanBell> #action AlanBell to call for a contact person for the December happy hour

    20:19:32 * meetingology AlanBell to call for a contact person for the December happy hour

    20:19:45 <AlanBell> which brings us on to . . .

    20:19:50 <AlanBell> [TOPIC] AlanBell - Christmas Party?

    20:20:11 <BigRedS> Aha! 20:20:14 * BigRedS votes 'yes'

    20:20:14 <AlanBell> so should we do a christmas party?

    20:20:21 <AlanBell> where?

    20:20:56 <brunogirin> in a pub?

    20:20:58 <BigRedS> London!

    20:21:12 <AlanBell> pub in london sounds possible

    20:23:15 <brunogirin> but won't it clash with the december happy hour?

    20:23:33 <AlanBell> well maybe put the happy hour in Manchester

    20:23:39 <BigRedS> ah, perhaps. the december happy hour would probably be a christmasy do by default

    20:23:48 <AlanBell> it might be a bit chirsmassy

    20:24:24 <AlanBell> should we try something more of a meal perhaps?

    20:24:49 <BigRedS> might be hard close to christmas through everybody else wanting to do same?

    20:25:18 <AlanBell> sure, but we could book a christmas meal somewhere

    20:25:29 <AlanBell> would cost a bit, but hey, it is christmas

    20:25:40 <AlanBell> or just go to a pub

    20:26:13 <BigRedS> hmm, depends what the people going want, I suppose. Pubs are more flexible, which is probably handy

    20:26:20 <BigRedS> but also more alcoholic, which might be less so

    20:27:10 <AlanBell> maybe pub is best

    20:28:55 <diplo> I'm interested but defo would like some notice so i can make sure whether my ex or i have kids so i can arrange around them

    20:30:01 <AlanBell> ok, I will mail the list asking for venue suggestion for a christmas pub visit I think

    20:30:09 <AlanBell> some time late december

    20:31:51 <AlanBell> we are having interesting discussions here about London venues

    20:36:44 <AlanBell> ok, possible meal in total darkness

    20:37:05 <BigRedS> haha

    20:37:51 <AlanBell> ok, I will do some investigation

    20:37:54 <AlanBell> moving on

    20:37:57 <AlanBell> [TOPIC] AlanBell - en_GB Localised ISO

    20:38:43 <AlanBell> so we have Ubuntu 11.10 the Oneiric Ocelot and the official iso imaves

    20:38:46 <AlanBell> images

    20:39:19 <AlanBell> there is a process for LoCo teams to do a custom respin with their own locale and translations pre-installed

    20:39:24 <AlanBell> we should do that

    20:39:35 <BigRedS> yes

    20:39:41 <BigRedS> stop popey complaining about his trash can Smile :)

    20:39:48 <AlanBell> with no americanisms

    20:39:51 <AlanBell> and a rubbish bin

    20:40:29 <TonyP> waste basket?

    20:40:29 <BigRedS> what do we need to do?

    20:40:31 <jacobw> ahem, 'deleted items'.

    20:40:53 <BigRedS> they're patently not deleted if they're in the not-yet-deleted-stuff directory...

    20:41:16 <jacobw> endangered items.. :P

    20:41:22 <BigRedS> haha

    20:41:44 <AlanBell> https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/loco-contacts/2011-July/005506.html

    20:42:01 * SuprEngr thinks of a name - but darn't suggest it - it's got 4 leters & starts with an 's'

    20:42:25 <AlanBell> David Planella or dpm on IRC is the contact person for thatg

    20:42:28 <BigRedS> oh yeah, I remember that one

    20:43:07 <AlanBell> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/OneiricOcelot/LocalizedImagesRollout

    20:44:30 <brunogirin> so how do we organise ourselves to do that?

    20:45:18 <AlanBell> well there are some instructions on that page, and some scripts which may wokr

    20:45:35 <AlanBell> we need to have a bunch of people working on this I think

    20:46:02 <AlanBell> getting it running, testing it, making sure the transkations are right etc

    20:46:54 <AlanBell> so how should we do this, kick off with a mail to the list and find some people to do it?

    20:47:17 <AlanBell> I will have lots of emails to get out later

    20:47:47 <BigRedS> haha, yeah, sounds like a plan. I think I'd be up for a bit of that. Though I'm already a bit short on time...

    20:47:55 <AlanBell> me too

    20:48:02 <AlanBell> however I would like to see it happen

    20:48:06 <BigRedS> yeah

    20:48:19 <AlanBell> ok, will do

    20:48:23 <AlanBell> [TOPIC] The Chair - Any Other Business

    20:48:42 <AlanBell> anyone got anything thye want to raise? 20:50:37 * BigRedS hasn't

    20:51:17 <SuprEngr> only to apologise for my tardiness... sdlight heating emergency

    20:51:25 <SuprEngr> *slight

    20:52:51 <AlanBell> okies Smile :)

    20:52:53 <AlanBell> [TOPIC] Date of next meeting

    20:53:01 <AlanBell> about 3 weeks

    20:53:31 <AlanBell> ooh, 10th November, on the day of the Notts Happy Hour

    20:53:42 <BigRedS> aha

    20:53:53 <AlanBell> I like this plan

    20:53:54 <BigRedS> could make it a frequent thing

    20:54:08 <AlanBell> will pick a chair nearer the time

    20:54:09 <BigRedS> does introduce laptops to the happy hour, though

    20:54:23 <AlanBell> optional

    20:54:35 <AlanBell> I think chairing from the pub is sub-optimal

    20:54:44 <AlanBell> #endmeeting

Generated by MeetBot 0.1.5 (http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AlanBell/mootbot)

UKTeam/MeetingNotes/20111020 (last edited 2011-10-22 20:52:06 by alanbell1)