Meeting started by AlanBell at 21:07:11 UTC. The full logs are available at http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-uk-meeting/2011/ubuntu-uk-meeting.2011-11-10-21.07.log.html .
Meeting summary
- The Chair - review of action items from last meeting
REPORT] People who have achieved something in November, please place it in the report. (AlanBell, 21:08:07)
LINK: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UKTeam/TeamReports/11/November (AlanBell, 21:08:10)
REPORT] Christmas Party (AlanBell, 21:09:41)
LINK: http://www.danslenoir.com/london/ (AlanBell, 21:10:54) LINK: http://www.danslenoir.com/book/gui/calendar.php?PHPSESSID=vccqkiudd2co4hit6b8odajmi2&id_restaurant=3&month=12&year=2011 (AlanBell, 21:19:12) ACTION: AlanBell to sort out loco directory event for dans le noir (AlanBell, 21:27:33)
LINK: http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-p/meeting/19613/community-p-localized-iso-community-growth/ (AlanBell, 21:36:55)
- The Chair - Any Other Business
ACTION: brunogirin to investigate venues for an Ubuntu desktop apps hacking evening (AlanBell, 22:05:26)
Meeting ended at 22:06:51 UTC.
Action items
AlanBell to sort out loco directory event for dans le noir
- brunogirin to investigate venues for an Ubuntu desktop apps hacking evening
Action items, by person
* AlanBell to sort out loco directory event for dans le noir
- brunogirin
- * brunogirin to investigate venues for an Ubuntu desktop apps hacking evening
People present (lines said)
AlanBell (87)
- bigcalm (54)
- brunogirin (22)
- smouty (6)
- DJones (6)
- christel (5)
- meetingology (5)
- daubers (5)
SuprEngr (4)
- Jorvyk (4)
Full Log
21:07:11 <AlanBell> #startmeeting
21:07:11 <meetingology> Meeting started Thu Nov 10 21:07:11 2011 UTC. The chair is AlanBell. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AlanBell/mootbot.
21:07:11 <meetingology>
21:07:11 <meetingology> Available commands: #accept #accepted #action #agree #agreed #chair #commands #endmeeting #endvote #halp #help #idea #info #link #lurk #meetingname #meetingtopic #nick #progress #rejected #replay #restrictlogs #save #startmeeting #subtopic #topic #unchair #undo #unlurk #vote #voters #votesrequired
21:07:29 <AlanBell> #meetingtopic Ubuntu UK LoCo Meeting
21:07:48 <AlanBell> [TOPIC] The Chair - review of action items from last meeting
21:08:07 <AlanBell> [PROGRESS REPORT] People who have achieved something in November, please place it in the report.
21:08:10 <AlanBell> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UKTeam/TeamReports/11/November
21:08:18 <AlanBell> oh, who is here? o/
21:08:22 <bigcalm> o/
21:08:26 <SuprEngr> o/
21:08:32 <daubers> o/
21:08:35 <Jorvyk> o/
21:09:20 <AlanBell> think we might adjust the time next meeting to get more people along
21:09:41 <AlanBell> [PROGRESS REPORT] Christmas Party
21:09:47 <bigcalm> Thought it was a bit quiet
21:09:49 <AlanBell> so christmas party stuff
21:10:26 <AlanBell> I have been investigating the options here, and as discussed we are going to make it more of a meal out than a drinkie pub meet
21:10:36 <AlanBell> because we are doing plenty of them and they are great
21:10:54 <AlanBell> http://www.danslenoir.com/london/
21:11:01 <AlanBell> full of awesome
21:11:04 <AlanBell> lets go there
21:11:22 <DJones> o/
21:11:25 <AlanBell> I have been talking to Canonical about doing a joint thing, but they have been a bit unresponsive
21:11:43 <AlanBell> so I am going to go ahead and get it arranged
21:11:50 <SuprEngr> could Father Christmas arrive there and bring gifts of a working Unity
21:11:50 <bigcalm> I am all for Danslenoir, though my better half has doubts sadly
21:12:10 <daubers> 'tis a touch pricey, so will depend on dates
21:12:31 <bigcalm> Talking of dates, I'm already doing an xmas meal thing on the 8th Dec
21:12:37 <AlanBell> yeah, I think some time in mid December, but what suits you?
21:13:03 <daubers> Either the start of the month or the very end of the month suites best for the wallet
21:13:19 <AlanBell> well there is christmas in that month!
21:13:39 <daubers> Yep
21:13:43 <bigcalm> We are up in the midlands, so would need to make it into a 2 day thing to allow for trains etc
21:14:21 <AlanBell> bigcalm: so does that mean a saturday?
21:14:29 <bigcalm> AlanBell: Friday or Saturday
21:14:39 <bigcalm> AlanBell: thinking of taking a half day to get down there
21:15:10 <bigcalm> Will also need to find somewhere to stay for the night
21:15:25 <AlanBell> thats probably best for various people coming from some distance
21:15:44 <bigcalm> Right, so we're all kipping on AlanBell's sofa!
21:15:54 <AlanBell> they do a 7pm and 9:15pm sitting
21:16:08 <AlanBell> bigcalm: out in the chicken house
21:16:12 <bigcalm>
21:16:23 <bigcalm> 7pm meal and then pub afterwards?
21:16:29 <AlanBell> yeah I think so
21:16:37 <AlanBell> otherwise trains home become an issue
21:16:39 <bigcalm> Or is that a crazy idea for a Friday anywhere in the big smoke?
21:16:53 <SuprEngr> q/ why London as only choice?
21:17:36 <AlanBell> SuprEngr: it is the most equally inconvenient place for everyone, plus that interesting restraunt is there
21:17:48 <SuprEngr>
21:18:26 <AlanBell> trains all go to london 21:18:31 * bigcalm pokes christel
21:19:03 <bigcalm> If I can't get Hayley to go, I might try and blag a sofa off somebody
21:19:12 <AlanBell> http://www.danslenoir.com/book/gui/calendar.php?PHPSESSID=vccqkiudd2co4hit6b8odajmi2&id_restaurant=3&month=12&year=2011
21:19:53 <bigcalm> Heh, the page is in french
21:20:04 <AlanBell> hmm, some dates are full already
21:20:07 <DJones> Click the union jack
21:20:50 <bigcalm> DJones: got it, ta
21:21:31 <bigcalm> 9th is still available
21:21:46 <bigcalm> 23rd is a bit close to xmas I think
21:21:53 <bigcalm> Will push hotel prices way up
21:22:47 <bigcalm> If we can't all do 9th, I'll see if I can blag a day off in the week
21:23:13 <AlanBell> 9th is good for me
21:23:40 <AlanBell> bit concerned that there might just be one or two seats left
21:23:41 <daubers> I'll have to check with the calendar, but she's out on the town
21:24:06 <bigcalm> It's not the best booking system is it?
21:24:15 <AlanBell> not the best
21:24:26 <bigcalm> Maybe it would be best to get an idea of +ve numbers and then phone in a booking?
21:24:31 <AlanBell> I spoke to them on the phone, they seemed fine
21:24:41 <AlanBell> bigcalm: yeah, I think that would be best
21:25:38 <AlanBell> OK, I think I will set up a loco directory event for it with a provisional date, get people to sign up to that and then phone the place and get us all booked in together
21:25:54 <bigcalm> Sounds good
21:26:08 <AlanBell> preferably on a friday or saturday 7PM sitting, followed by later sitting on friday or saturday followed by a weekday
21:26:16 <bigcalm> Hopefully it's not too late to accommodate us all
21:26:38 <bigcalm> AlanBell: I agree
21:26:56 <AlanBell> they seemed fine when I spoke to them, but that was about a weekday lunchtime private party
21:27:33 <AlanBell> #action AlanBell to sort out loco directory event for dans le noir
21:27:33 * meetingology AlanBell to sort out loco directory event for dans le noir
21:28:07 <AlanBell> [TOPIC] AlanBell - The Next Happy Hour(s)
21:28:16 <AlanBell> right, next happy hour, probably Southampton
21:28:56 <smouty> Southampton sounds good to me (my home town!)
21:29:02 <AlanBell> trying to get a date for that when some locals (Tony Whitmore in particular can turn up)
21:29:04 <bigcalm> Still a bit far for me, but do carry on
21:29:04 <brunogirin> sorry I'm late
21:29:28 <AlanBell> ooh smouty pick a date you can certainly attend and we will go with that
21:29:39 <AlanBell> I just need commitment from one person that they will turn up
21:29:51 <brunogirin> maybe I could make Southampton, depends on the date
21:30:45 <AlanBell> I might be able to get down to Southampton too
21:30:47 <smouty> After xmas would be great say 2nd fri in jan?
21:31:09 <AlanBell> smouty: was hoping a bit sooner than that, early december perhaps
21:31:29 <AlanBell> if someone wants to volunteer a different city then that would be good too
21:32:41 <smouty> unfortunatley my ubuntu using friend who would also love to join in is in hospital early dec and is likley to be recovering over xmas
21:32:49 <AlanBell>
21:33:01 <smouty> but if early dec I could make it alone
21:33:51 <AlanBell> ok, well I will try and sort something out, 2nd friday in jan would work great for the happy hour after next, so if we can do somewhere else early december and go to Southampton in January that works
21:34:16 <smouty> works for me too
21:35:26 <AlanBell> ok, I will get that sorted one way or another
21:35:34 <AlanBell> [TOPIC] AlanBell - en_GB Localised ISO
21:35:57 <AlanBell> last week was the Ubuntu Developer Summit, I think there was a session on these localised ISO images
21:36:29 <bigcalm> Are people really in need of a GB specific ISO? It would be en_US with only minor alterations surely?
21:36:55 <AlanBell> http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-p/meeting/19613/community-p-localized-iso-community-growth/
21:37:06 <AlanBell> bigcalm: yeah, but the translations are done pretty much
21:37:21 <AlanBell> good for schools in particular
21:38:04 <AlanBell> I am not 100% certain of the benefits
21:38:35 <bigcalm> I'm struggling myself. A tool to set up localisation during install would be a good idea though
21:38:56 <bigcalm> Though isn't that what's done during install already?
21:39:07 <AlanBell> dunno, but I think we should find out more about it
21:39:59 <bigcalm> Who here added it as a discussion topic for this meeting?
21:40:07 <AlanBell> me from last time
21:40:23 <bigcalm> Not blaming anybody, just wondered if they had any input
21:40:24 <bigcalm> Ah
21:40:38 <AlanBell> not much input sadly
21:40:48 <Jorvyk> A live Cd without Trashcans and color would be nice!
21:40:56 <AlanBell> just the localised iso project was mentioned to all loco teams and I figured it could be interesting for us
21:40:56 <christel> bigcalm: POKEAGE?
21:41:04 <AlanBell> christel o/
21:41:07 <DJones> I would say find out more about it, but seems to be a bit of a duplication of work
21:41:11 <bigcalm> Somebody thought it was a good enough idea have it discussed at UDS
21:41:17 <bigcalm> christel: \o/
21:41:27 <christel> 9th works for me to i think!
21:41:37 <AlanBell> yay
21:41:57 <bigcalm> christel: mind if I pm for a moment?
21:42:07 <christel> AlanBell: i think we need a happy half-hour next week sometime since we still don't have a southampton date 21:42:09 * christel nods
21:42:16 <christel> bigcalm: go ahead!
21:42:44 <AlanBell> anyhow, I think for the iso thing we should just follow along with the progress, maybe listen to the audio of the session and figure out what the benefits are over the standard image
21:42:48 <AlanBell> lets move on
21:42:57 <DJones> I would guess the localised iso would be more useful for non-english based locos, but certainly worth looking into
21:43:26 <AlanBell> DJones: yes, more useful for other languages, but on the flip side I figure it is probably less hard for us to do
21:43:35 <DJones> very true
21:43:55 <AlanBell> [TOPIC] The Chair - Any Other Business
21:44:00 <DJones> Unless we go for Yorkshire/Lancashire/Geordie/Cockney localised versions
21:44:20 <AlanBell> DJones: ee by gum, what a smashing thought
21:44:28 <Jorvyk> Would it take the image under 700M ir there was only English on it?
21:44:29 <bigcalm> Haha
21:45:26 <AlanBell> Jorvyk: there might be some space saving, interesting point as they are thinking of busting the CD size limit (no idea if they will need it or not)
21:45:33 <bigcalm> The image is being extended to 750mb to give more room for good packages
21:45:40 <AlanBell> anyone got anything else to raise?
21:45:47 <AlanBell> anything interesting that happened at UDS?
21:45:47 <brunogirin> yes
21:45:58 <AlanBell> go ahead brunogirin
21:46:43 <brunogirin> unrelated to UDS but wild thoughts I had over the weekend: what abut organising an Ubuntu App Bar/Pub/Cafe evening?
21:46:59 <brunogirin> i.e. anybody interested in building Ubuntu apps, come along
21:47:07 <brunogirin> whatever level of experience
21:47:14 <brunogirin> would need a place with decent free wi-fi
21:47:28 <smouty> intersted in learning how to build apps!
21:47:33 <bigcalm> Or wi-fi for the price of a coffee?
21:47:43 <brunogirin> bigcalm: yes that sort of things
21:47:53 <bigcalm> Though a lot of gastro pubs offer free wifi as well
21:48:09 <AlanBell> ok, I like that plan
21:48:11 <bigcalm> brunogirin: were you thinking any region of the UK?
21:48:15 <bigcalm> As do I
21:48:27 <bigcalm> I'd like to do desktop app dev at some point
21:48:29 <brunogirin> I'm based on London so I could organise one here, see how it goes
21:49:04 <bigcalm> brunogirin: you have experience in this field then?
21:49:15 <AlanBell> London is quite good for getting Canonical folk along who may be able to help
21:49:53 <brunogirin> bigcalm: I have a lot of experience in development and I was planning to use quickly to start with as it simplifies the deployment part
21:49:54 <bigcalm> Seems to be a few Canonical folk in the West Midlands as well (see work place days organised by davmor2)
21:50:11 <bigcalm> brunogirin: what language?
21:50:13 <AlanBell> there are, and sil did a talk in Manchester on development
21:50:23 <bigcalm> Indeed he did
21:51:09 <brunogirin> bigcalm: if using quickly, it would be python but happy to do Java, Vala, C++ or anything you can think for which we can find good resources online
21:51:20 <bigcalm> Fair enough
21:51:21 <brunogirin> s/for/of
21:51:35 <AlanBell> making unity lenses would be an interesting topic
21:51:47 <bigcalm> I'm a PHP web dev with a history of perl. So I'd have to learn a new language whatever it is
21:51:52 <brunogirin> AlanBell: yes, I'd like to do that but probably not on the first one
21:52:00 <bigcalm> Ooo, interesting
21:52:14 <brunogirin> as I'd have to work out how you do it first
21:52:23 <bigcalm> Shame I've had to move to xubuntu-desktop due to my multi-monitor set up and thus don't have the lens to play with
21:52:24 <AlanBell> yeah, me too
21:52:39 <AlanBell> I have modified a lens, but I didn't really understand what it was doing very much
21:53:49 <AlanBell> ok, so we need some kind of venue
21:54:13 <bigcalm> Find a Yates and snarf their wifi?
21:54:46 <AlanBell> yeah, but not too worried about connectivity, phone wifi tethering is good now
21:54:58 <bigcalm> Indeed
21:54:58 <brunogirin> yes, requirements: free wi-fi, not too busy, where they are happy for a bunch of geeks to sit down for a couple of hours sipping a glass or two
21:55:11 <bigcalm> I know diddly about London
21:55:36 <brunogirin> AlanBell: true but that implies at least one person present has their phone setup to do that
21:56:15 <AlanBell> I think a starbucks or something would be good for that kind of thing
21:56:20 <brunogirin> more requirements: somewhere with power sockets! you don't want to run out of juice halfway
21:56:38 <bigcalm> Netbooks
21:57:37 <brunogirin> I'll go have a look at a few places in central London
21:57:51 <brunogirin> the other question is: would it be better in the evening or at the weekend?
21:59:20 <AlanBell> evening sounds good to me
22:00:51 <brunogirin> ok so the place needs to be open until 9pm-ish while not being a busy pub where drunken patrons are likely to spill beer on laptops
22:01:03 <AlanBell> I think cafe would be better
22:01:10 <AlanBell> and quieter in the evening
22:01:22 <brunogirin> yes, as long as they are open in the evening
22:02:34 <Jorvyk> What about https://london.hackspace.org.uk/
22:03:33 <brunogirin> Jorvyk: that's a possibility, I'll see if I can go round one evening and ask
22:03:52 <AlanBell> I have been round there, interesting place, it might work for this
22:05:04 <AlanBell> ok, lets give bruno an action
22:05:26 <AlanBell> #action brunogirin to investigate venues for an Ubuntu desktop apps hacking evening 22:05:26 * meetingology brunogirin to investigate venues for an Ubuntu desktop apps hacking evening
22:05:43 <AlanBell> anything else to discuss right now?
22:06:46 <AlanBell> ok, lets wrap it up then
22:06:51 <AlanBell> #endmeeting
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UKTeam/MeetingNotes/20111121 (last edited 2011-12-15 13:27:10 by alanbell1)