Meeting started by AlanBell at 13:09:51 UTC. The full logs are available at .
Meeting summary
LINK: (AlanBell, 13:10:01) LINK: I will put them on the wiki shortly (AlanBell, 13:11:50)
- The Chair - review of action items from last meeting
LINK: is the place to put team report stuff by the way (AlanBell, 13:14:53)
AlanBell - The Next Happy Hour(s)
- The Chair - Any Other Business
Meeting ended at 13:23:54 UTC.
Action items
- (none)
People present (lines said)
AlanBell (26)
- brobostigon (10)
- bigcalm (6)
- danfish (4)
- meetingology (3)
- TonyP_2 (1)
MooDoo (1)
- DJones (1)
Full Log
13:09:51 <AlanBell> #startmeeting
13:09:52 <meetingology> Meeting started Thu Dec 15 13:09:51 2011 UTC. The chair is AlanBell. Information about MeetBot at
13:09:52 <meetingology>
13:09:52 <meetingology> Available commands: #accept #accepted #action #agree #agreed #chair #commands #endmeeting #endvote #halp #help #idea #info #link #lurk #meetingname #meetingtopic #nick #progress #rejected #replay #restrictlogs #save #startmeeting #subtopic #topic #unchair #undo #unlurk #vote #voters #votesrequired 13:10:01 * brobostigon makes a pot of tea and coffee, for the comunity table.
13:10:01 <AlanBell>
13:10:58 <AlanBell> hmm, I may have failed to do the minutes from the last one
13:11:36 <brobostigon> ohwell.
13:11:50 <AlanBell> I will put them on the wiki shortly
13:12:05 <AlanBell> ok, so we should have stuff to go on the team report this month
13:12:17 <AlanBell> the christmas meal at Dans Le Noir was good fun
13:12:23 <bigcalm> Agreed
13:12:28 <AlanBell> the Happy hour happened, but was a bit light on attendees
13:12:42 <danfish> (2)
13:12:52 <AlanBell> [TOPIC] The Chair - review of action items from last meeting
13:13:16 <AlanBell> [progress report] AlanBell to sort out loco directory event for dans le noir
13:13:22 <AlanBell> yes, did that
13:13:24 <bigcalm>
13:13:36 <AlanBell> [progress report] brunogirin to investigate venues for an Ubuntu desktop apps hacking evening
13:13:58 <AlanBell> bruno has been progressing this, we talked about it a bit the other day, we do have some potential venues
13:14:04 <bigcalm> I can recommed it to anybody who didn't go as an exciting an unique experience. Helps if you have an open mind
13:14:24 <AlanBell> I will be following this up with Bruno again, and we will get something happening in the new year.
13:14:53 <AlanBell> is the place to put team report stuff by the way
13:15:04 <AlanBell> ok, thats the actions
13:15:07 <AlanBell> [TOPIC] AlanBell - The Next Happy Hour(s)
13:15:25 <AlanBell> now where should we go next?
13:15:30 <MooDoo> poo
13:15:32 <brobostigon> o/
13:15:54 <bigcalm> davmor2: fancy organising one in Wolverhampton?
13:16:27 <brobostigon> AlanBell: i would orangise with some help, for eaither here in banbury, or in oxford.
13:16:52 <AlanBell> we have had tentative suggestions from a number of places but nobody has so far positively said a date and a pub they want to do
13:16:59 <AlanBell> oxford would be great
13:17:04 <brobostigon>
13:17:10 <AlanBell> wonder when dutchie goes back? 13:17:16 * brobostigon thinks of good pubs in oxford.
13:17:59 <AlanBell> ok, not sure we are going to decide right now, but the first person to come to me with a clear date in their diary and a pub suggestion gets it.
13:18:21 <AlanBell> [TOPIC] The Chair - Any Other Business
13:18:24 <brobostigon> ok.
13:18:31 <AlanBell> anyone got anything else they want to raise?
13:18:44 <AlanBell> happy christmas and all that to everyone o/
13:18:57 <bigcalm> And to you AlanBell
13:18:59 <brobostigon> happy christmas AlanBell
13:19:07 <danfish> right back at you
13:19:35 <TonyP_2> & a FOSS New Year
13:19:46 <bigcalm> Heh, oh dear
13:19:57 * danfish stick on Slade
13:20:05 <danfish> s/stick/sticks 13:20:22 * brobostigon puts wizzard on the playlist also.
13:20:58 * DJones pust Bohemian Rhapsody on as was christmas number one twice
13:23:07 <AlanBell> ok, that probably about wraps it up, I was just having a look to see if there was an open week or anything coming up in the classroom channel but I can't see anything on the schedule
13:23:19 <brobostigon> ok.
13:23:54 <AlanBell> #endmeeting
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