The URL dispatcher project is hosted in Launchpad.
User Documentation
Documentation on using URL Dispatcher as an application developer is now available on the developer website:
URLs with multiple handlers
(bug 1378350)
Whenever the URL dispatcher is called on to open an address that multiple apps have registered for, it should open a “Use App” dialog, with a centered grid of labelled buttons with the icon for each applicable app, followed by a “Cancel” button.
Unsupported URLs
(bug 1370008)
Whenever the URL dispatcher is called on to open an address of a protocol that it does not understand (url-dispatcher-bad-url), it should open an alert with the title “Unrecognized Address”, text of the form ‘Ubuntu can’t open addresses of type “{protocol:}”.’, and an “OK” button. To prevent denial of UI service, however, the alert should not open if it has already opened more than three times in the past minute.
URLDispatcher (last edited 2015-08-04 15:15:51 by mpt)