
Log for US Teams Meeting on November 13th, 2008

19:07 < eightyeight> ok. here
19:07 < pleia2> welcome eightyeight
19:07 < eightyeight> so, who's here?
19:07 < PrivateVoid> I am not sure pleia2
19:07 < eightyeight> do we have enough to warrant a meet? or should we reschedule hoping for more?
19:08 < PrivateVoid> I am here...
19:08 < r2d2rogers> I'm here
19:09 < pleia2> eightyeight: I think we can have a little meeting :)
19:09 -!- johndoc_ [n=johndoc@] has left #ubuntu-us []
19:09 < r2d2rogers> I'm here, but I'm a former team contact of a unapproved LoCo...
19:09 < pleia2> get basics out there so we have an agenda for next time
19:10 < r2d2rogers> Am I right in thinking there needs to be a re-org a bit?
19:10 < r2d2rogers> are we missing active people in some roles?
19:10 < Flannel> r2d2rogers: not necessarily a re organization, just a kick in the pants
19:11 < r2d2rogers> sounds like -us-la
19:11 < r2d2rogers> <G>
19:11 < eightyeight> pleia2: well, i would like to get a bigger representation of the states for the meet, however..
19:11 < eightyeight> let's take about 5-10 minutes, i'll cover what i wanted out of this metting, and maybe that will give us a few things to think about for the next
19:11 < eightyeight> how does that sound?
19:11 < pleia2> sounds good
19:11 < r2d2rogers> +1
19:11 < Flannel> +1
19:12 < eightyeight> i was hoping that we'd have at least 20 here, but i guess i didn't do that good marketing it. so, i'll do better next time around
19:12 < eightyeight> ok. here's what i had planned:
19:12 < MTecknology> did I miss it?
19:12 < MTecknology> +1
19:13 < MTecknology> do I fit in now?
19:13 < PrivateVoid> I had not heard of the meeting eightyeight and I apologize, but my LoCo meeting is right now
19:13 < eightyeight> 1) i want to keep the project a project, not a team, however, i want us to think about a council for the project. or leadership board. whatever you want to call it
19:13 < PrivateVoid> so I am ducking between them
19:13 < eightyeight> PrivateVoid: no worries
19:13 < Flannel> MTecknology: We're having a meeting before the rescheduled big meeting, since this one isn't really representative
19:13 < eightyeight> 2) we need to set some goals for 2009, so when january 1 hits, we can get running hard, and meet them
19:14 < PrivateVoid> sorry for caps... GLOBAL DOMINATION
19:14 < MTecknology> Flannel: crap - when is that?
19:14 < PrivateVoid> :: do you want to play a game? ::
19:15 < eightyeight> 2007, we had a great goal of "a team in every state by 2008" i would like a familiar goal for 2009
19:15 < Flannel> MTecknology: We don't know yet.  Was supposed to be now, but we'll reschedule. (the pre-meeting is just a brush over the stuff we'll talk about, and that's going on now)
19:15  * PrivateVoid NYS will try to go Official in 2009
19:16 < eightyeight> 3) redefining who can mentor states. i think we dropped the ball on this a bit ago, and might have hurt some feelings. we should probably keep who we had previous, and re-invite those we tore from mentoring
19:16 < MTecknology> Flannel: oh - I was thinking it was tomorrow - I got screwed up with the day.
19:16 < eightyeight> that's basically it
19:17 < eightyeight> the only thing i'm struggling with, is how to define 1)
19:17 < r2d2rogers> so, leadership/drivers?
19:17 < pleia2> eightyeight: any thoughts on roles? a council is one thing, but the team/project also needs people updating the site, wiki (no update for this meeting even!), etc
19:17 < r2d2rogers> advocates?
19:17 < pleia2> last I knew about Zelut, he couldn't update the planet, so even though Pennsylvania is an approved team, we're not on the planet (we'd like to be!)
19:17 < eightyeight> pleia2: yeah. i was thinking those roles would make up the board
19:18 < pleia2> board/council?
19:18 < eightyeight> yeah. we need a term.
19:18 < pleia2> separate from mentors? :)
19:18 < eightyeight> yes
19:18 < eightyeight> i don't like council, as i don't want it to interferre with the CC and loco council, etc
19:18  * pleia2 nods
19:18 < eightyeight> so, board, or team leads, or something
19:19 < boredandblogging> project leads
19:19 < r2d2rogers> how are other country-level LoCos done?
19:19 < pleia2> "team leads" I think would be more in sync with loco stuff
19:19 < Flannel> Continental Congress
19:19 < eightyeight> heh
19:19  * Flannel ducks
19:19 < pleia2> r2d2rogers: I don't think there really are any
19:19 < r2d2rogers> ?
19:19 < boredandblogging> depends on the country
19:19 < boredandblogging> some have council
19:19 < pleia2> I mean, not like the US
19:19 < boredandblogging> s
19:19 < r2d2rogers> none with a similar country/state structure ... yeah
19:19 < pleia2> we're an umbrella team for 50 locos
19:20 < Flannel> r2d2rogers: Most LoCos are country level.  US teams project isn't a LoCo, but a federation of state LoCos
19:20 < r2d2rogers> got it
19:20 < boredandblogging> but this isn't really a team
19:20 < eightyeight> what i struggle with, is how to make up that 'continental congress'
19:20 < eightyeight> as Flannel puts it
19:20 < boredandblogging> so it doesn't need to be structured like a team
19:21 < eightyeight> do i make the assignments, as i started this whole thing (with the help of a few)
19:21 < eightyeight> do we vote?
19:21 < eightyeight> how?
19:21 < boredandblogging> eightyeight: see who might be interested
19:21 < PrivateVoid> dictator approach works for me if you are a nice guy :-)
19:21 < r2d2rogers> senate => apporved teams congress => unapproved ones ?
19:21 < r2d2rogers> ;)
19:21 < eightyeight> PrivateVoid: i try to be. :)
19:21 < PrivateVoid> :-)
19:21 < PrivateVoid> cool
19:21 < pleia2> eightyeight: maybe see who all is interested in mentoring, and then use that as the pool to draw from for team leaders?
19:22 < r2d2rogers> pleia2: +1
19:22 < eightyeight> pleia2: not a bad idea
19:22 < eightyeight> pleia2: who determines who becomes a mentor?
19:22 < eightyeight> ubuntu membership and/or approved loco?
19:22 < Flannel> Thats a question for next time, really.
19:22 < r2d2rogers> Flannel: +1
19:23 < pleia2> chicken and egg issue
19:23 < eightyeight> yeah
19:23 < eightyeight> i'm down with that
19:23 < r2d2rogers> get the interested people in first
19:23 < eightyeight> thoughts to keep in mind
19:23 < pleia2> I am not sure I like it to be as strict as ubuntu member though
19:23 < pleia2> always liked the approved loco qualification though :)
19:24 < eightyeight> yeah. so, just members from approved locos, or those who helped get them approved?
19:24 < MTecknology> pleia2: Is there a list of what it takes to become approved?
19:24 < eightyeight> well, let's defer on that until next time
19:24 < Flannel> MTecknology: On the LoCo wiki, yeah
19:24 < pleia2> MTecknology: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoGettingApproved
19:24 < MTecknology> Flannel: sorry...
19:24 < Flannel> MTecknology: for what?
19:25 < MTecknology> Flannel: not looking around first
19:25  * MTecknology needs to leave and eat... ttyal
19:25 < Flannel> eightyeight: Are we talking mentor requirements? or board people requirements?
19:25 < eightyeight> keep these in mind: who makes up the leadership, what roles they are assigned, what roles need filling, setting a goal for 2009 and how to define a mentor

USTeams/Meetings/IRCLogs/2008-11-13 (last edited 2009-01-21 16:33:59 by alderaan)