
Log for US Teams Meeting on February 6th, 2009

20:00 < jonreagan> It's about time to start.  Who do we have here with us tonight? :)
20:01 < Flannel> Alright, I'll go ahead and start.  I'm leader of California
20:02 < jonreagan> rockin!... either of the other board members here?  Pleia2, eightyeight?
20:03 < Flannel> pleia2 mentioned she may be late
20:03 < jonreagan> ah, k
20:05 < jonreagan> well, I'll just see what we can start on in the meanwhile
20:08 < jonreagan> so the first topic is to reassign assignments
20:09 < jonreagan> for the wiki, ubuntu-us sites, etc.
20:09 < jonreagan> not exactly sure who runs these things atm
20:11 < Flannel> What do you mean for the wiki?  Oh, that'd be someone doing upkeep on the USTeams wiki and usteams website.  Gotcha.
20:12 < jonreagan> yeah, I guess so. :P  this was not really my topic
20:16 < jonreagan> who's planning on getting their loco into the global bug jam?
20:18 < Flannel> We're running a bug jam session the entire weekend while we're at SCaLE.  They've been gracious enough to provide us with a room, so we'll be doing regular 'how to triage' sessions as well as 'how to run your own bug jam'
20:19 < jonreagan> ooh, SCaLE!  how's it going? 
20:19 < Flannel> Good, good.  Getting down to the wire, but stuff's coming together.  Biggest thing we have left to get sorted is the software we're writing for it.
20:20 < jonreagan> wow... sounds like quite a production!
20:21 < Heartsbane> Flannel: several of us from Utah should be there
20:22 < Flannel> Heartsbane: I've heard.  We look forward to it.  We're starting to pin down volunteer schedules, I'm not sure if it's going to happen at our meeting this Sunday, or just within the next few weeks on the wiki, but I'll try and keep you in the loop.
20:22 < jonreagan> wish I could make it... a trip across the country isn't exactly in my budget right now.  ;)
20:23 < Flannel> (You're welcome to attend our meeting anyway, of course)
20:23 < Heartsbane> Flannel: if you shoot us a reminder
20:23 < Heartsbane> s/you/you could/
20:23 < Heartsbane> This Sunday right?
20:24 < Flannel> The meeting?  Yeah, 7pm PST. So 8pm your time.
20:24 < Heartsbane> I will just mention at the LoCo Meeting tomorrow night
20:24 < Heartsbane> *mention it 
20:25 < Heartsbane> man I am all typos tonight
20:25 < Flannel> It should be a good meeting too, we'll be trying to sort out presentation topics and a few other things
20:29 < pleia2> hey
20:29 < _marx_> hey, back it it is to me
20:29 < jonreagan> hey! welcome folks
20:29 < pleia2> hey jonreagan :)
20:29 < pleia2> philly is having a bug jam too \o/
20:30 < pleia2> (sorry I'm late, had a dinner)
20:30 < jonreagan> awesome
20:30  * _marx_ from the us-nc team
20:30 < jonreagan> np
20:30 < jonreagan> welcome NC!
20:30  * Flannel wonders where eightyeight is.
20:30 < jonreagan> yeah, I'm wondering too
20:30 < jonreagan> so, back to the topics
20:30 < pleia2> I think zelut is still the contact for the site
20:31 < jonreagan> ah, and did zelut step down?
20:31 < jonreagan> just curious if we have open positions we need to fill
20:31 < pleia2> not sure what his status is
20:31 < jonreagan> k
20:31 < pleia2> I've asked him to do some things (like readd pennsylvania to the planet) and he hasn't been able to
20:32 < pleia2> hrm, I'm not even convinced the site is still around
20:32 < pleia2> planet is
20:32 < Flannel> We also need to update the list/map of LoCo teams, since it was obsolete even when it went up.
20:32 < pleia2> http://planet.ubuntu-us.org/
20:32  * pleia2 nods
20:32 < jonreagan> yeah, that does need to be updated
20:32 < pleia2> I can't get to regular ubuntu-us.org
20:33 < jonreagan> neither can I
20:33 < jonreagan> hrmm... is it canonical hosted?
20:33 < pleia2> yeah
20:33 < jonreagan> oh
20:33 < pleia2> and when I ask canonical sysamins for help, they tell me to get zelut to do things :)
20:34 < jonreagan> lol, now I can see why we need to see where zelut's at :P
20:34 < _marx_> wake up someone eh
20:34 < jonreagan> has anyone been able to contact zelut?
20:34 < pleia2> he's around this channel regularly
20:34 < Flannel> He was here this morning, yeah.
20:35 < jonreagan> oh good... we can talk to him next time he drops by
20:35  * pleia2 nods
20:35 < pleia2> forums... vorian used to be our guy
20:35 < jonreagan> used to be?
20:36 < pleia2> he's moved on to bigger and better things, I think :)
20:36 < pleia2> so we need some forum mod we can nudge when teams need help adding/removing mods
20:36 < jonreagan> ah
20:36 < pleia2> or, forum admin
20:36  * pleia2 isn't much of a forums person
20:36 < Flannel> He's still active on the forums
20:36 < pleia2> eightyeight still handles the mailing list, so we're probably good there for now
20:37 < pleia2> Flannel: yeah, but he's hard to get ahold of when we need something, I find
20:37 < jonreagan> ah, k.  so can we spam... er.. ask on the mailing list if anyone is interested in taking the positions?
20:37 < Flannel> pleia2: No diagreement there
20:38 < pleia2> jonreagan: I think we need to decide whether the board will share admin of things like the site and mailing list, or delegate
20:38 < jonreagan> I was leaning more on delegate, but I am fine with splitting the responsibilities ;)
20:40 < pleia2> or even be a mentor task
20:40 < jonreagan> yeah, we can do that. 
20:40 < jonreagan> speaking of mentors!
20:41 < pleia2> yeah, mentor qualifications :)
20:41 < jonreagan> we have the reqs. for people to become a mentor.  how do you want to open that up so we can review them and approve them and get them rolling?
20:41 < pleia2> reqs were signing the code of conduct and being part of an approved loco?
20:41 < jonreagan> yup, those were the requirements
20:42 < pleia2> okay, can we ask for a recommendation from someone in their team too?
20:42 < jonreagan> yeah
20:43  * Flannel doesn't see logs posted anywhere of the last meetings.
20:43 < jonreagan> we can, but I don't want to make it too complicated for people to become a mentor.
20:43 < jonreagan> but that would be a good control
20:43 < pleia2> Flannel: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/USTeams/Meetings/IRCLogs
20:43 < Flannel> Getting someone to vouch for them shouldn't be an issue
20:43 < jonreagan> decisions, decisions... ;)
20:43 < Flannel> pleia2: Why not the regular page?
20:43 < pleia2> Flannel: regular page?
20:44 < Flannel> pleia2: Oh, I see... just a bad link on this page: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/USTeams/Meetings/Minutes/2009-01-22
20:44 < pleia2> yeah, at the bottom of USTeams/Meetings there is a link to minutes and logs :)
20:44 < Flannel> Ah, all of those pages.  Alright.
20:45 < jonreagan> yet another job for the wiki dude
20:45 < Flannel> right, but the minutes pages all have broken links to their own logs
20:45 < pleia2> or dudette! :)
20:45 < jonreagan> right! :)
20:45 < pleia2> Flannel: eep :)
20:46 < pleia2> so yeah, log links need to be fixed on some pages
20:46 < pleia2> jonreagan: I think for now people who want to be mentors just come to the board for approval
20:46 < jonreagan> agreed
20:46 < pleia2> maybe later expand that to board + sitting mentors
20:47 < jonreagan> yeah, that sounds good
20:49 < Flannel> Simple Majority?
20:49 < pleia2> yeah
20:49 < jonreagan> yup
20:49 < Flannel> Does the board have veto power?
20:49 < jonreagan> veto power?
20:50 < jonreagan> for what?
20:50 < Flannel> Or maybe Majority of everyone and majoity of board?
20:50 < pleia2> I don't think we want to have a veto power option, if there is that much contention between board and mentors WRT a new mentor there are issues
20:50  * Flannel is just throwing some ideas out, isn't neessarily in favor of any of these in particular.
20:50  * pleia2 nods
20:51 < pleia2> and issues should be discussed, rather than a board flat out overruling
20:51 < jonreagan> yeah
20:53 < jonreagan> so, where do we stand?  We need to figure out where people are with their positions and figure out what we need to do with the positions that need to be filled.
20:54 < pleia2> yeah, I'll follow up with Zelut
20:54 < jonreagan> Then, we need to decide a time and date to hold the mentor approval
20:54  * pleia2 nods
20:54 < jonreagan> thx pleia2
20:55 < pleia2> I'll write up the meeting notes and post the logs, and run them by eightyeight (I'll cc: you, jonreagan)
20:55 < pleia2> just so we have board consensus
20:56 < jonreagan> thanks!
20:56 < Flannel> We need to decide on the next meeting date/time
20:56 < pleia2> once we get eightyeight's okay I think we want to move on with mentor approvals soon, since we need them :)
20:56 < Flannel> (if we're in wrap-up mode right now, that is)
20:56 < pleia2> Flannel: yeah
20:56 < pleia2> shoot for "in two weeks" again?
20:57 < pleia2> wed feb 18 is good for me
20:58 < Flannel> Works for me.  We could even do that earlier, 7 (or even 730) or whatnot would be better than 8 for me.
20:58 < Flannel> that's EST, of course.
20:58 < jonreagan> yeah, that's fine with me
20:58 < pleia2> 7 gets a bit early for pacific folks
20:59  * Flannel is pacific folk.
20:59 < pleia2> Flannel: weirdo :)
20:59 < jonreagan> lol
20:59 < pleia2> lets say 7:30
20:59 < jonreagan> fine with me
20:59 < Flannel> That'll work.  I'll have an hour before I have to run off to class.
21:00 < jonreagan> good stuff
21:00 < pleia2> cool
21:01 < pleia2> thanks for coming :)
21:01 < jonreagan> yeah, good meeting everyone!  anything you need me to do pleia2?  Seems like you ended up with all the work.  Want me to catch up with Vorian?
21:02 < pleia2> jonreagan: yeah, see if you can figure out how we're supposed to go about helping teams when they need mod changes
21:02 < pleia2> maybe look into the same for launchpad changes
21:03 < pleia2> and mailing lists for that matter :) "our mailing list person ran away and forgot the password, help!"
21:04 < jonreagan> k
21:04 < jonreagan> will do
21:04 < pleia2> cool
21:05 < pleia2> I think we're good then
21:06 < jonreagan> yeah, I think so.  if I run into something, well, I'll ask back on IRC
21:07 < pleia2> sounds good

USTeams/Meetings/IRCLogs/2009-02-06 (last edited 2009-02-07 19:19:10 by alderaan)