Log for US Teams Meeting on May 5th, 2009
20:00 < pleia2> ok, who all is here for the meeting this evening? 20:00 < johnc4510> +1 20:00 < Grantbow> +1 20:01 < pleia2> alright, we'll wait a couple minutes to see if anyone else shows up :) 20:01 < dantalizing> +1 20:01 < dantalizing> o/ 20:02 < johnc4510> k 20:02 * dantalizing waves 20:02 < pleia2> hey dantalizing :) 20:02 < johnc4510> hey dantalizing 20:02 < dantalizing> hello 20:02 < pleia2> happy cinco de mayo :) 20:03 < johnc4510> dantalizing pleia2 just an FYI, i'm leaving on vacation tomorrow for the rest of May. But I'll be dropping in channels as much as possible. email me if you need anything. 20:03 < dantalizing> nice 20:04 < pleia2> where are you skipping off to? 20:04 < johnc4510> Missouri 20:04 < johnc4510> :) 20:04 < pleia2> hrm :) 20:04 * itnet7 is lurking as well :-) 20:04 < johnc4510> I'm also hopeing to meet up with some of the teams i have: MO AR KS & OK 20:04 < pleia2> alright, lets get things rolling then 20:04 < pleia2> cool 20:04 < pleia2> so, first up is the website 20:05 < pleia2> anyone have any thoughts? 20:05 < Grantbow> is the map coming back someday? 20:05 < pleia2> Grantbow: that's the plan :) xq is working on some ajaxy options 20:05 < Grantbow> kk, thanks 20:05 < pleia2> if not we might just bring back the old one 20:05 < johnc4510> just from a admin view point...site seems to be working well, no problems at all. 20:06 < pleia2> good to hear 20:06 < pleia2> I was thinking we should plan some upcoming news articles, we had lots of ideas from the last meeting: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/USTeams/Meetings/Minutes/2009-04-21#Proceedings 20:06 < johnc4510> sounds good 20:07 < pleia2> I'll volunteer for one, I'll go around to folks in the US who held successful release parties and get some tips :) 20:07 < johnc4510> nice 20:07 < johnc4510> we could do one on planning installfests too 20:07 < johnc4510> ? 20:08 < pleia2> yeah, that's on the list of suggestions 20:08 < greg-g> pleia2: we promise (non-free-as-in-beer) beer. 20:08 < pleia2> greg-g: nice :) 20:08 < johnc4510> good stuff here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoRunningInstallfests 20:08 < pleia2> johnc4510: so maybe one of us can review that, pull out key points and then link to the wiki page for an article? 20:08 < johnc4510> i can do that one, but it will probably be monday before i get around to it...on the road till sat. 20:09 < johnc4510> nods 20:09 < johnc4510> and sunday is moms day 20:09 < johnc4510> :) 20:09 < pleia2> sounds good :) 20:09 < johnc4510> k 20:09 < pleia2> I probably won't have mine done until next week anyway, I just wanted to get some committments on the table 20:09 < dantalizing> is there a process for submitting? 20:10 < pleia2> not yet 20:10 < johnc4510> i'll send my rough draft to you and pleia2 for final 20:10 < pleia2> maybe submit it to the board and we'll get it posted (and offer feedback as requireD) 20:11 < johnc4510> yeah that sounds good 20:11 < pleia2> cool 20:11 < pleia2> any other comments about the site before we move on to the planet? 20:11 < johnc4510> off topic AZ got it's bulk shipment of cds yesterday 20:11 < pleia2> johnc4510: oh good :) we should get ours soon then 20:12 < johnc4510> yep 20:13 < pleia2> ok, planet! johnc4510 - all you 20:13 < johnc4510> k 20:14 < johnc4510> I installed the planet module on the new site. After my experiences with it and reading a ton of google posts, I'm not sure we can get it working on drupal 5.x. 20:14 < johnc4510> . 20:14 < johnc4510> I first got it to post to the front page which is not what we're using that page for. I then got it to post to individual pages, but not a planet type one page for all posts situation. And it then started posting every post from the feed every hour. By the time I caught it, it had posted 14,000 entries of the same multiple post over and over again. :( I wasn't happy hee hee!! 20:14 < pleia2> hehe 20:14 < johnc4510> yeah 20:14 < johnc4510> it was a ball deleting all those 20:14 < johnc4510> :) 20:15 < johnc4510> so, i think we'd better try revamping the old site 20:15 < pleia2> alright 20:15 < johnc4510> as we discussed before 20:15 < pleia2> dantalizing: you said you might have some html people? 20:15 < dantalizing> yes 20:15 < pleia2> any word on their availability to work on our ole planet? 20:15 < dantalizing> if we just want to theme planet to match the website 20:16 < dantalizing> i think that can happen 20:16 < pleia2> that would be fine 20:16 < pleia2> mostly I'm concerned about the links being all wrong 20:16 < johnc4510> nods 20:16 < r2d2rogers> Sorry I'm late... 20:16 < dantalizing> which links are wrong? or would be? 20:17 < pleia2> dantalizing: it doesn't link to the teams participating in the planet at all, and the "solar system" is a bit random 20:17 < pleia2> (probably just what was on the main ubunt planet when the theme was copied) 20:17 < dantalizing> ah 20:17 < dantalizing> so there is some cleanup as well 20:17 < pleia2> and the top should probably link to the US teams resources, not general ubuntu ones :) 20:17 < johnc4510> yes the tabs at the top are all wrong 20:18 < dantalizing> gotcha 20:18 < pleia2> I didn't add it to the agenda, but does anyone have any thoughts about how we can get more mentors? 20:18 < dantalizing> reya276 is the person in our team who does most of the web stuff 20:18 < pleia2> cool 20:18 < dantalizing> he initiall agreed 20:18 < johnc4510> it would also be nice to be able to utilize the right hand side bar more i think??? 20:18 < dantalizing> so i'll ping him 20:18 < pleia2> dantalizing: thanks :) 20:18 < pleia2> johnc4510: yeah 20:19 * dantalizing made notews 20:19 < dantalizing> and notes 20:19 < johnc4510> k 20:19 < pleia2> with jonreagan stepping down as mentor, the three board members are the only mentors :\ 20:19 < johnc4510> yeah 20:20 < pleia2> maybe we can nudge people we know personally and see if they're up for it? 20:20 < johnc4510> we need to hit up nixternal to resubmit 20:20 < pleia2> yeah, he's on the list but doesn't show up for meetings :) 20:20 < johnc4510> ok, i'll hit him up about that 20:20 < dantalizing> pak33m: maybe 20:20 < dantalizing> if he has time 20:20 < pleia2> just make sure he'll be a more reliable mentor ;) 20:20 < johnc4510> pleia2: k 20:21 < pleia2> yeah, I'll poke around my loco for people too 20:21 < johnc4510> i'll see who i can think up for others and let you two in on suggestions before i approach 20:21 < pleia2> great 20:21 < johnc4510> k 20:22 < pleia2> any other comments before we wrap things off? 20:22 < pleia2> er, up 20:22 < dantalizing> ubuntu rules? 20:22 < rihanha> we'll be happy to apply as mentors when we get to that level, we've only just started. 20:22 < pleia2> ubuntu rules! 20:22 < johnc4510> rihanha: great 20:23 < r2d2rogers> whereas I think in LA we're re-starting... 20:23 < johnc4510> understood 20:23 < pleia2> r2d2rogers: one of our pretty active members is moving down to nola soon :) 20:23 < r2d2rogers> \o/ 20:23 < r2d2rogers> I think we've already heard from him 20:23 < pleia2> probably, bts3685 20:24 < pleia2> he's come down to visit a couple of times, is working down there on a shelter 20:24 < r2d2rogers> got him plugged in with one of our guys there, but I think he's planning to move out of state himself soon 20:24 < r2d2rogers> Oh yeah 20:24 < r2d2rogers> saw the site... 20:24 * pleia2 nods 20:25 < johnc4510> MO is talking installfest, OK, is busy in channel and mailing list now, AR is moving along and I need to get some things changed there as far as resourch go, KS is pretty dead but have a few people in the channel now 20:25 < johnc4510> resources 20:25 < r2d2rogers> johnc4510: let me know when you have someone to transfer the -us-ar channel to 20:25 < pleia2> cool :) 20:25 < johnc4510> r2d2rogers: k 20:26 < johnc4510> pleia2: that's it for me tonight i think :) 20:26 < pleia2> ok great, I think we're all set then :) 20:26 < pleia2> thanks for coming everyone
USTeams/Meetings/IRCLogs/2009-05-05 (last edited 2009-05-06 18:10:08 by alderaan)