Log for US Teams Meeting on January 13th 2010
22:00 < pleia2> ok folks, hello! 22:00 < pleia2> who all is here for the US Teams meeting? :) 22:01 < pleia2> we've got an agenda up here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/USTeams/Meetings 22:02 < pleia2> dantalizing, johnc4510, pak33m - you guys about? 22:02 < pleia2> welcome cprofitt 22:03 < cprofitt> I found you guys... 22:03 < pleia2> just getting started :) 22:03 < cprofitt> sorry I am a bit late 22:04 < pleia2> so it looks like our current mentors couldn't make it out 22:04 < pleia2> paultag: you still interested in being a team mentor? 22:04 < paultag> pleia2, yes ma'am 22:04 < cprofitt> I am interested in doing that as well pleia2 22:04 < pleia2> ok great, I'll follow up in email after the meeting with both of you 22:05 < cprofitt> as you guys advised I waited until my team was approved 22:05 < paultag> pleia2, awesome, thanks :) 22:05 < pleia2> I'd love to see you both as mentors, but our process requires dantalizing or johnc4510 to +1 it too :) 22:05 < paultag> pleia2, it's no problem. I'm going nowhere 22:06 < pleia2> so, lets look at the agenda 22:06 < pleia2> 1. swap some mentoring tips (and struggles) 22:06 < dantalizing> sorry i'm late 22:06 < pleia2> well, I'm the only one who is here, but I'm sure other people have helped out other teams 22:06 < pleia2> I'm thinking of putting a sub-page to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/USTeams/Mentors with some tips 22:06 < paultag> s pimp 22:06 < paultag> Whups! Sorry ya'll 22:06 < paultag> Pidgin closed :) 22:07 < pleia2> some of the things I have learned in this past year of mentoring (some of which I learned the hard way, oops): 22:08 < pleia2> - make sure you frame your involvement as a "helper" there at the request of the team, not there to impose anything 22:08 < akgraner> sorry I am late 22:08 < pleia2> welcome akgraner 22:08 < dantalizing> copy cat akgraner 22:08 < pleia2> - ...along the same lines, don't push too hard for approval goals, some teams don't care about CDs and approval 22:09 < pleia2> it's cool to tell them of the benefits, but forcing it is no good 22:09 < pleia2> - find some way to associate with the team so you don't seem like a total outsider, maybe you've traveled in the state, or met some of the members in real life, or grew up there, or have family there... 22:09 < pleia2> my most successful mentorships have had *something* for which I could relate to 22:10 < pleia2> meeting the texas folks at UDS was awesome, heading up to NY for their release party was a blast :) 22:11 < pleia2> dantalizing: any tips you can offer up? 22:11 < dantalizing> i think the biggest thing is what yo said earlier ... local teams are ultimately only going to do as much as they want .. you cant push .. just be available and encouraging 22:12 < cprofitt> 0/ 22:12 < pleia2> cprofitt: feel free to jump in 22:12 < cprofitt> I agree that they will only do what they 'want' or more accurately 'feel' that they can do... 22:12 < cprofitt> so I would love to see them 'inspired' that they can do things 22:13 < cprofitt> I know we have a blueprint for LoCo stories 22:13 < cprofitt> I hope that provides a positive 'you can do it' message 22:13 < pleia2> good point, a lot of the time when I start working with a team they feel like they are building from the ground up trying to think of "things to do" 22:14 < Zelut> sorry I'm late. 22:14 < pleia2> evening Zelut 22:14 < cprofitt> the other thing is that the 'people who want to do it' have to understand that all it takes is one motivated person to get the ball rolling' 22:15 < paultag> By the same token, you can't have a one person LoCo 22:15 < paultag> Build community first :) 22:15 < pleia2> yeah, it's a balance that can be hard to strike when you get started 22:15 < pleia2> welcome andrew 22:16 < MutantTurkey> evening andrew 22:16 < andrew> Hi ubuntu-us-pa peeps who greeted me 22:16 < pleia2> excellent start, I'll toss together a page with these tips :) thanks everyone 22:17 < MutantTurkey> I know I'm just a noob :) but how many Loco teams are there in the us? 22:17 < pleia2> MutantTurkey: 47ish 22:17 < pleia2> there are only a few states without teams 22:17 < pleia2> not all of those are active though 22:17 < paultag> pleia2, does that count more then one loco in a state? 22:17 < MutantTurkey> north dakota? alaska? hawaii? 22:17 < paultag> pleia2, al-la texas? 22:18 < pleia2> paultag: not really, we lump them all together now 22:18 < paultag> pleia2, cool 22:18 < pleia2> nixternal: is -chicago it's own loco still? 22:18 < dantalizing> nixternal is his own loco 22:18 < MutantTurkey> but isn't pa kind of two grouped? philly and pittsburg, meetings wise? 22:18 < pleia2> lol 22:18 < pleia2> MutantTurkey: yeah, most states have different regions 22:19 < Zelut> I agree nixternal is his own kind of LoCo ;) 22:19 < MutantTurkey> not delaware. :) 22:19 < pleia2> delaware doesn't have a loco :( 22:19 < pleia2> they DE people come in the PA channel to hang out 22:19 < pleia2> (because we are That Cool) 22:19 < pleia2> hey rww 22:19 < pleia2> aaanyway, agenda items 22:19 < rww> o/ 22:19 < pleia2> I will mix this up a bit 22:20 < pleia2> 3. determine whether there are still teams out there looking for mentoring 22:20 < pleia2> (will come back to 2 and do it with #4) 22:20 * akgraner wants to hang out with the PA team (just cause you all are cool like that :-P ) 22:20 < pleia2> is there anyone here looking for a mentor? Or know of a team who has expressed interest? 22:21 < pleia2> akgraner: haha 22:21 < pleia2> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/USTeams/Mentors shows our semi-current assignments for each mentor 22:21 < Zelut> I haven't heard of any, but then again I've been out of the game for a year+ 22:21 < paultag> pleia2, MTeck-engaged -- North Dakota, did you want a Mentor ? 22:21 < paultag> Erm, South Dakota * 22:21 < MTeck-engaged> hm? 22:22 < dantalizing> same place 22:22 < pleia2> haha 22:22 < pleia2> thems fighting words 22:22 < dantalizing> :) 22:22 * MTeck-engaged just saw hilight and was on his way out 22:22 < pleia2> MTeck-engaged: are you looking for a mentor for your work in SD? 22:23 < MTeck-engaged> I don't know what kind of time I have available, senior in college now - but I would like one when I push on things again in a month or two 22:23 < pleia2> MTeck-engaged: ok, noted :) 22:24 < pleia2> alright, well we are able to mentor more teams at the moment so if you do find a team who needs it, you know where to find us ;) 22:24 < pleia2> next agenda item... 22:24 < pleia2> 2. check in with everyone to see how they're doing 22:24 < pleia2> so I'm mentoring texas and tennessee, things are chugging along ok, after my move (to invade Flannel's loco!) I'll probably have time for another too 22:25 < pleia2> dantalizing: how are things looking with you? 22:25 < Zelut> my team is pretty stagnant, but I'm hoping to pick things back up. 22:25 < Flannel> pleia2: We're hoping we have all the big earthquakes before you get here, so you'll be able to live in the second island state. 22:25 < dantalizing> my right index finger hurts, but otherwise i'm good 22:25 < pleia2> Flannel: haha 22:26 < cprofitt> Wow... 22:26 < cprofitt> bad time to mention Earth Quakes 22:26 < pleia2> alright, things seem like they're going well then 22:26 < dantalizing> -id and -ne need inspiration 22:27 < cprofitt> http://www.cnn.com/2010/WORLD/americas/01/13/haiti.earthquake/index.html 22:27 < pleia2> cprofitt: haiti aside, SF has had a couple in the past week 22:27 < dantalizing> -nc has many inspiring people 22:27 < cprofitt> id = idaho? 22:27 < dantalizing> -sc is working at it 22:27 < dantalizing> cprofitt: yes 22:27 < cprofitt> k 22:27 < akgraner> dantalizing, it's b/c we have an awesome mentor 22:27 < pleia2> mostly it's because they have akgraner 22:28 < paultag> ahhh, thats right I knew akgraner is NC :) 22:28 < akgraner> :-P 22:28 * dantalizing sprinkles a little akgraner in -id and -ne 22:28 < pleia2> hehe 22:28 < akgraner> it's all dantalizing fault 22:28 < dantalizing> ok we've made everyone vomit now 22:28 < pleia2> actually we've got _marx_ working on UserDays too 22:29 < pleia2> so yeah, NC has some great contributors 22:29 < pleia2> alright, well, dantalizing is here so we can do some mentor approvals 22:30 < pleia2> paultag is from approved ohio, signed the CoC (is an ubuntu member) 22:30 < pleia2> +1 from me 22:30 < paultag> o/ 22:31 < paultag> Let the interrogation begin >:) 22:31 < pleia2> I never know if BT people are waving or raising their hands 22:31 < paultag> pleia2, hehe, that was me waving :) 22:31 < pleia2> hehe 22:31 < dantalizing> hmm 22:31 < paultag> dantalizing, I've got a second -- fire questions away :) 22:32 < dantalizing> +1 from me on paultag 22:32 < paultag> Well shucks :) 22:33 < paultag> thanks :) 22:33 < pleia2> :) 22:33 < pleia2> ok, now cprofitt - same story, NY is approved and he's an ubuntu member who I had the pleasure of meeting a few months back 22:33 < dantalizing> yeah i know he's the difficult one 22:33 < pleia2> lol 22:34 < pleia2> +1 from me! 22:34 < cprofitt> I prefer recalcitrant dantalizing 22:34 < cprofitt> :-) 22:34 < dantalizing> +1 from me as well 22:34 < pleia2> welcome cprofitt! 22:34 * pleia2 updates the Mentors page 22:34 * cprofitt smiles - thanks guys 22:34 < dantalizing> I'm glad to see more people helping to inspire the US teams 22:34 < pleia2> so, our last agenda item: do any mentors need teams to mentor? :) 22:35 < cprofitt> Yes, I would be in need of a team. 22:35 < paultag> o/ ( that is a raised hand ) 22:36 < pleia2> dantalizing: is your mentor team workload ok? or are you interested in transferring one? 22:36 < dantalizing> -id? 22:37 < cprofitt> We need to get Idaho a sub-forum 22:38 < dantalizing> we need someone to moderate it 22:38 < cprofitt> I can not fly there.... but would be willing take on helping them 22:38 < pleia2> that's easy enough, a loco contact just needs to ask joe454 22:38 < cprofitt> let me moderate it until we find another 22:38 * pleia2 grabs the link for the process 22:38 < pleia2> we just got texas' set up a couple months back 22:39 < pleia2> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=290685 22:40 < pleia2> there we go 22:41 < paultag> pleia2, I gave joe a ping, he is AFK. He'll poke cprofitt back about it :) 22:41 < dantalizing> so cprofitt takes -id and paultag takes -ne? 22:41 < pleia2> so I've also approached locos cold 22:41 < paultag> dantalizing, I'll take NE 22:41 < pleia2> Maine was one of those, I grew up there so I tried to help them 22:41 < pleia2> didn't quite work out because it turned out there just wasn't enough activity, but it's worth a shot if you have a particular interest in some state 22:42 < pleia2> "hey I noticed you had a loco but things are kinda quiet, I'm from the us mentoring team - can I offer some help?" 22:42 < dantalizing> i'm gonna try florida 22:42 < paultag> I noticed NH went out, the lead moved out of the state 22:42 < paultag> IIRC 22:42 < paultag> I was trying to find locos around me :) 22:42 < pleia2> dantalizing: yeah, florida needs all the help they can get! 22:42 < dantalizing> cool 22:42 < pleia2> paultag: yeah, all the core people moved away, to approved states! 22:43 < pleia2> 2 to NY, another to DC 22:43 < paultag> Ah 22:43 < paultag> cjohnston, is FL IIRC 22:43 < paultag> cjohnston, ya' there mate? 22:43 < dantalizing> yes he is 22:44 < cjohnston> yo 22:44 < dantalizing> he's a constant thorn in our side .. 22:44 < dantalizing> always doing stuff 22:44 < dantalizing> we hate it 22:44 < cjohnston> ouch 22:44 < cjohnston> note to self.. dont send announcement in 5 minutes to dantalizing 22:44 * dantalizing is being sarcastic tonight 22:45 < pleia2> :) 22:45 < cjohnston> what are we pinging cjohnston for? 22:45 < pleia2> alright, I think we're about ready to wrap up the meeting, I just updated USTeams/Mentors with our new mentors and assignments 22:46 < dantalizing> we're just agreening that you're in -fl cjohnston 22:46 < pleia2> well, as soon as the save finishes in 20 minutes 22:46 * pleia2 bonks the wiki 22:46 < cjohnston> why did i even come up? 22:46 < dantalizing> cjohnston: i was mkaing a joke about mentoring the -fl team 22:46 < dantalizing> because we're so inactive 22:46 < cjohnston> theres no mentoring me 22:46 < cjohnston> we are 22:46 < cjohnston> horribly 22:46 < cjohnston> expecially me 22:47 < dantalizing> +1 22:47 < pleia2> :P 22:47 < cjohnston> pleia2: gets annoyed by me cause i dont bug her enough 22:47 < paultag> dantalizing, do you mind sending an email to the NE lead and CC me about the change? I don't want him / her to feel ditched :) 22:47 < pleia2> ok paultag and cprofitt - if you guys have any questions about getting things started, or need some help or inspiration, you know where to find us :) 22:47 < pleia2> mentoring can be terribly discouraging sometimes 22:47 < paultag> pleia2, you got it, thanks :) 22:47 < dantalizing> paultag: i will ... and for -id too cprofitt 22:47 < cprofitt> yes, thanks 22:48 < paultag> pleia2, I know ;) 22:48 < paultag> dantalizing, thanks :) 22:48 < pleia2> and finding the point between "mentoring" and "doing everything for some states that are lazy" is frustrating too 22:48 < dantalizing> thank you both! 22:48 < pleia2> (especially for me, I just want to fix everything) 22:48 < paultag> dantalizing, sure thing 22:48 < pleia2> yes, thanks for helping out the team! 22:48 < pleia2> unless anyone has anything else, I think we can wrap up this meeting 22:48 < akgraner> oh pleia2 got any ideas for articles? 22:48 < akgraner> for the website 22:49 < cprofitt> are we all set pleia2 -- for the meeting? 22:49 < pleia2> akgraner: oh, good one! 22:49 < pleia2> we have a website, with articles: http://ubuntu-us.org/ 22:49 < pleia2> last one was published last month, any ideas for the next one? 22:50 < pleia2> remember: they can either be full articles like ones there now, or just "hey, check out this awesome LoCo wiki page everyone forgets about, this is why it's awesome" posts 22:50 < akgraner> wanna showcase the approved teams 22:50 < akgraner> one a month or something 22:50 < pleia2> akgraner: that's a good idea :) 22:50 < akgraner> we can do a few interviews and stuff 22:50 < pleia2> cool 22:51 < akgraner> sorta like the UW FCM stuff but for loco teams 22:51 < paultag> akgraner, I love it 22:51 * pleia2 nods 22:51 < paultag> akgraner, I'd love to help you if we decide to go down that route 22:51 < cprofitt> will that match up with the current plan to do LoCo event stories? 22:51 < akgraner> oh sorry UW FCM =Ubuntu Women Full Circle Magaizine 22:52 < akgraner> well it will be a little different 22:52 < pleia2> oh and our site is in drupal, so if you want a login to be one of our article writers (rather than me posting them for you) just let you know and I'll get you an account and give you a tour of the workflow 22:52 < akgraner> this will focus on the team and the process they went through there challenges etc (well that is what I was thinking) 22:52 < pleia2> (gee, I almost sounded like I knew what I was doing with drupal there!) 22:53 < paultag> pleia2, I have a login as ohio.ubuntu-us, will that carry out? 22:53 < dantalizing> lol 22:53 < akgraner> lol 22:53 < cprofitt> akgraner: sounds good... that sounds like the suggestion I had for them... to provide a 'blue print' 22:53 < pleia2> paultag: nope 22:53 < paultag> pleia2, OK 22:53 < pleia2> ubuntu-us.org used to be canonical hosted but that... meh 22:53 < pleia2> so it's on the pennsylvania box for now 22:55 < pleia2> akgraner: can you drop a note to the ubuntu-us list with this team spotlight idea so we can continue discussing there? 22:55 < akgraner> yeppers 22:55 < pleia2> thanks :) 22:57 < pleia2> ok, we can wrap this meeting up now 22:57 < pleia2> thanks for coming everyone :) 22:57 < MutantTurkey> it was fun listening! :D 22:57 < cprofitt> thanks everyone... 22:57 < cprofitt> night 22:57 < akgraner> thanks! pleia2 22:57 < dantalizing> gn all 22:57 < paultag> night 22:57 < akgraner> night
USTeams/Meetings/IRCLogs/2010-01-13 (last edited 2010-08-14 22:18:59 by ptr)