Meeting minutes for 2021-02-17
2021-02-17 22:00 ~ 24:00 KST On Eventyay video call
- Chair: Hong Phuc Dang(SG)
- Note taker: Gunyoung Yoon(KR)
- Youngbin Han(KR)
- RJ Hsiao (TW)
- Rohit Man Amatya (NP)
- Sartika Lestari (ID)
- Fumihito Yoshida(JP)
- Robbi Nespu (MY)
New members
- Rohit
- Robbi
- Ravi
Updates from teams
- Coordination team
- Created a fixed agenda for all meetings
- Organized the notes
- Published meeting notes on the Wiki
- Marketing Team
- Sartika designed logo for Ubucon Asia 2021
- Hong Phuc created twitter account (@ubuconasia)
Hong Phuc set up CFP https://eventyay.com/e/75ac7f83/cfs
- Sartika created the facebook fanpage (Ubucon Asia)
- Sartika working on promotion template
- Technical team
- Khairul (fenris) purchased ubucon.asia and Youngbin set up address with that domain
- www.ubucon.asia
- Sponsorship team
- No update
- Content team
- No update
Action items from last meeting
- Hong Phuc: Setup CFP and share access
- Done
- Hong Phuc: Create Google drive shared directory
- Done
- Sartika: Set up trello.
- Done
- Youngbin: Invite volunteers to join different dedicated teams
- Done
- Youngbin: Set up mailing list(contact address)
- Done. Google Group based email is all set.
- But we need domain-connected email addresses too. (see below)
Topics for discussion
- Which time zone to advertise?
- Asia/Korean Time (GMT+9)
- Feedback on the Call for Speakers, specially the important time (Ex. due date of the CFS submission)
- CFS Submission due date: 30th June
- Submitted CFS review: A month
- Contact email
- We need Ubucon domain connected email. (Ex. for sponsorship, etc)
- Budget problem when using custom domain email.
- 1. we contact Liam, since he said he might be able to get the basic funding for this event.
- 2. When we fail to get the basic funding, use yandex, since it gives 20? emails with custom domain
About the session formats & subtitles
- There was no conclusion about this topic, and we only shared about the individual's ideas.
- Tech team and content team should discuss and bring a draft idea for this.
- Some ideas which was shared at the meeting
eventyay + YouTube streaming: since YouTube is blocked in China
- Accepting Recorded / Live Session both seems good (Language: English / Local language w/ English subtitles)
- Consider using GCP's features(Ex. Speech to Text API, Translation API)
Using Tex2Voice services
Translations by LoCo Teams and volunteers
Action Items
- Hong Phuc: provide twitter for members
- Each Team: List the tasks for each team and share at the next meeting
- Tech / Content Team: Discuss about the session format and subtitles, and prepare a draft about it to share everyone.
- Content Team: Enter your contact information on the google spreadsheet(URL)
- Sponsorship Team: Contact Liam, for the basic funding to start with.
- Hong Phuc: Provide access to eventyay to content team
- Gunyoung Yoon: Publish meeting minutes on Ubuntu wiki and discourse
- Gunyoung Yoon: Next meeting chair - prepare and invite people to next meeting
- Jeremy Cheng: Next meeting note taker - Prepare meeting minutes for next meeting
- Next meeting: 2020-03-03 22:00 KST
UbuconAsia/2021/MeetingMinutes/2021-02-17 (last edited 2021-02-18 02:06:10 by ybhan)