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Meeting minutes for 2021-06-09



  • 2021-06-09 22:00 ~ 24:00 UTC+9
  • Text chat meeting on telegram


  • Chair: Gunyoung Yoon
  • Note taker: Youngbin Han (KR)
  • Fumihito Yoshida (JP)
  • Sartika Lestari (ID)
  • Liam Zheng(CN)
  • fenris(MY)
  • Gyuseok Jung(KR)
  • Ko Ko Ye(MY)


  • Updates from teams
  • Action items from last meeting
  • Topics for discussions

Updates from teams

  • Coordination team
    • More community partners
      • Openstack Korea Group (KR)
      • .New Dev (KR)
    • Will join soon
      • Gimscape.ID
  • Marketing Team
    • Publications about Calling for speakers, volunteers, partners and sponsors (For reminding purpose)
    • Will try to make some promotion video that the marketing team planned before. Will try the video platform first.
    • Sartika joined Podcast Indonesia Belajar and live session with KLAS to promote the event and encourage people to submit CFS
  • Technical team
    • Had a tech meeting last weekend to try out a video template and subtitle tool and discussed what we need to do next.
    • Yoshida is testing video template with longer video(30min ~ 2h)
      • Has no problem currently, will test with more video
    • Youngbin configured subtitle and translation scripts with GitHub Actions to automate subtitle job

    • Rhoit is testing if tools run without problem and the output file is ok.
    • Gyuseok is working on configuring video template with CI
  • Sponsorship team
    • No new updates regarding sponsorship from canonical
    • Got response from RedHat, GitLab and Samsung that they will consider sponsorship

      • Liam: ubuntu partners don’t have enough resources to support event
  • Content team
    • Got 8 submissions currently

Action items from last meeting

  • [DONE] Hung Phuc Dang: Setup a donation ticket on our eventyay page
  • [DONE] Gunyoung Yoon: Publish meeting minutes on Ubuntu wiki and discourse
  • [DONE] Gunyoung Yoon: Next meeting chair - prepare and invite people to next meeting
  • [DONE] Youngbin Han: Prepare meeting minutes for next meeting (Note taker)
  • [DONE] Tech team: Schedule seperate session about react remotion usage guideline
  • [DONE] Next meeting: 2020-06-09 22:00 UTC+9

Topics for discussion

  • Fallback for no subtitle volunteer: language specific track (Back up plan)
    • Language specific track with live translation service (e.g. MS Translator)
    • Will consider the backup if no volunteers but have local language submissions a few days before the deadline.
    • Action item: youngbin to check license of MS translator
    • We can still provide machine generated subtitles. It’s just not corrected by volunteers.
  • CFP Social media ads on Facebook and Twitter for efficient promotion(until deadline)
    • Will need to spend private money from one of our organizers and reimbursement later
    • From fenris and Sartika's experience, sharing on social media by organizers is better then FB ads.
    • Sartika to check the budget for Facebook and Twitter ads.
  • Paypal account for donation ticket
    • KR, ID, MY personal account can’t receive payment from non-paypal user
    • KR personal accounts are not allowed for domestic payment because of local regulations.
    • US personal accounts can receive guest checkout payment.
      • Gyuseok has one, but he’s afraid to provide his account for handling budget of global events
      • Opening a US paypal account requires no ID or bank account.
      • Action item: youngbin, gyuseok, gunyoung: test opening US paypal and sending small amounts of money.
    • If we have no other option, we’ll use fossasia’s paypal
  • Guest invitation from UbuntuOnAir: Who would like to join with Youngbin?

    • June 17th 13:00 UTC
      • Yoshida, Sartika, Gunyoung not available at that time.
    • Please contact Youngbin by next monday.

Action Items

  • Youngbin Han: Publish meeting minutes on Ubuntu wiki and discourse
  • Youngbin Han: Next meeting chair - prepare and invite people to next meeting
  • Hong Phuc Dang: Prepare meeting minutes for next meeting (Note taker)
  • Next meeting: 2020-06-23 22:00 UTC+9
  • Gunyoung, Gyuseok, Youngbin: Try to open US paypal and test sending small amount of money to other paypal accounts.
  • Sartika: Check Twitter ads budget.
  • Youngbin: Check MS translator license for use in conference
  • Everyone: share Calling for proposals info on their social media channels.

UbuconAsia/2021/MeetingMinutes/2021-06-09 (last edited 2021-06-09 16:06:26 by ybhan)