- Date: 24 July 2021
- Participants: Youngbin Han, Hong Phuc Dang, Sartika Lestari, Rohit Man Amatya
- Timeline
- Align on speaker flow and speaker communication
- Select the talks
- Create a program structure for the 2 days.
- Deadline for reviewers: 28 July
- Speaker Notification: 30 July
- Publish Schedule: Mid August
- Schedule announcement: Mid August
- Deadline to submit recorded videos:
- Video work schedules
- Pre-recorded session video submission deadline
- Soft deadline: Aug 24
- Final deadline: Aug 31
- Pre-recorded session video submission deadline
- Only give some more time for those who lost at the last minute to submit a video.
- Subtitle deadline
- Soft deadline: up to each translator team
- final deadline: September 23
- Video work schedules
- Speaker test call: September 13 - 17
- Final deadline to upload videos on Youtube: Sep 23
Content Team Tasks
Formulate acceptance/rejection email -> Tika
- Email 1: Acceptance message: ask them to confirm their participation, deadline to upload video, how to upload, agree that their material will share under CC
- Email 2: Rejected message: thank you, can’t accept but hope to see them
- Send out email to speakers (Hong Phuc and Tika through eventyay)
Prepare public announcement on schedule -> Youngbin
- Decide how to collect videos from speakers
- Ask people to upload on their own storage (Primary, prefered)
Send url to download to content@ubucon.asia
- Offer a link with instruction how people can upload if they don’t have own storage (Rohit)
- Review the videos and forward the videos to technical team (distributed among the content team)
- Upload the final videos on Youtube (unlisted) (Distributed among tech team)
Selection of talks
- YES: Ubuntu (Linux) related talks have priority + also accept some other open source topics if relevant., personal project not related to company, community partner 1 talk only
- NO: proprietary, ads, corporate speakers who speak about corporate open source products
Schedule structure
Youngbin and HP will prepare a draft and share with the group
UbuconAsia/2021/MeetingMinutes/2021-07-24-ContentTeamMeeting (last edited 2021-07-25 14:33:51 by ybhan)