
Meeting minutes for 2021-09-11


  • 2021-09-11 18:30 ~ 19:30 UTC+9
  • Text chat meeting on telegram


  • Chair: Youngbin Han
  • Note Taker: Vincent Wong
  • RJ Hsiao
  • Rohit Man Amatya
  • fenris


  • Updates from teams
  • Action items from last meeting
  • Topics for discussions

Updates from teams

  • Coordination team
  • Marketing Team
    • Spreadshirt shop
    • https://ubucon-asia-2021.myspreadshop.com.au

    • Designs adjusted to include the back
    • Sartika to ask Gimpscape.ID for designs
    • MOPCON's promo post is now up on their social media
    • Ubuntu podcast will hopefully mention us in upcoming show
    • Sent email to OMG! Ubuntu! to see if he’ll post something
  • Technical team
    • No updates
  • Sponsorship team
    • New sponsor: NIPA (National IT Industry Promo agency of Korea) - nipa.kr
    • awaiting amount
  • Content team
    • Keynote video - Ken needs some more time (for including content that requires contractual clearance)
    • TW’s volunteers will provide en subtitle for the zh-TW session

Action items from last meeting

  • Sartika Lestari: Submit final promotion document
  • Youngbin Han: Pass Hong Phuc Dang the information for Gathertown payment -> not yet

  • Sartika Lestari: Check with Gimpscape ID for their help with t-shirt design (tshirt design deadline: 2021/08/24) -> Not received design yet

  • Youngbin Han: Check with sticker vendors if we can issue coupons like t-shirts
  • [DONE] Youngbin Han: Publish meeting minutes on Ubuntu wiki and discourse
  • [DONE] Youngbin Han: Next meeting chair - prepare and invite people to next meeting
  • [DONE] Vincent Wong: Prepare meeting minutes for next meeting (Note taker)
  • Vincent to contact Sartika and Gimpscape.ID to check if they have any tshirt design for our event.
  • RJ: Bring Gather Town Map design idea
  • [DONE] Youngbin: Open spreadshop store, supply legal information

Topics for discussion

  • To Dos
    • Update panel discussion panel information
      • Confirmed: Sartika, Youngbin, Masafumi Ohta, fenris, RJ
      • Considering: TW (@BlueT_Lien), MY, JP
      • contact Hong Phuc to join as panel
      • Share list of questions for panel session
    • Spreadshop.com setup + T-shirts and other swag designs.
  • [Topics leftover from last week]
  • Marketing to bring more registration
    • promo video? - We can spend money for video maker subscription.
    • pre-event, post-event mail to all attendees
  • Subtitle: Now need to send machine generated subtitles and videos to volunteers
    • Some videos have only machine generated subtitles with local language.
  • Video call test with live session speakers (September 13 ~ 17)
    • email speakers to schedule a call
    • Compile speakers preferred time and have members from relevant LoCo organise test calld

    • Actions: Youngbin to prepare list of live session speakers
    • Things to test on test call
      • Did speaker register for UbuCon Asia 2021 on eventyay?

      • Can speaker hook up microphone and web cam?
      • Can speaker share desktop/laptop screen?
      • Can speaker share PDF slide?
      • Does speaker has any connectivity problem with Eventyay BBB?
  • Keynote and Mark’s welcome video to arrive next week
  • Pre-event, Post-event email to all attendees
    • Pre-event
      • Sponsor introduction email - according to sponsorship contract
      • Event dates reminder mail
      • Featured session intro mail
    • Post-event
      • post-event survey
  • Opening session: intro video of each local community - will discuss next time.

Action Items

  • Youngbin Han: Publish meeting minutes on Ubuntu wiki and discourse
  • Youngbin Han: Next meeting chair - prepare and invite people to next meeting
  • Youngbin Han: Prepare list of live session speakers
  • Vincent Wong: Prepare meeting minutes for next meeting (Note taker)
  • Vincent/Sartika: Check with Gimpscape.ID for any further design ideas
  • RJ: Think more about Gathertown map design, Video to finish manually translating by TW volunteers
  • Hong Phuc: Provide list of questions for panel session
  • Next meeting: 2020-09-18 18:30 UTC+9

UbuconAsia/2021/MeetingMinutes/2021-09-11 (last edited 2021-10-30 14:24:06 by ybhan)