To be more effective with our communications, the UbuntuAdverts Team should understand more about with whom we are trying to reach and how we are trying to reach/communicate with them.
Weighing your words
Weigh your verbs and nouns with care. Please add to these from your experience.
Change = - Alternatives: Transition, Upgrade. (note that when you 'change' from Windows XP to Windows 7 it is an 'upgrade'. The fact that some of your peripherals will no longer work, and that there are huge differences does not appear to be 'Change').
'Transition' is neutral
Simple +
Freedom +
Computer -
PC +
'Operating system' may well be an unknown term and should be avoided. "I don't have an operating system." might be a typical response.
Linux is double negative --
'Ubuntu' is often an unknown word and invites some curiosity.
What are the current user research projects, what are their goals, how are they being executed and what are their outcomes?
Name |
Overview |
Start |
End |
Results |
Research easy entry into Ubuntu from the mindset of the average Windows user. Aim is to pick a particular 'need' and to follow through whether this need can be met under Ubuntu, how easily and how successfully. |
December 2010 |
? |
? |
Tell us about your experience using Ubuntu. |
December 2010 |
? |
? |
The mailing list thread "Windows users switching to Ubuntu" is summarised in Research_summary.pdf
Here is an interesting report from Ed Bernard about teenagers taking to Ubuntu - food for thought: ed_bernard_rpt.pdf
Here is a report of talks given to UK further education students by Alan Cocks in February 2011: Talks-Ubuntu-for-students-report
Be encouraged: see
Quotable quote from the UbuntuMini support list on Google:
"I'm in the US but thanks for the offer.
It never fails to amaze me how incredibly helpful everyone in the linux community is. Last night the way I got the minimal installer to begin with is I asked in the #ubuntu channel on freenode, and someone made me a dd-able image that I was able to download."
Email discussions amongst the UbuntuAdverts team members
alan_cocks.txt is a report from Alan Cocks about working at computer fairs.
Some suggestions for policy for discussion and comment: policy_suggestions.pdf
Cassidy's Using Ubuntu document (v2)
Amended version of above for Natty simple_guide_natty_unity.pdf
PC World, June 2011 - 30 Days with Ubuntu series of articles
UbuntuAdverts/Research (last edited 2011-06-04 17:11:18 by 99-181-54-150)