Here we have a sampling of bugs to work on for Hug Day. After you have triaged or fixed a bug put your name in the last column and set the row's background to green by adding lightgreen in the first cell of the column after "background-color:" and before ";". This will let people know that the bug in that row has been hugged.
You might find it more convenient to edit the wiki page using editmoin a command line utility for editing moinmoin wiki pages. It is available as a package in Gutsy and Hardy. More information including an easier way to do this was mailed to the Bug Squad.
This week we are working on bugs in amarok. As usual, see DebuggingKDE for debugging and triaging practices, and pay special attention to getting bugs sent upstream to bugs.kde.org.
104 bugs in New status
Description of what kind of bugs they are and how people can find more.
To mark it off the list you should:
- Ask for more details, change the bug's status to "Incomplete" and subscribe yourself or
- Try to recreate the bug in Hardy, document the test case in the description and change the bug's status to "Confirmed"
Bug |
Subject |
Triager |
[apport] amarokapp crashed with SIGSEGV |
album art inconsistently missing from OSD |
Amarok sometimes hangs during playback and has to be killed |
kxineplayer crashed after closing amarok |
[apport] PlaylistServer.py crashed with error in self.socket.bind(self.server_address)() |
Nightrose |
crashes transfering video -> ipod |
Nightrose |
[apport] amarokapp crashed with SIGSEGV in QTextEdit::eventFilter() |
Nightrose |
Amarok becomes silent after some minutes |
Nightrose |
Amarok crashed when selecting 'Do Nothing' for plugged in USB device (Kubuntu 7.04) |
Amarok incorrectly calculates space available on iPod |
Nightrose |
Amarok crashed in Ubuntu Feisty |
Nightrose |
amarok does not close on quit(still running in processes) |
Nightrose |
Odd folder or file names cause amarok to incorrectly log duplicate entires in the collection database |
Nightrose |
Enabling Desktop Effects, some part of firefox, thunderbird and evolution windows are black for few seconds when I deminimize them. |
Amarok stops playing music when reaching a broken file |
Nightrose |
Amark crashed while connecting to ipod |
Nightrose |
[Feisty] MusicBrainz don't returns year anymore |
KAudioManagerPlay crash |
Nightrose |
Amarok's bug reporting reports error'kfmclient' |
Arrow keys doesn't work in amarok when i want to navigate in the collection tab (ipod mode) |
With Kicker Media Control Applet, Amarok tooltip misbehaves |
Ubuntu has stopped recognizing my ipod |
Audio cuts out in and out in amarok and kde 3.5.7 |
Nightrose |
Amarok mixes album names while renaming |
amarok cannot read playlists |
Nightrose |
amarok collection directory selector does not show all dirs under / |
Nightrose |
Incorrect storage of authenticated stream URLS |
Nightrose |
Rebuilding collection eats up too much memory |
Nightrose |
amarok: MusicBrainz result dialog: use track by dbl-click |
Nightrose |
amarokapp crashed with signal 7 |
error messages block Cancel button when transferring to device |
Nightrose |
Limit playlist size by megabytes, not tracks |
Nightrose |
Lyrics don't copy to iPod |
Nightrose |
Occasional skips; rythymbox doesn't |
smart playlist "entire collection" isn't very "smart" |
Nightrose |
Missing files are expired from the collection/playlist too quickly |
Nightrose |
Trouble with files accessed over slow network link |
Nightrose |
Audio stuttering with low sample rates |
Nightrose |
No amarok gui, just empty window |
Nightrose |
Amarok appears to hang during collection scan |
Same album names cause incorrect cover display |
Nightrose |
Amarok crach at crash while explore cdrom |
Nightrose |
amarokcollectionscanner runs and collection is not updated |
Nightrose |
crackle sound in amarok on mono tracks |
[GUTSY] amarok not recognising multimedia keys |
Amarok crash while scanning database for changes |
Nightrose |
100% cpu usage |
Amarok's "global hotkeys" become stuck often |
Nightrose |
Amarok will not start in Kubuntu Gutsy |
amarok-xine causing songs to be played intermittently |
Nightrose |
Amarok - "top rated" dynamic playlist freezes |
Nightrose |
amaroK First-Run Wizard links |
Nightrose |
amarok autoscan crashes on fresh install, corrupt media file? |
Nightrose |
Amarok cannot re-initialize (broken?) ipod |
Nightrose |
Amarok crash when playing a file being encoded at the same time by Ksoundconverter |
Nightrose |
amarok crash when setting a flash to not handle |
Nightrose |
Amarok is sillent |
Nightrose |
amarok skips some songs after playing a few seconds (gutsy) |
Nightrose |
Amarok "resume playback" feature doesn't work as expected |
Parthan |
amarok still can't play mp3s after autoinstalling the codecs |
Amarok smart playlist using "Label" criteria badly broken |
Nightrose |
Installing MP3 support crashes Amarok |
Laptop music-control buttons freeze Amarok |
Nightrose |
gutsy amarok doesn't clear "stop after current track" flag in dynamic playlists |
Nightrose |
Amarok startup freeze |
Nightrose |
Organize collection/Export to device forgets ID3 tags? |
Nightrose |
loads of copies of copycover consume all the memory |
Nightrose |
Include amsn-now-listen script in package |
Amarok slow/hangs on launch when unable to connect to db |
Nightrose |
Amarok should store metadata with/in music |
Nightrose |
amarok crashes when changing the analyser |
Parthan |
Amarok crash with portables |
Nightrose |
Rebuild for libmp4v2 API migration |
Nightrose |
[Gutsy] Amarok freezes everything on drag-n-droping to playlist |
Nightrose |
Amarok doesn't create mysql collection |
Nightrose |
Seeking is innacurrate in vorbis files with large gaps of silence. |
Nightrose |
Amarok crashes with certain mp3s |
Parthan |
Amarok does not send data correcly to 1GB Ipod Shuffle |
amarokapp crashed with SIGSEGV trying to play a WMA file |
Nightrose |
amarokcollectionscanner crashed with SIGSEGV in QMutex::lock() |
Nightrose |
Daap share never loads song or artist lists |
amarokapp crashed with SIGSEGV in xine_get_pos_length() |
Amarok Crashes Entire System |
1.4.7 [_stripped][validity: 0.54][frames: 156][xine] |
santiago-ve |
Amarok Fails to Start, Tmp Directory is a Text File |
Nightrose |
Edit tab is not refreshing |
Amarok shuts down hal |
Nightrose |
[hardy] media tab in file management preferences missing applications |
amarokcollectionscanner crashed scanning smb or smbfs drive |
Nightrose |
amarok freezes when pressing play |
Nightrose |
Kubuntu 7.10 on MSI ER710, amarok 1.4.8 hangs or use 99% of CPU time all the time |
Nightrose |
crash when editing smart playlist linked to a dynamic playlist that is currently loaded |
Nightrose |
amarokapp crashed with SIGSEGV in PodcastChannel::fetch() |
Amarok process runs, but application window/tray icon do not appear |
Amarok eats CPU when idling |
25 bugs in Incomplete status
To mark it off the list you should:
- Try to recreate the bug in Hardy, document the test case in the description and change the bug's status to "Confirmed".
- Answer any requests for additional information
Bug |
Subject |
Triager |
amarok weird behaviour when changing system time |
Nightrose |
Crackling sound during MP3 podcast playback in Amarok 1.4.5 |
Nightrose |
MASTER [apport] amarokapp crashed with SIGSEGV - malloc_consolidate () |
Nightrose |
Can't erase Cover used by various artists |
Nightrose |
Can't retrieve lyrics with amarok when behind a proxy |
Nightrose |
wrong transfer sizes with transkode |
amarok doesn't update the mysql database |
Nightrose |
[apport] amarokapp crashed with SIGSEGV in pthread_once() |
sound not heard |
Nightrose |
Amarok crash |
Nightrose |
amarok crash editing mp3 tag |
Nightrose |
can't drag'n'drop music files on amarok tray icon |
Nightrose |
Application icon does not appear in KDE Launch Daemon popup |
Nightrose |
Amarok doesn't remove deleted files from collection |
Nightrose |
No automatic iPod sync |
Amarok crash while changing filter from album to group by artist\album 1.4.5 [_stripped][validity: 0.72][frames: 225][xine] |
Nightrose |
1.4.7 [_stripped][validity: 0.53][frames: 97][xine] |
Nightrose |
Amarok crach at startup 1.4.7 [_stripped][validity: 0.70][frames: 151][xine] |
Nightrose |
amarok crash while updating collection |
Nightrose |
1.4.7 [_stripped][validity: 0.70][frames: 151][xine] |
Nightrose |
I cant "Edit Bookmarks" in Amarok1.4 |
Asks for preferred database on first use |
No menu entry for Amarok in gnome on Gutsy Gibbon |
After Tremulous Amarok freezes system |
Amarok, not support MP3 |
Nightrose |
UbuntuBugDay/20080313/KDE (last edited 2008-08-06 16:59:37 by localhost)