Ubuntu Cyclists Jersey Mockups
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Comment |
Nick |
Colours should be chosen from the Ubuntu palette. Ubuntu logo centered? Black collar = pratical, and matches black shorts/bibs |
mok0 |
I did not want to login, so no ubuntu logo but it is meant to be there at the usual place ... |
henninge |
here's one of the styles i created, i believe we should sell the idea that open source is not just about linux but there's open office, firefox, thunderbird, etc. |
pitanu |
another idea, but this time strictly ubuntu however i just couldn't get the brown tone correct.... someone give me the correct codes! |
pitanu |
this was the first design, once again "there's more to linux" concept |
pitanu |
this is the final, i'm actually having these done as i type |
pitanu |
UbuntuCyclists (last edited 2009-11-08 15:23:28 by ppp-124-121-12-234)