
Basically the organisation of the event can be broken down into the following areas:


10 weeks ahead

  1. Copy old session data from UbuntuDeveloperWeek/Timetable and UbuntuDeveloperWeek/Sessions to UbuntuDeveloperWeek/Previous.

  2. Create empty timetable in UbuntuDeveloperWeek/Prep

  3. Ask for session leaders and session suggestions on derivatives@debian.org, ubuntu-motu@lists.u.c and ubuntu-devel@lists.u.c.

  4. Review UbuntuDeveloperWeek/Previous and mail previous session leaders if they're willing to give a session again or have suggestions for topics and speakers.

  5. Ask speakers to add their session to the timetable on UbuntuDeveloperWeek/Prep and also add some session information.

3 weeks ahead

  1. Draft announcement.
  2. Update UbuntuDeveloperWeek and UbuntuDeveloperWeek/Sessions with data from UbuntuDeveloperWeek/Prep, update dates, etc.

  3. Talk to people on ubuntu-translators@lists.u.c and loco-contacts@lists.u.c if they are willing to help out with translating questions and answers. Ask them to add themselves to the bottom of UbuntuDeveloperWeek.

  4. Add sessions to Ubuntu Learning Calendar (NEVER USE RECURRING EVENTS FOR ANYTHING OR ALL DAY EVENTS!)

  5. Install Lernid and see if the sessions all turn up properly.

2 weeks ahead

  1. Announce via blog, get it on Planet Ubuntu.
  2. Mail ubuntu-devel-announce@lists.u.c and derivatives@debian.org.

  3. Post on the forums, particularly Community Cafe, Packaging and Compiling Programs and whatever the current development release forum is.

  4. Ask a Forums operator to sticky the threads.
  5. Send mail to all speakers about the event, how things work.
  6. Ask people to microblog using the hashtag #udw.

The week itself

  1. Blog summary of each day.
  2. Ask people to blog, pass on the news, and redent/retweet @ubuntuclassroom.
  3. Mention the start of each day a few minutes before session start in #ubuntu-devel, #ubuntu-motu, #ubuntu-bugs, #ubuntu-packaging, #ubuntu-locoteams, #ubuntu-reviews, #ubuntu and #ubuntu+1

  4. Explain the rules at the start of the day.


UbuntuDeveloperWeek/Organisation (last edited 2012-12-06 14:57:29 by dholbach)