Language Pack Roadmap



We want to extend the current scope of language packs and Rosetta integration to work with more than just application gettext translations.


Currently the language packs contain only translations for desktop applications that use gettext. However, there are many more translatable items in Ubuntu. Our goal is to extract all translatable contents from application packages, import them into Rosetta, and ship them into language packs so that they can be updated after a release.

Scope and Use Cases

Implementation Plan

Supporting KDE

Proposal for .desktop and .server files

This solution does not really fit into the original idea of language packs, but is a solution we can implement very quickly and independently from other distributions and upstream. But eventually desktop/server files should just use gettext() to translate entries since application's *.mo files already ship the translations. Therefore we want to propose the extension of the FreeDesktop standard to support an additional field TranslationDomain, so that Gnome, KDE, and other implementations can find the matching .mo file at runtime to get additional translations from it. Note that most upstream packages already use gettext to translate .desktop files at build time.

NOTE: This approach is already being developed: check out AddingGettextSupportToDesktopFiles and LangpacksDesktopfiles

Data Preservation and Migration

No data needs to be preserved when adding to language packs.

Packages Affected

Potentially many affected packages:




User Interface Requirements

We need an easy way to configure language support, see LanguageSelector.

Outstanding Issues

Things to think about in the future

CategoryUdu CategorySpec

UbuntuDownUnder/BOFs/LanguagePackRoadmap (last edited 2008-08-06 16:22:22 by localhost)