The project under heavy development. It does not yet have a working demo.
The simplest explanation of purpose is likely what was discussed between two of the developers.
23:28 <doctormo> what will it be used for? 23:29 <MTecknology> Lemme draw a timeline in slow people typing... 23:37 <MTecknology>
1) Asked about a LoCo Map
- 2) I look into it
- 3) Really irritated with wiki page format
- 4) I start drawing up code to clean that shit-pile up
- 5) I decide we need something better and agree with the requests
- 6) I start working on it
- 7) I start looking for help because the fucker is massive
- 8) There you are...
- 9) We work together for a while
- 10) You take over much of the coding
- 11) I move over to work on the UD Planet module
- 12) You do one hell of a kick ass job [ We had our different opinions in the mix ]
- 13) You develop another map to zoom in that is royally kick ass
- 14) We stop while waiting to get the XML data
- 15) Somewhere in there the LD guys thought it would be great if we finished this
- 16) They finally give us XML output
- 17) I try to pick this up again
- 18) I grab code from you
- 19) I'm swamped but have other people that want to help
- 20) I develop specs for them to follow. .......
- 21) Project finished.
- 22) You developed it in a highly portable manner that we maintain
23) I deliver to LoCo Directory guys
- 24) They spend 15min making it work with the LD instead
- 25) It exists for everyone.
The goal of this Ubuntu Drupal module is to present all of the LoCo information on a map. A model can be seen here and here.
This has been a massive project for some time in the community and nobody has yet to provide a fully functional and ready to deploy system. It's time to finally have this running in the wild.
Project Lead |
Lead Developer |
Developer |
RTL Developer |
Consultant |
SVG Concepts |
Review Needed
- This will exist as a Drupal module
- The map must be displayable as a page that is returned as content (map + theme shown) [provided it's feasible]
- The map must be displayable as a page that is printed (only map shown)
- The administrator must be able to specify dynamic options such as:
- The color for:
Non-Existing LoCos
Non-Approved LoCos
Approved LoCos
- Defaults should be pulled from the SVG Concept
- The highest level map
The data location (http://loco.ubuntu.com/data/xml)
- The images location (Unknown)
- A button to force retrieving of remote data
- The color for:
- Remote information should be pulled from remote location on cron()
- The cron function will not run more than once every 24 hours
- Unless forced
- The data will be checked fore timestamp differences before being fetched
- New timestamp will not be saved until the parse completes successfully
- After retrieving; the data will be parsed and printed to a local file
- This file will be formatted so no additional parsing operations need to occur
- No remote data will need to be pulled. Except:
Current LoCo data from the LoCo Directory
- Any data needed will need to exist locally in a format ready for the map
- The cron function will not run more than once every 24 hours
- The map will start in a predefined "highest level map" (Ex. North America)
The user
{will / will not} be able to go out beyond this level
- The user will be able to zoom in until data exists for a detailed overview
In the detailed overview: users will see outlined areas for each LoCo.
- Hovering over the area will highlight the area
Clicking the area will bring up a box with information about the LoCo in that highlighted area
- The box will contain: (if available)
- Flag or Image
- Some method to use a link to LP Team Image would be best for this
LoCo Name
Possibly a note about if they are officially approved or not
Possibly a note about if they provide local support
- Link to Website
- Link to Forums
- Link to Wiki
- Link to Mailing List
- Link to IRC Channel (webchat.freenode.net)
- Link to Launchpad Page
- [ Above order should likely be followed. ]
- Flag or Image
- The map will have RTL CSS wherever appropriate
- The code will be CLEAN and READABLE
- It will not remain as a Drupal project
It will be expanded and partially absorbed into the LoCo Directory project
- The user must be alerted if they need to enabled javascript
- The user must be alerted if they need to obtain SVG support
Technologies to be used:
OpenLayers provides an existing set of tools for working with maps
- The work could be somewhat reproduced on this
- To achieve the eye-candy already existing would make much of the existing framework pointless
- SVG provides all the functionality we need
- A large part of this work is finished by doctormo
- Provides very nice eye-candy
- The new mechanism is much nicer to older browsers with older video cards
- Google Maps would be best suited for "pins" which is not a part of this project
Additional Thoughts
Add additional thoughts below this line.
UbuntuDrupal/Specs/LoCoMap (last edited 2009-12-15 21:25:15 by 138)