
Differences between revisions 9 and 10
Revision 9 as of 2009-07-08 23:06:38
Size: 4233
Editor: host-163-62-107-208
Revision 10 as of 2009-07-25 01:41:28
Size: 4263
Editor: host-163-62-107-208
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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This is currently is the Discussion phase. Nothing here is set in stone and will be expanded on. The project is currently in alpha development and a sample is available. This sample is just that, massive changes will occur.


The project is currently in alpha development and a sample is available. This sample is just that, massive changes will occur.


The purpose of the Ubuntu Drupal Planet module is to mimic the way PlanetPlanet works. A sample of PlanetPlanet can be seen on


A focus will be held on end user functionality as well as the overall "eye appeal" which includes graphics. A style.css and a style-rtl.css will be built to handle multiple languages.


Project Lead


Lead Developer


RTL Developer



  1. Authentication
    1. Authentication will be based on user groups.
    2. Authentication levels [ administer, edit, view ]
      1. Administer - Able to edit every aspect of the module
      2. Edit - Able to view content and edit all feeds
        1. Except feeds locked by administrators
      3. View - Able to view content only
  2. Design
    1. Content
      1. Page - Will resemble the page content of

        1. Headings should be displayed separating feed dates (July 01, 2009)
        2. Module should use user profile icons as display icons
        3. Module will show a default icon if no user icon is set
        4. Feed will be formed in a "speech bubble"
        5. Feed heading will be a link to the original article
        6. Feed summary will follow heading
        7. Date/Time of post will be posted in bottom right of bubble - not a link
        8. If not full feed, _Read_More_ link will be available
      2. Block - Will resemble the Feeds section of

        1. Block will contain a list of all users that have feeds
        2. Block will form a link to the users blog
        3. Block will form a link to the users feed
        4. Links will be in the form of User (feed)
    2. Help section
      1. Must document all options
      2. Must document how to use them properly
      3. How do disable blocks from displaying on planet page
    3. Workings
      1. Module should pull all feeds from users and sort based on date/time
    4. RSS
      1. Module should allow and RSS feed to be pulled from the planet
    5. Update
      1. Module must update on cron
    6. Administration
      1. Separate pages for administrating the planet and the feeds
      2. Administrators must be able to:
        1. Edit all feeds regardless of lock status
        2. [Freeze] Stop a feed from being aggregated to the planet
        3. [Lock] Stop other users from being able to edit the feed
        4. Edit administrative module settings
      3. Editors must be able to:
        1. Edit all unlocked feeds
        2. Edit frozen feeds and unlock if it's their own
      4. Viewers must be able to view a full page of content
    7. Administration settings:
      1. Must be able to configure maximum feeds for page
      2. Must be able to set maximum number of feeds per user
      3. Must be able to (en|dis)able the user icons
      4. Must be able to set maximum length of feed
      5. Must be able to enable/disable viewing of images
  3. Defaults
    1. All feeds should start out unlocked and unfrozen
  4. Code
    1. CSS
      1. CSS should be created to resemble
    2. Standards
      1. Code must be properly documented
      2. Functions should perform a small task
      3. Comments should occur before the function, not in it
      4. Code should be clean and readable
      5. No redundant functions should exist
      6. Drupal coding specs should be taken
      7. Module.install file should cover the exactly full ground
      8. Any other common sense coding approaches should be taken
    1. Should module pull the feed down and store it locally or should is store a reference to the link?
    2. Do we want to use the aggregator module as a requirement to the module and use some of it's functions?
    3. What else should we add to the spec?


  1. Incomplete specification
  2. (./) Complete specification

  3. (./) (./) Verified specification - after all specs met

UbuntuDrupal/Specs/Planet (last edited 2009-12-05 20:55:01 by 138)