Meeting started by roadmr at 15:00:54 UTC. The full logs are available at http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2011/ubuntu-meeting.2011-09-12-15.00.log.html .
Meeting summary
- Questions about the program posed during Ubuntu Global Jam
LINK: http://akgraner.com/?p=1020 (roadmr, 15:03:44)
- Any Other Business
Meeting ended at 15:19:14 UTC.
Action items
- (none)
People present (lines said)
- roadmr (29)
- meetingology (3)
- charlie-tca (1)
- victorp (1)
Full Log
15:00:54 <roadmr> #startmeeting Ubuntu Friendly meeting
15:00:54 <meetingology> Meeting started Mon Sep 12 15:00:54 2011 UTC. The chair is roadmr. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AlanBell/mootbot.
15:00:54 <meetingology>
15:00:54 <meetingology> Available commands: #accept #accepted #action #agree #agreed #chair #commands #endmeeting #endvote #halp #help #idea #info #link #lurk #meetingname #meetingtopic #nick #progress #rejected #replay #restrictlogs #save #startmeeting #subtopic #topic #unchair #undo #unlurk #vote #voters #votesrequired
15:01:23 <roadmr> Welcome everyone! The official agenda for today is short, but if you have something you'd like to discuss regarding Ubuntu Friendly, we'd be happy to hear about it.
15:01:57 <roadmr> Don't forget to use "o/" if you'd like to comment on something. Also, please follow the convention of using ".." on a separate line when you've finished what you want to say.
15:02:14 <roadmr> We'll go over agenda topics first, so here goes:
15:02:42 <roadmr> #topic Questions about the program posed during Ubuntu Global Jam
15:03:19 <roadmr> akgraner was kind enough to post a great report of Ubuntu Global Jam, along with a series of questions that came up regarding Ubuntu Friendly.
15:03:44 <roadmr> #link http://akgraner.com/?p=1020
15:04:16 <roadmr> victorp took a minute to reply to most of them earlier today (and yes, checkbox 0.12.6 should be available now), but if some quick clarification is needed on some of those this might be a good opportunity.
15:04:32 <roadmr> guess I'll follow the convention too :
15:04:33 <roadmr> ..
15:05:46 <roadmr> anyone?
15:06:36 <roadmr> last chance!
15:06:52 <victorp> going once
15:08:45 <roadmr> looks like the answers are so far OK then
15:09:13 <roadmr> I'll o/
15:09:50 <roadmr> I'd just like to say that adding this to the UF FAQ may be worthwhile, akgraner's blog is a fine spot due to her contacts in LUGs
15:10:18 <roadmr> but keeping stuff like this in a central location also makes sense, we probably shouldn't scatter the information around too much, makes it harder to find
15:10:19 <roadmr> ..
15:11:10 <roadmr> Anyway, if more questions pop up or you can think of something to add to this, you're quite welcome to post on the mailing list.
15:11:20 <roadmr> So let's move on!
15:11:27 <roadmr> #topic Any Other Business
15:11:38 <roadmr> Would you like to discuss anything else today?
15:13:32 <roadmr> nothing?
15:14:42 * charlie-tca thinks it must be close to a perfect project, now
15:14:53 <roadmr> speak now or forever (or at least until next Monday) hold your peace?
15:15:30 <roadmr> charlie-tca: heheh we welcome praise as well
15:15:43 <roadmr> last chance, any takers?
15:16:32 <roadmr> OK, so let's wrap this up then. Remember, you can always speak up on the next meeting, or on the ubuntu-friendly mailing list. We like to get feedback! try the new checkbox! file bugs! give us suggestions!
15:17:55 <roadmr> It was a quick meeting today, still, thanks for being here, do take the System Testing app out for a spin and let us know how useful you think the tests are.
15:18:38 <roadmr> See you next time, Monday September 19th at 15:00 UTC!
15:19:14 <roadmr> #endmeeting
Generated by MeetBot 0.1.5 (http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AlanBell/mootbot)
UbuntuFriendly/Meetings/20110912 (last edited 2011-09-12 15:21:44 by ua-178)