Meeting started by roadmr at 16:01:14 UTC. The full logs are available at http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2012/ubuntu-meeting.2012-01-16-16.01.log.html .
Meeting summary
- Link to feedback in answers.launchpad.net from a system's UF page - roadmr
ACTION: cr3 to inquire in lauchpad-dev about API access to answers.launchpad.net (roadmr, 16:23:04)
- Any Other Business
ACTION: Ara to contact Nicholas Skaggs (balloons) to introduce the Ubuntu Friendly community (roadmr, 16:30:57)
Meeting ended at 16:34:32 UTC.
Action items
- cr3 to inquire in lauchpad-dev about API access to answers.launchpad.net
- Ara to contact Nicholas Skaggs (balloons) to introduce the Ubuntu Friendly community
Action items, by person
- cr3
- * cr3 to inquire in lauchpad-dev about API access to answers.launchpad.net
People present (lines said)
- roadmr (52)
- cr3 (17)
- ara (17)
- jedimike (15)
- meetingology (5)
- brendand (3)
- dholbach (1)
Full Log
16:01:14 <roadmr> #startmeeting Ubuntu Friendly meeting
16:01:14 <meetingology> Meeting started Mon Jan 16 16:01:14 2012 UTC. The chair is roadmr. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AlanBell/mootbot.
16:01:14 <meetingology>
16:01:14 <meetingology> Available commands: #accept #accepted #action #agree #agreed #chair #commands #endmeeting #endvote #halp #help #idea #info #link #lurk #meetingname #meetingtopic #nick #progress #rejected #replay #restrictlogs #save #startmeeting #subtopic #topic #unchair #undo #unlurk #vote #voters #votesrequired
16:01:28 <roadmr> Hi everyone, welcome to the Ubuntu Friendly meeting!
16:01:35 <roadmr> Today we have the following topics to talk about:
16:01:41 <roadmr> * Link to feedback in answers.launchpad.net from a system's UF page - roadmr
16:01:48 <roadmr> * Any Other Business
16:02:04 <roadmr> As usual, you're quite welcome to participate, to do so, indicate you want to speak by raising your hand (o/). Don't forget to also signal when you're done using ..
16:02:26 <roadmr> Let's get started with the agenda!
16:02:34 <roadmr> [TOPIC] Link to feedback in answers.launchpad.net from a system's UF page - roadmr
16:03:04 <roadmr> The other day a user in #ubuntu-testing was inquiring about his laptop. He had to do several tweaks to get it working, and then submitted results to Ubuntu Friendly.
16:03:17 <roadmr> He asked me what would be a good place to document those tweaks. I pointed him to the "feedback" link in a system's page.
16:03:29 <roadmr> He then asked me if that feedback (in answers.launchpad.net) is visible, or at least accessible in a system's UF page.
16:03:45 <roadmr> The answer seems to be "no", which was disappointing to him because then all his effort testing and documenting his tweaks will be much less "discoverable" and doesn't benefit the community all that much.
16:04:08 <roadmr> So the question here is, would establishing such a link, or ideally making the answers.launchpad.net feedback visible directly in a system's UF page, be worth the effort? and on that topic, what would be the effort involved?
16:04:17 <roadmr> ..
16:04:23 <ara> o/
16:04:32 <roadmr> ara, your turn (heh)
16:04:54 <ara> The first thing that we would need to solve, is a way to "link" a particular answer with a cid
16:04:59 <ara> does answers have tags?
16:05:03 <ara> ..
16:05:37 <ara> o/
16:05:49 <roadmr> ara: heheh, go
(btw I see no tags in answers.launchpad.net)
16:05:59 <ara> or maybe create a related FAQ per system, but that seems a lot of work
16:06:08 <ara> ..
16:06:20 <jedimike> o/
16:06:25 <roadmr> jedimike: go ahead!
16:07:05 <jedimike> it's really difficult to get back any answers posts for an ubuntu friendly system, because the only info we pass to answers is the make/model of the system to pre-populate the title field
16:07:12 <jedimike> the end user can change this in any way they like
16:07:33 <jedimike> Launchpad is down at the moment so I can't see if there is a tagging system, I've not seen one before though
16:07:51 <jedimike> even with tagging, we'd have to let UF know which tags were relevant for each system
16:07:56 <jedimike> the other way to do it might be...
16:07:59 <cr3> o/
16:08:22 <jedimike> if we see a good answers post, we could manually link it to the UF system on the UF side
16:08:23 <jedimike> ...
16:08:35 <roadmr> cr3, your turn
16:09:05 <cr3> two potential solutions to linking answers:
16:09:25 <cr3> 1. pseudo tag in one of the answers, like: #UF: make/model
16:09:33 <cr3> 2. link to bug which has a tag
16:09:34 <cr3> ..
16:10:26 <cr3> o/
16:10:31 <roadmr> cr3: go, hehe
16:11:15 <cr3> I'd be more inclined to have the linking user interaction on the launchpad side than on the UF side so that the latter can remain without user interaction
16:11:18 <cr3> ..
16:11:49 <jedimike> o/
16:11:53 <roadmr> hmm the tag-answer sounds interesting
16:11:56 <roadmr> jedimike, go ahead
16:12:08 <jedimike> i agree with cr3, if we can do the linking on the launchpad side, we should
16:12:09 <jedimike> ...
16:12:40 <brendand> o/
16:12:45 <roadmr> brendand: go ahead
16:13:23 <brendand> the answers are created from UF itself? if so, can UF be fed back the id of the answer?
16:13:28 <brendand> ..
16:14:03 <cr3> o/
16:14:06 <roadmr> cr3, go
16:14:42 <cr3> it could be possible to have the question created from UF phrased in such a way that it could be folded back into UF
16:15:17 <cr3> ..
16:15:41 <roadmr> this may work but what if the user changes the phrasing?
16:15:52 <roadmr> is there any API access to answers.launchpad.net?
16:17:35 <jedimike> o/
16:17:39 <roadmr> jedimike: go ahead!
16:17:48 <cr3> roadmr: I don't think we can get the identifier of the answer back from redirecting to a launchpad answer, unless we have a question form on UF itself which creates the entry on behalf of the user. this becomes complicated if we want to have the answer linked to the launchpad user
16:17:57 <jedimike> if we rely on the phrasing of the question, and the user changes it, we'd lose the link
16:17:58 <jedimike> ..
16:18:43 <cr3> perhaps worth raising on launchpad-dev mailing list
16:18:48 <roadmr> maybe so!
16:18:53 <roadmr> it seems complicated!
16:20:11 * roadmr thinks everybody is thinking
16:20:30 <roadmr> how about using something other than answers.launchpad.net for the feedback?
16:20:40 <cr3> roadmr: probably complicated enough not to be solved here
16:21:17 <cr3> roadmr: could someone take an action item to raise with launchpad-dev? 16:22:02 * cr3 should be slapped around for talking without raising hand
16:22:07 <roadmr> cr3: that'd be great! I think either you or jedimike know those folks best, would you like to volunteer?
16:22:22 <cr3> roadmr: sure, cc jedimike
16:23:04 <roadmr> [ACTION] cr3 to inquire in lauchpad-dev about API access to answers.launchpad.net 16:23:04 * meetingology cr3 to inquire in lauchpad-dev about API access to answers.launchpad.net
16:24:04 <roadmr> anything else we can do on this topic? 16:24:33 * jedimike doesn't think so
16:25:18 <roadmr> hmm OK, let's see what launchpad-dev thinks and go from there.
16:25:43 <roadmr> To be fair, we've only received one request for this functionality, so we may defer work on it until there's a big demand for it
16:26:07 <roadmr> but it sounds sensible to at least have an idea on how to proceed - and also, it seems like such an obvious feature we should have
16:26:24 <roadmr> anyway, moving on
16:26:37 <roadmr> [TOPIC] Any Other Business
16:26:40 <ara> o/
16:26:47 <roadmr> ara: go ahead!
16:27:01 <ara> Canonical's community team has a new member, responsible for the QA community
16:27:16 <ara> I guess we should reach him to count on friendly
16:27:26 <ara> (and maybe take care of the community part of it...)
16:27:33 <ara> Nicholas I think is his name
16:27:36 <ara> ..
16:27:55 <ara> dholbach, ^
16:28:14 <roadmr> ara: so should one of us contact him and let him know about UF?
16:28:45 <ara> I think so, what do you guys think? 16:29:02 * roadmr thinks it's OK if it extends our reach into the community
16:29:15 <roadmr> Ubuntu Friendly has been a bit quiet lately
16:30:08 <dholbach> ara: it's Nicholas Skaggs, balloons is his nick name
16:30:27 <ara> cool, I can take the action item
16:30:57 <roadmr> [ACTION] Ara to contact Nicholas Skaggs (balloons) to introduce the Ubuntu Friendly community 16:30:57 * meetingology Ara to contact Nicholas Skaggs (balloons) to introduce the Ubuntu Friendly community
16:31:14 <roadmr> awesome!
16:31:23 <roadmr> Anything else on this topic?
16:32:10 <roadmr> nothing.. Any other topics/ business to discuss?
16:32:59 <roadmr> any takers?
16:33:44 <roadmr> Well then...
16:34:04 <roadmr> let's end this meeting!
16:34:07 <roadmr> Well I guess this wraps things up for today. Thanks for attending! Remember the mailing list is open to all your UF-related comments and inquiries.
16:34:16 <ara> thanks roadmr!
16:34:18 <roadmr> Thanks all for attending and for your comments and feedback! Have a great day!
16:34:32 <roadmr> #endmeeting
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UbuntuFriendly/Meetings/20120116 (last edited 2012-01-16 16:55:42 by ua-178)