Ubuntu needs to be translated into Inuktitut (the language of the Inuit). For this to happen, we need some pieces.
Pigiarniq font is what the Government of Nunavut uses. http://www.tiro.com/syllabics/resources/index.html
- Emailed inquiring under which license it is released.
http://www.gov.nu.ca/font.htm - Here is a font, but unknown licence
- Emailed Nortext about the Nunacom font, said it was pretty much obsolete now.
- "The font is pretty much public domain - never had anybody ask us about the license before.
If we had to choose one, I would say CCO - http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/legalcode"
- - Fred Jansen, Nortext. Regarding the Nunacom font
- ACTION ITEM - contact the Nunavut goverment as ask to relicence under a DFSG-free licence, for inclusion in main. The best licence would probably be the GPL
This may also work - http://rpmfind.net/linux/RPM/mandrake/10.1/i586/media/main/locales-iu-2.3.3-8mdk.i586.html
The ttf-lg-aboriginal font package in Debian would work since it has Syllabics coverage. The fonts are originally from Languagegeek.com. It is currently in Debian unstable and will be synced with Intrepid.
Collect existing translations
- There are a number of exisiting translations out there. Find them and get them into Rosetta
- ACTION ITEM - search and contact existing translators
Contact new translators
- There are a fair number of Inuktitut speakers/profs out there. Find them.
- ACTION ITEM - visit your local University's language faculty and ask around
Find out where Microsoft is at
- They started last May
http://canadaonline.about.com/b/a/075557.htm - News story
http://www.microsoft.com/presspass/press/2004/mar04/0317LLPQS.asp - The MS propaganda
http://www.pirurvik.ca/ - They are working with these people, we should contact them
- ACTION ITEM - contact MS and ask them about buying a copy of windows in Inuktitut
Randomly useful links
http://attavik.ca/en_index.html - These people may also be able to help us
UbuntuInuktitut (last edited 2011-11-08 16:45:19 by mail)