
Meeting started by akgraner at 18:03:25 UTC. The full logs are available at http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2011/ubuntu-meeting.2011-10-24-18.03.log.html .

Meeting summary

  • leadership wiki

LINK: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuLeadership (akgraner, 18:06:33)

  • projects page

LINK: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuLeadership/Projects (akgraner, 18:08:01)

LINK: roadmap - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuLeadership/Roadmap-P (akgraner, 18:09:13)

LINK: blueprint - https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/community-p-leadership-team (akgraner, 18:09:45)

ACTION: akgraner to add valorie 's suggestions of using flossmanuals for our publications to BP and Roadmap (akgraner, 18:14:24)

ACTION: work on weekly leadership videocasts (akgraner, 18:20:52)

LINK: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BuildingCommunity (jono, 18:23:32)

LINK: http://flossmanuals.net/ (akgraner, 18:23:34)

ACTION: leadership team to help with BuildingCommunity Knowledgebase and FAQ pages (akgraner, 18:25:02)

ACTION: add BuildingCommunity pages to blueprint and Roadmap (akgraner, 18:26:10)

ACTION: akgraner to check original bp for merging AoC to BuildingCommunity and will not gaps and get back to jono and the leadership team (akgraner, 18:31:18)

ACTION: valorie to write up pros/cons to use floss manuals for or publications etc... (akgraner, 18:38:18)

  • annoucements

Meeting ended at 18:45:37 UTC.


Action items

  • akgraner to add valorie 's suggestions of using flossmanuals for our publications to BP and Roadmap
  • work on weekly leadership videocasts
  • leadership team to help with BuildingCommunity Knowledgebase and FAQ pages

  • add BuildingCommunity pages to blueprint and Roadmap

  • akgraner to check original bp for merging AoC to BuildingCommunity and will not gaps and get back to jono and the leadership team

  • valorie to write up pros/cons to use floss manuals for or publications etc...

Action items, by person

  • akgraner
  • * akgraner to add valorie 's suggestions of using flossmanuals for our publications to BP and Roadmap
  • * akgraner to check original bp for merging AoC to BuildingCommunity and will not gaps and get back to jono and the leadership team

  • jono
  • * akgraner to check original bp for merging AoC to BuildingCommunity and will not gaps and get back to jono and the leadership team

  • valorie
  • * akgraner to add valorie 's suggestions of using flossmanuals for our publications to BP and Roadmap
  • * valorie to write up pros/cons to use floss manuals for or publications etc...


  • * work on weekly leadership videocasts
  • * leadership team to help with BuildingCommunity Knowledgebase and FAQ pages

  • * add BuildingCommunity pages to blueprint and Roadmap

People present (lines said)

  • akgraner (102)
  • jono (56)
  • valorie (52)
  • bkerensa (19)
  • SilverLion (14)

  • ashams (11)
  • meetingology (10)
  • Darkwing (6)
  • YoBoY (4)
  • jrgifford (1)

Full Log

  • 18:03:25 <akgraner> #startmeeting

    18:03:25 <meetingology> Meeting started Mon Oct 24 18:03:25 2011 UTC. The chair is akgraner. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AlanBell/mootbot.

    18:03:25 <meetingology>

    18:03:25 <meetingology> Available commands: #accept #accepted #action #agree #agreed #chair #commands #endmeeting #endvote #halp #help #idea #info #link #lurk #meetingname #meetingtopic #nick #progress #rejected #replay #restrictlogs #save #startmeeting #subtopic #topic #unchair #undo #unlurk #vote #voters #votesrequired

    18:03:38 <akgraner> ok not who's here for the leadership meeting

    18:03:46 <akgraner> s/not/now even 18:03:53 * valorie is sorry I was late

    18:03:58 <akgraner> so this is going to be one of those quick meetings

    18:04:01 <valorie> connection problems

    18:04:05 <akgraner> valorie, no worries so was I Sad :-(

    18:04:09 <valorie> heh

    18:04:21 * SilverLion reports active for leadership meeting

    18:04:53 <meetingology> valorie: Error: Can't start another meeting, one is in progress.

    18:05:00 <valorie> ooo, sorry

    18:05:01 <akgraner> great - so let me grab the wiki - fail on my part for lack of an agenda but we do have the road map and blueprint to take a look at for the 12.04 cycle

    18:05:15 <akgraner> valorie, I already started it

    18:05:16 <valorie> also, I want to share a new resource

    18:05:19 <bkerensa> hi

    18:05:21 <valorie> and I think you do too

    18:05:27 <valorie> o/

    18:05:32 <ashams> hi

    18:05:38 <valorie> yay!

    18:05:43 <valorie> peeps for the meet!

    18:05:52 <akgraner> so so let's look at the wiki

    18:06:27 <jono> Smile :-)

    18:06:31 <akgraner> #topic leadership wiki

    18:06:33 <akgraner> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuLeadership

    18:06:49 <akgraner> so here is our wiki page that outlines some but not all of our goals

    18:06:58 <jono> is this page just for team goals?

    18:07:12 <akgraner> jono, nope I'll get to that

    18:07:15 <jono> ok

    18:07:29 <akgraner> I should say mission etc 18:07:46 * jrgifford reads wikipage again

    18:07:52 <valorie> heh, Darkwing - fix your link

    18:08:00 <akgraner> #topic projects page

    18:08:01 <akgraner> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuLeadership/Projects

    18:08:18 <akgraner> this page has the projects we are working and goals per cycle on ut

    18:08:19 <akgraner> it

    18:08:34 <valorie> here is the place I jump in with my new resource idea

    18:08:35 <akgraner> here's the links for the -P blueprints and roadmaps

    18:08:39 <akgraner> valorie, one sec

    18:08:41 <valorie> ok

    18:09:08 <jono> cool

    18:09:13 <akgraner> #link roadmap - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuLeadership/Roadmap-P

    18:09:45 <akgraner> #link blueprint - https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/community-p-leadership-team

    18:10:06 <akgraner> so take a look at those and while you are looking over those - valorie please tell us about your resource

    18:10:24 <valorie> last week I wrote a book

    18:10:35 <akgraner> sweet Smile :-)

    18:10:39 <akgraner> link

    18:10:47 <valorie> I mean, I seriously *wrote a book* -- have a stack of copies next to me

    18:10:53 <bkerensa> =o

    18:11:01 <bkerensa> wow Big Grin :) congrats valorie

    18:11:04 <valorie> using the http://flossmanuals.org

    18:11:04 <akgraner> valorie, go on

    18:11:14 <valorie> with 3 Indian students

    18:11:20 <akgraner> you mean http://flossmanuals.net/

    18:11:30 <valorie> oops, yes

    18:11:47 <valorie> their resources might not fit our needs, but they are amazing

    18:11:53 <SilverLion> akgraner: fyI: the articles of mine regarding this leadership thing are online now

    18:11:54 <valorie> free, opensource

    18:12:04 <akgraner> totally - I'm familiar with those resources

    18:12:11 <valorie> and amazingly flexible

    18:12:15 <valorie> ok

    18:12:52 <akgraner> nods- so your idea in regards for the team is to use this resource for our books/publications?

    18:13:11 <valorie> I want to throw it into the idea pool

    18:13:38 <akgraner> cool - I'll add it to the roadmap and blueprint it's a great tool/resource Smile :-) Thank you!

    18:13:52 <valorie> if we ever will have a need for a printed book, I would totally plump for this

    18:13:55 <valorie> or ePub

    18:14:01 <valorie> PDF

    18:14:06 <valorie> etc.

    18:14:24 <akgraner> #action akgraner to add valorie 's suggestions of using flossmanuals for our publications to BP and Roadmap 18:14:24 * meetingology akgraner to add valorie 's suggestions of using flossmanuals for our publications to BP and Roadmap

    18:14:29 <valorie> if not, then bzr is available too

    18:14:42 <akgraner> yep already looking at that one Smile :-)

    18:15:09 <akgraner> ok anything else in regards to the blueprints/roadmap/ or current projects list?

    18:15:11 <valorie> the other advantage of it, beyond the easy collaboration, is that it is listed on their page 18:15:19 * bkerensa has something 18:15:28 * ashams too

    18:15:31 <akgraner> valorie, anything else

    18:15:46 <akgraner> bkerensa, floor is yours

    18:15:50 <valorie> no, I've done burbling for now 18:15:57 * bkerensa thinks it would be interesting to develop Webinars or possibly standalone videos on Leadership

    18:16:12 <akgraner> bkerensa, you read my mind 18:16:41 * ashams has nothing now, thanks to bkerensa

    18:16:41 <akgraner> I was going to talk to jono about mentoring us on how he does some of his UStream stuff

    18:16:44 <bkerensa> Kaltura has an Open Source platform for videos and I think there might be a Open Source webinar platform out there

    18:17:05 <bkerensa> UStream is decent but lots of ads Smile :)

    18:17:08 <akgraner> jono thoughts on that...

    18:17:13 <jono> I would like to discuss new mediums of open weeks anyway

    18:17:21 <jono> jcastro and I discussed this a little

    18:17:28 <akgraner> yep but it's free and people can interact with each other and the speaker easily

    18:17:33 <jono> how to create a more media rich environment for tuition content

    18:17:43 <jono> unfortunately there are limited solutions out there

    18:17:48 <jono> right now I find ustream.tv is best

    18:17:54 <akgraner> jono, great - so how can we as the leadership team help you with that?

    18:18:15 <akgraner> should we add that to the leaderhip summit topic ideas?

    18:18:22 <akgraner> and maybe do a couple of those at UDS

    18:18:22 <SilverLion> jono hey there

    18:18:23 <jono> akgraner, right now, I think we don't need much help - I reached out to Google to see if they will give me a public hangout account

    18:18:26 <jono> hey SilverLion

    18:18:30 <bkerensa> I know Finn who used to be apart of our LoCo had this resource that was open source where you could stream video and then just embed it on your site with a IRC widget

    18:18:33 * SilverLion is NRWlion

    18:18:33 <SilverLion> Big Grin :)

    18:18:39 <jono> Smile :-)

    18:19:09 <valorie> that sounds totally cool, bkerensa

    18:19:17 <bkerensa> jono: Bradley Horowitz for the win... He responds to e-mail quickly Wink ;) and is VP of Product (Google+)

    18:19:25 <akgraner> bkerensa, it's more that just recording a session is the interaction of the community as well which is why I think jono's community QA format works so well - btu always open to suggestions

    18:19:30 <valorie> I heard a lot of discussion around this topic at the GSoC Mentor Summit

    18:19:37 <jono> yup

    18:19:42 <jono> I think the live chat thing is key

    18:19:47 <valorie> I think some great stuff might be happening soon

    18:19:49 <bkerensa> akgraner: Yeah no doubt... A public hangout idea is cool though Big Grin :)

    18:20:00 <valorie> the right people were all in the room together

    18:20:11 <valorie> VLC, FFmpeg, etc.

    18:20:21 <akgraner> jono, do you think at UDS we can do one Leadership Ustream cast -providing bandwidth will hold up?

    18:20:29 <valorie> could have used a jono too!

    18:20:52 <akgraner> #action work on weekly leadership videocasts 18:20:52 * meetingology work on weekly leadership videocasts

    18:20:55 <jono> akgraner, you would need to talk to IS

    18:21:00 <jono> if they can do it, then sure!

    18:21:00 <Darkwing> Sorry I'm late.

    18:21:11 <jono> I suspect bandwidth will be your enemy - ustream needs a lot of upload

    18:21:13 <jono> valorie, Smile :-)

    18:21:20 <akgraner> Sad :-(

    18:21:39 <akgraner> ok anything else from anyone regarding blueprints and goals for next cycle

    18:21:44 <YoBoY> sorry 'im late ^

    18:21:47 <jono> akgraner, feel free to ask IS, they may be able to hook you up

    18:21:51 <bkerensa> UStream Backpack http://www.ustream.tv/production-services/mobile-package

    18:21:52 <bkerensa> Wink ;)

    18:21:55 <jono> can I ask a quick favor?

    18:21:59 <akgraner> jono I'm meeting with them on SUnday

    18:22:02 <jono> for help from the leadership team?

    18:22:04 <akgraner> jono, sure

    18:22:07 <akgraner> ask away

    18:22:13 <jono> I would loved to see the team help focus folks on the BuildingCommunity pages

    18:22:19 <jono> as a central knowledge base for leadership

    18:22:24 <jono> is this something you folks could help with?

    18:22:32 <bkerensa> +1

    18:22:34 <SilverLion> link?

    18:22:41 <akgraner> yes - let me grap the link so everyone knows what you are talking about

    18:22:45 <ashams> +1

    18:23:32 <jono> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BuildingCommunity

    18:23:34 <akgraner> http://flossmanuals.net/

    18:23:37 <akgraner> crap

    18:23:41 <akgraner> cut and paste fail

    18:23:44 <akgraner> thanks jono

    18:23:50 <akgraner> Yep I think we can do that

    18:23:52 <jono> the main areas I think we need to focus is:

    18:23:54 <jono> * https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BuildingCommunity/KnowledgeBase

    18:23:59 <jono> * https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BuildingCommunity/FAQ

    18:24:14 <SilverLion> jono i am blogging about this topic exactly *happy

    18:24:17 <jono> my dream is that this becomes a comprehensive and central set of documentation for the project

    18:24:22 <jono> SilverLion, awesome!

    18:24:52 <valorie> jono, who built this resource?

    18:25:02 <akgraner> #action leadership team to help with BuildingCommunity Knowledgebase and FAQ pages

    18:25:02 * meetingology leadership team to help with BuildingCommunity Knowledgebase and FAQ pages

    18:25:04 <jono> valorie, I started it off a few years back

    18:25:13 <akgraner> in Brussels right jono?

    18:25:19 <SilverLion> you got the link i sent you via PM ... there is a second article as follow up coming online in the next 10 mins

    18:25:20 <akgraner> or Dallas?

    18:25:24 <jono> and then Chris C and Penelope S helped add a bunch of content

    18:25:30 <jono> yeah I revived it back in Dallas

    18:25:57 <jono> given that the Art of Community is CC licensed I suggested we merge some of the content in there so others can consume it in bitesize pieces

    18:26:10 <akgraner> #action add BuildingCommunity pages to blueprint and Roadmap

    18:26:10 * meetingology add BuildingCommunity pages to blueprint and Roadmap

    18:26:59 <valorie> looks like an amazing resource

    18:27:01 <akgraner> jono do you want one person as the go to from the team to work on merging Art of Community in there

    18:27:19 <akgraner> I thought we did that already?

    18:27:23 <akgraner> but guess not

    18:27:46 <akgraner> we need 2 or 3 people to help with this merging - jono thoughts

    18:27:53 <jono> well much of the AoC content has been merged in

    18:27:58 <akgraner> how do you want this broken down?

    18:27:59 <jono> but I think more could be merged in

    18:28:02 <Darkwing> I'll volunteer to do what needs to be done. Smile :)

    18:28:15 <jono> I think it could be cool if a few leadership team folks merged in some of the content

    18:28:30 <jono> I just think it will just make BuildingCommunity a more interesting resource with more content in there

    18:28:34 <jono> Darkwing, sweet!

    18:28:35 <akgraner> ok can you get us a list of what content you want merged in so we don't duplicate the work 18:28:57 * bkerensa can assist Darkwing as needed

    18:29:07 <jono> akgraner, basically anything else that isnt in there right now I think

    18:29:16 <jono> I don't have a list of things that are in and are not

    18:29:28 <jono> although I think some blueprints might list them from a while back

    18:29:33 <akgraner> ok - I have the book - I'll go through it and figure it out an get back with you and the team

    18:29:48 <jono> also tbh, it doesnt have to be the AoC content, I just thought it would be low hanging fruit 18:29:50 * bkerensa also has a print copy of the book

    18:29:51 <bkerensa> Big Grin :)

    18:29:55 <jono> if others can write new content, that would be awesome

    18:30:02 * SilverLion reports in if his time table allows

    18:30:05 <jono> fortunately, merging in the book is just cut and pasting and formatting

    18:30:15 <jono> the only requirement is an attribution notice at the top of each wiki page

    18:30:19 <SilverLion> jono check my link pls. maybe this will be interesting for you Wink ;)

    18:30:23 <jono> (the CC license requires that)

    18:30:27 <akgraner> totally - I'll find the originally breakdown and see what still needs to be done from there

    18:30:30 <jono> SilverLion, I will do later

    18:30:41 <jono> thanks akgraner!

    18:30:56 <jono> I think if BuildingCommunity is the central knowledge base that your team feeds into, that will be awesome

    18:31:18 <akgraner> #action akgraner to check original bp for merging AoC to BuildingCommunity and will not gaps and get back to jono and the leadership team

    18:31:18 * meetingology akgraner to check original bp for merging AoC to BuildingCommunity and will not gaps and get back to jono and the leadership team

    18:31:28 <jono> thanks!

    18:31:30 <akgraner> anything else?

    18:31:33 <akgraner> from anyone

    18:31:36 <jono> alright going to finish off my blog post and then hit up lunch

    18:31:38 <jono> thanks, folks!

    18:31:42 <akgraner> jono thanks!

    18:31:45 <bkerensa> thanks jono

    18:31:47 <jono> also folks, remember the mini summit at UDS!

    18:31:49 <Darkwing> Thanks Jono

    18:31:50 <jono> going to be fun Smile :-)

    18:31:51 <YoBoY> thanks jono

    18:31:52 <SilverLion> jono have a good one!

    18:32:03 <jono> take care, folks, thanks for the great work!

    18:32:05 * SilverLion is not going to be there Sad :(

    18:32:07 <akgraner> yeah that was going to be in the announcements 18:32:57 * akgraner apologizes for lack of agenda - that WILL be fixed for the next meeting!

    18:33:24 <akgraner> ok so any other thoughts on things we are working on, things you want to see happen for the next cycle etc

    18:33:50 <akgraner> suggestions or comments - the floor is open just o/ so we aren't talking all over one another

    18:34:14 <ashams> does it needs a team to copy-n-pate?

    18:34:41 * ashams finished Smile :)

    18:34:46 <akgraner> ashams, what do you mean?

    18:35:01 <bkerensa> Leadership Podcast for the win

    18:35:02 <ashams> it's not a much of work to do

    18:35:02 <bkerensa> Wink ;)

    18:35:12 <Darkwing> I wanted to say something Smile :)

    18:35:29 * SilverLion will continue his series of blog posts

    18:35:29 <ashams> I beleive the /BuildingCommunity needs a complete make over

    18:35:32 <akgraner> ashams, yep it's more than you think - I'll pull the stuff we already did so you can see how many people it took

    18:35:36 <valorie> akgraner: is that something I should have done, since I volunteered to chair?

    18:35:44 <valorie> the agenda

    18:35:46 <Darkwing> I know since I drove into everyones mind that this can be done I have not been around and I wanted to apoligize for that. Smile :)

    18:35:50 <valorie> if so, FAIL

    18:36:02 <akgraner> valorie, oh crap - I just started the meeting since we were running late

    18:36:06 <valorie> I know

    18:36:12 <akgraner> we;ll get this worked out Smile :-)

    18:36:18 <valorie> it's fine -- my connection was screwed up

    18:36:29 <valorie> yes

    18:36:40 <valorie> Darkwing: {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{hugs}}}}}}}}}}}}}}

    18:36:45 <Darkwing> Big Grin :)

    18:36:55 <akgraner> valorie, if you can check on the differences between flossmanuals and bzr in terms of ease of use that would be a big help

    18:37:13 <valorie> ease of use: flossmanuals hands down

    18:37:21 <akgraner> since we are getting ready to dump chapters 1 and 2 somewhere

    18:37:30 <valorie> also better than googledocs

    18:37:30 <akgraner> can you write up the why etc?

    18:37:40 <valorie> sure, I'll send an email

    18:37:44 <akgraner> so everyone understands etc

    18:38:18 <akgraner> #action valorie to write up pros/cons to use floss manuals for or publications etc... 18:38:18 * meetingology valorie to write up pros/cons to use floss manuals for or publications etc...

    18:38:24 <ashams> I'll work till Chapter 2 get completed

    18:38:41 <valorie> Smile :-)

    18:38:42 <akgraner> ashams, chapter 2 is almost finished it's Chapter 1 that needs the most help

    18:38:54 <YoBoY> (don't forget l10n possibilities eventualy)

    18:39:08 <ashams> Chapter 1 is filled just needs some revision, but 2 has 2 modules to fill

    18:39:09 <akgraner> YoBoY, yep - you want to lead that effort

    18:39:28 <akgraner> ashams, Chapter 2 is overview with supporting doc in the following chapters

    18:39:50 <akgraner> just add what you think needs to be there

    18:40:01 <YoBoY> I need to donwload it to read it in the plane Smile :)

    18:40:11 <SilverLion> akgraner: just point me where you need me Wink ;) i ll go and publish my next article Wink ;)

    18:40:28 <akgraner> SilverLion, thank you and will do - thanks

    18:40:37 <akgraner> YoBoY great!

    18:40:41 <akgraner> anything else

    18:40:51 <valorie> wow, you folks were rocking while I was gone

    18:40:59 <valorie> as expected.....

    18:41:02 <valorie> Smile :-)

    18:41:31 <akgraner> if not I'll get the blueprints and roadmaps updated and get an email to the list about today's meeting

    18:41:46 <akgraner> #topic annoucements

    18:42:20 <akgraner> UDS-P - next week in Orlando - if you can't go there is always remote participation which is great - I'll post something about that this week

    18:43:20 <akgraner> Mini Leadership Summit at UDS - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UDS-P/LeadershipSummit

    18:43:38 <akgraner> also remote participation will be available for this as well

    18:43:47 <akgraner> any other announcements

    18:44:10 <ashams> akgraner: Thank you

    18:44:25 <akgraner> ashams, you're welcome

    18:44:37 <akgraner> anything else from anyone?

    18:45:00 <valorie> great meeting; thank you amber for chairing

    18:45:29 <akgraner> If not thanks everyone - I think are in the beginnings of a great resource for the community - thank you all for you hard work so far and I can't wait to see what all we can accomplish as a team this next cycle!

    18:45:31 <akgraner> THANK YOU!

    18:45:37 <akgraner> #endmeeting

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UbuntuLeadership/Meetings/2011/October24 (last edited 2011-10-24 21:35:02 by user80)