
Revision 6 as of 2007-01-26 10:29:28

Clear message

Ubuntu Love Days are dedicated to the growth and encouragement of new Ubuntu contributors. Whether it's filing, triaging or fixing bugs, learning how to make packages, promoting and supporting Ubuntu in your local community, becoming a member or maintainer, or any of the other countless things you can do to contribute or get involved, Ubuntu Love is for you!

  • We meet in #ubuntu-love on irc.freenode.net

Topics we always cover:

Next UbuntuLove Day

The next UbuntuLove day is currently unscheduled, but will be held after HoaryHedgehog is released and BreezyBadger is opened. It might even be a mega UbuntuLove day at UbuntuDownUnder... Smile :-)

Special things we're covering:
