Full Circle Meeting #7 Log
This is a log of Full Circle Meeting #7, held on Saturday 13th October 2007 at 17:00 UTC.
<ronnietucker> ok, i'm assuming for now, neither are here, but we'll give them another shout at the end just in case...
<ronnietucker> moving on...
<ronnietucker> mrmonday: how goes it with the articles... ?
<mrmonday> ronnietucker, they're hard to do when my PC keeps crashing like just then
<mrmonday> Q&A needs a couple more Qs
<ronnietucker> did you get the ones I email you?
<mrmonday> yes I did
<mrmonday> I'll add them soon
<ronnietucker> cool. Maybe add something along the lines of 'how do i upgrade to Gutsy' ?
<mrmonday> the other article will be done right after it
<ronnietucker> we only really need four or five q's at most
<mrmonday> How do I upgrade to gutsy? See the article on page <ronnietucker> roughly 300 words <mrmonday> I think I've got about 200 <ronnietucker> cool, adding a feisty>gusty Q will bump it up? <ronnietucker> *gutsy <ronnietucker> reckon you'll have both done by tomorrow? <mrmonday> yep <mrmonday> it'll be done about an hour/2 after I get up <ronnietucker> cool. <ronnietucker> Faemir... anyone heard from, or seen, him? <ronnietucker> emailed him a few times, no reply. So unless he emails me his article by early tomorrow his page will be left out this month. <ronnietucker> unless someone out there wants to write a 'website of the month' page? 350 words, one screen <mrmonday> I talked to him yesterday <mrmonday> hang on <ronnietucker> ok <ronnietucker> Andrew (tuna) from Teens on Linux will be filling in for Samuel (sampbar) while he's studying for his English exams. <mrmonday> <~faemir> when is the next article due? <mrmonday> <mrmonday> faemir, sunday afaik <mrmonday> <~faemir> I better do it now then xd <mrmonday> <~faemir> since as I'm out most of weekend <ronnietucker> mrmonday: please tell him to check his emails! <mrmonday> ronnietucker, if I see him I will do <ronnietucker> ok, thanks <mrmonday> just sent a message to him that he'll see next time he comes on IRC too <ronnietucker> thanks mrmonday <mrmonday> np * linuxgeekery (n=linuxgee@ has joined #fullcirclemagazine <mrmonday> hey linuxgeekery * ChanServ gives voice to linuxgeekery <ronnietucker> ok, thats the 'news' out of the way. Only other thing I want to add while i remember is that I am now using Gutsy (7.10) and Scribus 1.3.4 so if anyone has problems with open Scribus files, please upgrade to 1.3.4 <Maitre`Spike> hi ronnietucker <ronnietucker> hi Maitre`Spike <Maitre`Spike> <linuxgeekery> << is back <linuxgeekery> Meeting in progress already? <topaspv> yep <ronnietucker> yep, just passing on the news linuxgeekery <ronnietucker> anyone else want to chip in anything? * RockerMONO (n=Nick@unaffiliated/rockermono) has joined #fullcirclemagazine <mrmonday> don't think so <RockerMONO> hey everyone <ronnietucker> hi RockerMONO <mrmonday> is there anything on the agenda we want to discuss anyway? <RockerMONO> what's up, ronnietucker? <ronnietucker> any questions, moans etc?... <ronnietucker> we can discuss the things on the agenda sure but neither catfacts/onlineapps are here it seems... <mrmonday> :/ <ronnietucker> wow, this could well be the shortest meeting we've ever had... <mrmonday> yeah <ronnietucker> last call for questions.... <linuxgeekery> podcast? <ronnietucker> moans? No one even wants to moan at me?... * Monie (n=Monie@unaffiliated/monie) has joined #fullcirclemagazine <RockerMONO> =o Monie <RockerMONO> hi <Monie> hi * Monie (n=Monie@unaffiliated/monie) has left #fullcirclemagazine ("Leaving") <RockerMONO> lmao <ronnietucker> linuxgeekery: we could discuss it but catfacts (proposer) isn't here so not sure what he wants to discuss about it <linuxgeekery> ah ok
UbuntuMagazine/FullCircleMeetingLogs/MeetingSeven (last edited 2008-08-06 16:26:45 by localhost)