<ronnietucker> hi all!
<TheDead1> late
<_Nicola_> hello!
<Old> hi
<_Nicola_> a great philosopher once said: "lets get this party started!"
<topaspv|laptop> hi
<ronnietucker> _Nicola_: indeed
<topaspv|laptop> england's macht is so boring.. so i decided to be here instead of watching it
<topaspv|laptop> macht = match
<ronnietucker> ok, first thing: Gutsy
* mrmonday prepares for his hanging
<topaspv|laptop> 2:0
<ronnietucker> Gutsy is released in October and our #5 and #6 is release before and after the Gutsy release so i'm thinking about putting in an extra article just to talk about and show the new stuff in Gutsy... any objections??
<jwill> sounds good
<_Nicola_> that sounds good to me
<mrmonday> ronnietucker, I was thinking of doing that for the flavour of the month
<ronnietucker> mrmonday: because you haven't written one yet? :P
<mrmonday> you want to do the article for me :)?
<mrmonday> ronnietucker, meant after fluzbuntu
<mrmonday> *x
<ronnietucker> i've sent a message to the Marketing Team mailing list asking for a link to a definite list of new features and screens if possible...
<_Nicola_> sooner or later there won't be anymore flavors of Ubuntu to talk about!
<ronnietucker> if we get a nice list of features and screens then i could write this up as the FotM for #5 then use fluxbuntu for #6 mrmonday?
<mrmonday> if you like
<ronnietucker> _Nicola_: you'd be surprised at the amount of *buntu derivitives! 8O
<ronnietucker> 's up to you mrmonday ... I can add the Gutsy thing as a one off extra feature type thing... ?
<mrmonday> well I was thinking I'd do fluxbuntu for #5 then a features thing for gutsy for #6 but I don't mind
<ronnietucker> _Nicola_:
<_Nicola_> ! wow
<mrmonday> ronnietucker, I though there were loads more than that?
<ronnietucker> by #6 you could be doing a Gutsy install!
<ronnietucker> mrmonday: there are but those are the kinda 'official' ones...
<jwill> that list doesn't have some of the smaller ones like Wubi.
<ronnietucker> what the heck... lets put the fluxy and Gutsy thing in #5 hm??
<mrmonday> so I now have to do 2 articles?
<mrmonday> or would you be doing the gutsy thing?
<ronnietucker> no no, i'll do the Gutsy one
<ronnietucker> unless someone else wants to do it??
* topaspv|laptop prepares for the 20mb download of #5
<_Nicola_> maybe they could just be shorter ones focusing on the main points of difference
<ronnietucker> the Gutsy article will just be a few pages talking about 'whats new'... nothing too long...
<mrmonday> ronnietucker, could you maybe rather than writing it as an article, have each feature separate, and scattered through the mag?
<mrmonday> king of like a gap filler thing
<mrmonday> *kind
<mrmonday> then just have a page with the rest of the features
<ronnietucker> possibly... but the reader might wonder why these boxes - not relevant to the article - keep appearing?
<ronnietucker> and hopefully with word counts (etc) we won't have any extra space
<jwill> I think that unless that is something that is a convention that happens every issue from now on, it would be very disorienting
<ronnietucker> i'd find it quite off putting... :/
<ronnietucker> anyway... there'll be Gutsy stuff in #5
<topaspv|laptop> yaaaay
<ronnietucker> next: who wants to volunteer a photo of their PC for MyPC???...
<ronnietucker> someone must want to show off their PC?....
<topaspv|laptop> i guess you're gonna have to buy yourself a new one
<ronnietucker> alternatively remove the MyPC section.... :/
<ronnietucker> no takers for myPC then?...
<_Nicola_> id do it, but my computer is not very exciting
<_Nicola_> in fact, it is pretty boring
<ronnietucker> doesn't have to be exciting... just a photo of it and 150 words...
<ronnietucker> myPC sold to _Nicola_ ... NEXT!
<topaspv|laptop> 3:0
<_Nicola_> !?
<_Nicola_> hehe
<ronnietucker> articles... two people in particular................
<ronnietucker> (i correct myself... THREE people)
* mrmonday ducks
<topaspv|laptop> it's not me. hurrah
<ronnietucker> thats one
<ronnietucker> mrmonday: still owes me Q&A and Fluxy install.....
* TheDead1 pulls mrmonday back out
* mrmonday hides in the cube while finishing his articles
<ronnietucker> would mrmonday like to explain to the class why his homework isn't done?
<topaspv|laptop> hehe
<ronnietucker> faemir - you too... website of the month?
<ronnietucker> sampbar (not here) - Ubuntu Youth...
<mrmonday> I started them...
<TheDead1> get the ruler out
<mrmonday> and was gonna finish them yesterday but I had a headache
<ronnietucker> ruler nothing... when i was at school it was the belt...
<mrmonday> plus I've had a busy day today...
<mrmonday> sorry
<ronnietucker> this all brings me to:
<ronnietucker> 1) the /docs wiki needs updating a bit quicker. I know it's a bit of a pain and all but even after one week I had to put up the Top5 and Review articles... seven days of proofing lost
* mrmonday would like an easier way of uploading images to the wiki if possible
<mrmonday> a mass upload option
<ronnietucker> 2) people are waiting too close to deadline to write articles *cough* faemir and sampbar too *cough* the longer the article is up on the /docs wiki the more proofing it can get and it makes my life a bit easier...
<_Nicola_> what about just an upload of a tar or something?
<_Nicola_> the images don't need to be on the text in the wiki, do they?
<ronnietucker> _Nicola_: has to be editable for the proof-readers
<_Nicola_> yeah, a tar along side the normal text
<_Nicola_> ?
<ronnietucker> still need to put up the text either way... defeats the purpose of the tar?
<_Nicola_> nono, the tar would just be for the images
* linuxgeekery (n=ubuntu@fullcirclemagazine/webmaster/linuxgeekery) left irc: "Lost terminal"
<ronnietucker> convenient ;P
<mrmonday> :P
<ronnietucker> _Nicola_: possibly, yeah.
<ronnietucker> mrmonday: would that be easier?
<mrmonday> a lot easier
<ronnietucker> ok, sold.
<mrmonday> but you said to me no tars
<TheDead1> can i buy some thing :p
<ronnietucker> if it means you guys will update the /doc wiki then fine, have your tars!
<ronnietucker> but only the images go in the tar!
<ronnietucker> text must be editable
<ronnietucker> second last: any questions for the OpenFont Library guys?...
<mrmonday> what is the openfont library?
<mrmonday> what inspired you to make it?
<mrmonday> how long did it take you to make it?
<ronnietucker> they've agreed to be interviewed
<faemir> ronnietucker, i can't talk now, however I have been really really busy in the last 2 weeks, but i will do the article tonight.
<mrmonday> what purpose does it serve?
<mrmonday> etc
<ronnietucker> the 'mrmonday book of default questions' then? ;P
<ronnietucker> faemir: ok
<mrmonday> I'm good at making up Qs
<mrmonday> it's quite simple
<ronnietucker> except when it's Q&A!
<faemir> lol
<ronnietucker> and lastly (from me) - we seem to have two proofers AWOL so we're down to 4 proofers at the moment...
<mrmonday> lol
<_Nicola_> hehe
<mrmonday> do we get to shoot them
<mrmonday> :P
<topaspv> awol?
<ronnietucker> unless i hear otherwise, they are deserters...
<ronnietucker> AWOL = Absent With Out Leave
<topaspv> thx
<ronnietucker> topaspv: Army term, means they've ran off and deserted...
<topaspv> i'm german. i should be the army guy here
<topaspv> which reminds me of.. OH NO!
<ronnietucker> and... i'm done. Anyone want to ask anything??
<mrmonday> are there enough people here to decide if we should become official?
<sampbar> hi all
<_Nicola_> what would the difference be if we were official?
<_Nicola_> hi sampbar
<sampbar> ronnietucker, need to have a word with you! pm?
<jwill> official how?
<ronnietucker> sampbar: please do
michaelramm ( joined #fullcirclemagazine.
<michaelramm> hello to all
<ronnietucker> before we decide we'll need to find out what being official means... ie: benefits/losses... ?
<topaspv> hello to you
<_Nicola_> jwill, i think it means as in: FCM, the official ubuntu magazine, an affiliate
<ronnietucker> hi michaelramm
<jwill> oh ok
<_Nicola_> it would mean more responsibility!
<ronnietucker> as far as i was told by Jono Bacon it wouldn't affect us at all...
<_Nicola_> that's good news then
<ronnietucker> as in; there'd be no censorship etc
<jwill> cool
<topaspv> cool? anything else would be ridiculous
<_Nicola_> we will never stand to have our voices silenced! Sing with me!
<ronnietucker> but i'll check into it more...
<mrmonday> bbs
<ronnietucker> any other things?
<jwill> how can I sign up as a proofreader?
<ronnietucker> jwill: ok, you're in
<jwill> haha
<_Nicola_> but first you must answer these questions three...
<ronnietucker> jwill: just send me an email and i'll get back to you with details
<jwill> k, will do
<ronnietucker> anything else?
<ronnietucker> going...
Last message repeated 1 time(s).
<ronnietucker> goi... was that a question?...
<ronnietucker> *crickets*
<_Nicola_> so in conclusion, im doing the mycomputer?
<_Nicola_> pc
<_Nicola_> ?
<ronnietucker> gone....
<ronnietucker> _Nicola_: yep
<_Nicola_> ok, just wanted to be sure
<ronnietucker> nice of you to volunteer
<_Nicola_> hehe
<ronnietucker> thanks _Nicola_
<mrmonday> bk
<ronnietucker> remember to clean the desk and dust before the photo
<_Nicola_> : P
<ronnietucker> well... unless there's any last things from anyone, this meetings done!
UbuntuMagazine/FullCircleMeetingLogs/MeetingSix (last edited 2008-08-06 16:26:03 by localhost)