Since reviews are a personal preference multiple reviews of hardware/app/game is entirely acceptable.
Please read through the review guidelines below, once your happy with your review, email it to :
When reviewing games please state clearly:
- title of the game
- who makes the game (one person? Big company?)
- free game? Or paid download?
- where to get it from (give url)
- if it is a Linux native game, or did you have to use a Linux client, or was it Wine/Cedega you used for installing it?
- what hardware were you using for this game (3D Graphics Card, Memory, etc)
- any glitches that you may have had while playing the game.
- marks out of five (stars) for :
- graphics (3d? 2d? glitches? nice fx?)
- sound (music? sound fx? surround sound? mono?)
- playability (easy controls? awkward keyboard layout?)
- installation (hard to install? Have to use WINE/Cedega? Windows game with Linux client?)
- compatibility (game see your 3d card? game not like your drivers?)
- taking into account your marks above, please consider a mark out of ten (stars) for the game overall
- a summary with positive and negative points about the game
When reviewing applications please state clearly:
- title of the application
- who makes the app (one person? Big company?)
- free app? Or paid download?
- where to get it from (give url)
- what category would you put this app into? (graphics? sound? utility?)
- what hardware were you using for this app? (only applies to apps which require particular hardware)
- any glitches that you may have had while using the app.
- marks out of five (stars) for :
- graphics (does the app look nice?)
- useability (easy to use? awkward interface?)
- installation (hard to install? Does it come as a .deb file? Have to compile source? Windows app with WinE/Cedega?)
- usefulness (useful app? always used? installed then only used once?)
- taking into account your marks above, please consider a mark out of ten (stars) for the app overall
- a summary with positive and negative points about the application
When reviewing hardware please state clearly:
- make and model of the hardware
- where to get it from (get a good price from somewhere in particular? Give url for seller)
- what category would you put this hardware into? (graphics card? sound card? networking?)
- any glitches that you may have had while using the hardware?
- easy to get the hardware working in Linux? Does the documentation even mention Linux?
- did you have to use Windows drivers?
- marks out of five (stars) for :
- price (worth the money?)
- compatibility (hardware clash? good hardware but no apps/games use it?)
- installation (hard to install? Did it come with Linux help?)
- taking into account your marks above, please consider a mark out of ten (stars) for the hardware overall
- a summary with positive and negative points about the hardware
UbuntuMagazine/MonthlyReviews (last edited 2008-08-06 16:21:31 by localhost)