
Dear UMC Team members,

as usual, you will find below some updated status information about our project.


Jason has made a really good work with his UMC logo proposition #8. Though, as I've stated before, it still needs some completion, it's now our official logo, used on the Launchpad Team page:

The sizing I've done is not the best, and the icon (14x14) looks horrible, but IANAGD. @Jason: can you check for completing this logo and generating a 14x14, 64x64 and 192x192 set of logos? @Tartopom and Samheg: can you also update the website?

Base software choice

Though I've not yet had time to complete the MediaCenter/StateOfTheArtSpecs, the choice seems more clearly (as if it wasn't Wink ;-) to be Elisa.

Another reason, is that I've just been contacted, with Seb. Gripon, by Florian Boucault (of the Elisa Team) to work together on the new Elisa architecture, and meet our needs. Florian has joined the Team and will soon post more detailed information about that.

So, welcome Florian and the Elisa Team. I'm sure our collaboration will show great results.

I will however contact soon Paul Webber, from the LinuxMCE Team to discuss a bit.

Remote support

We have made a tiny bit of progress with Loic on the new / standardized LIRC namespace and the remotes compatibility list. The LIRC integration into the mainline Linux kernel is also under discussion, but in need of some kernel hackers (if you would like to help there, contact me).

Community council, and UMC project officialization

Now that Feisty and Etch are out, some forces are back. I will soon post to the Community Council to expose our project status, and ask for the official mailing list. We just need to complete and polish a bit our various specs. If you want to help there, post back for synchronizing forces. I will also check for some advertisement, ie on the fridge or on

General project status information

We are now 18 members (+2 inactive).

I've created a table on the Team wiki page to sum up our various sub projects status. As you will see, the project has made good progress...

I would like to give special thanks to Jason, Loic, Sebastien and Wattazoum for their work.

Now come on fellows, the Fame is waiting for you Wink ;-) There is enough work for any kind of interested contributor. SO contact me back if you want to help, and don't yet see how to.


UbuntuMediaCenterTeam/Status20070421 (last edited 2008-08-06 17:01:22 by localhost)