
Revision 240 as of 2009-09-08 14:07:34

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Welcome to the Open Week Prep page. The schedule for UbuntuOpenWeek is available: Please add your topic to the schedule after you've talked to JorgeCastro.

  • add topics that you would like to see discussed
  • sign up to run a session

If you want to run a session, add your name and topic. Make sure your topic is:

  • Ubuntu-related
  • "IRC able" - something that can be explained to someone in an hour or less on IRC.

Warning /!\ keep in mind that this is a brainstorming space and we have limited slots on the schedule, so we're looking for a good mix of topics but can't guarantee that everyone will have a slot - remember you can always run a session outside of Open Week in #ubuntu-classroom.

Once the schedule is finalised we will start filling it up on the UbuntuOpenWeek page.


  • Start scheduling 7 September.
  • Announce the finalized schedule on 7 October.
  • Openweek itself, 2-6 Nov

Topics You'd Like to See Covered

  • Docs day was really great last time, it'd be great to expand this.
  • An ubuntu-women track
  • DeveloperWeek was able to run sessions in other languages, we should try to do the same.

  • We should encourage people to run sessions outside the normal schedule, so LoCos or something could do sessions in their timezone as time allows to encourage people to keep the ball rolling all week.

Topics You'd Like to Run

Since the schedule is not finalised this is NOT a commitment, put your name down if you'd be interested in running a session, we'll work out the scheduling details later. Feel free to pencil yourself in in the grid however!

If you have any questions please contact JorgeCastro

Draft Schedule

Pick a time you'd like to give your talk (TODO: Don't worry about a time slot right now, it's still early):


Mon 2 Nov

Tue 3 Nov

Wed 4 Nov

Thu 5 Nov

Fri 6 Nov

15.00 UTC

16.00 UTC

17.00 UTC

18.00 UTC

19.00 UTC

20.00 UTC

21.00 UTC

22.00 UTC

23.00 UTC

Description of the proposed topics

If the title of you talk is not self explanatory please add a description of it.

With a little help: This is an introductory talk to the different services that can be found to ask for help when using ubuntu. The community offers services that are very organized and knowing where to look can help save time for both the people asking and the people volunteering to help. Basic Nettiquete will be introduced to foster good web habbits. This talk is intended for newcomers but it might be good for anyone who needs a broader idea of how the Ubuntu community helps.