
Welcome to UbuntuPS3 wiki page.

This wiki page is provided for users/developers of the PS3 port of Ubuntu.

If you require help/support installing or running Ubuntu Linux on your Playstation3TM you have come to the right place.


UbuntuPS3 is a port of the popular GNU/Linux distribution - Ubuntu. This port is built specifically to run on the Playstation3TM and should not be installed on other platforms - it probably won't anyway but you have been warned!

Latest Developments

Release Schedule

We follow the official IntrepidReleaseSchedule.


Only an alternate install disc is available of 8.10 for the PS3. Perhaps a LiveCD will be made available for 9.04.

For more information and details about old releases please see the releases section


Installation Guide

For detailed installation instructions, please read the installation Guide

Contact Details

The available ways of getting help now are:



Development Mailing List

Report a Bug


All help is welcome. Remember you don't have to be a programming maniac to help. We require a lot of help testing builds and reporting bugs. If you want to help all you have to do is go to the IRC channel listed above and offer your services. There is no task too big or too small. Join the community and feel like you are making a difference.


PS3 Developers Team

The Development Team exists mainly to have a PPA archive. If you need to be on this team in order to have access to the PPA, please contact one of the team administrators. You need proven/solid work on the port before your access is granted.



Wiki Instructions

Suggestion Box



Launchpad project

Kernel Upstream


IBM Cell Resource Center on Developerworks

IBM Redbook - Programming the Cell Broadband Engine Examples and Best Practices

UbuntuPS3 (last edited 2008-11-01 23:53:58 by ip72-213-44-76)