
Ubuntu Studio hereby proposes a 3 year period for the LTS release of Ubuntu Studio 14.04 Trusty Tahr.


Support will mainly be in the form of bug fixing and backporting of packages in the Ubuntu Studio package set.

Point Releases

Ubuntu Studio will participate in all point releases as defined for Ubuntu for the first three years - following the 3 year LTS support period of Xubuntu, which Ubuntu Studio bases its desktop on.

Kernel support

linux-lowlatency is now merged into the Canonical master tree, and only diffs in a few kernel configs compared to linux-generic. The Ubuntu Studio kernel team continues to maintain the config diff and fixes linux-lowlatency specific bugs for this kernel, in collaboration with the Canonical kernel team.

UbuntuStudio/14.04/LTS-proposal (last edited 2014-03-10 18:53:16 by 90-230-174-182-no35)