
Revision 60 as of 2007-09-26 16:19:46

Clear message

This page reflects the current work in progress Ubuntu Studio 8.04 artwork. If your a user who would like to post your art please do so in our [wiki:UbuntuStudio/Artwork/UserContributed User Art] section. This page is for official 8.04 proposals. Please don't edit until I remove this message. BR BR With the Hardy version of Ubuntu Studio we're hoping to really so something different. This is a idea we couldn't quite do justice with for Gutsy so we decided to wait and open it up to everyone for Hardy. Smile :)

This page and guidelines will continue to evolve over the next few weeks or so as we're starting this process really early and will still need some time to clearly convey what we're going for. Once they are a little clearer we will post to various mailing lists and Ubuntu Forums. Anything that's felt to not stick to the guidelines will be removed.


We want to create a D.I.Y. punk/indie/metal/whatever feel with Ubuntu Studio-Hardy. That kinda distressed, show flyer look. Attached are examples of flyers and a show pic to try to convey to you the feeling/emotion that goes into this scene. Anyone "in the scene" I feel will get this right off the bat.


attachment:470649857_l.gif [ BIG] attachment:Prom.jpg [ BIG] attachment:Steve-Back.gif [ BIG]BR attachment:flyer.jpg [ BIG] attachment:l_0854da687828e4028b04d539b88aa34c.jpg [ BIG] attachment:molotov_cover_bg.gif [ BIG]BR attachment:street-dogs18.jpg [ BIG] attachment:up-yours-cardiff.gif [ BIG]

General Rules/Guidelines

In my head it doesn't use gradients. Solid colors. (but I'm totally open to some use. just have to see it.) Smile :)

  • Final art will be chosen by a 5 member panel. 3 members of the Ubuntu Studio dev team. 1 from the Ubuntu Art team and the final position coming from a vote by the community via a Ubuntu Forums poll.
  • All submissions must fit the design concept. All submissions that don't will be removed.

  • NO GLOSS!! Big Grin :)

Look N' Feel

This is almost final and I will handle this exclusively. SVG coming soon. BR attachment:v3_proposed.png

Color Palette

Here is a "paired down" version of the Feisty/Gutsy palette (Various, close grays removed) to use as a starting point. BR attachment:u-s_pallet_hardy_.png

Theme Elements

  • [wiki:UbuntuStudio/Artwork/OfficialHardyIncoming/InstallSplash Install Splash] BR

  • [wiki:UbuntuStudio/Artwork/OfficialHardyIncoming/Usplash Usplash] BR

  • [wiki:UbuntuStudio/Artwork/OfficialHardyIncoming/GDM GDM] BR

  • [wiki:UbuntuStudio/Artwork/OfficialHardyIncoming/Wallpaper Wallpaper] BR

  • [wiki:UbuntuStudio/Artwork/OfficialHardyIncoming/Theme Theme] BR

  • [wiki:UbuntuStudio/Artwork/OfficialHardyIncoming/Icons Icons] BR

  • [wiki:UbuntuStudio/Artwork/OfficialHardyIncoming/UI UI Ideas] BR

  • Cursor - This will be set to "DMZ-Black" using the dmx-cursor-theme package.


  • [wiki:UbuntuStudio/Artwork/OfficialHardyIncoming/DIYPackaging DIY Packaging] BR

  • [wiki:UbuntuStudio/Artwork/OfficialHardyIncoming/Website Website] BR

Artwork Timeline

This is a work in progress and will be based on the [wiki:HardyReleaseSchedule Hardy Release Schedule] once its final.

February 2008


February 14th

Warning /!\ ArtworkDeadlineOne


February 21st


February 28th

Warning /!\ ArtworkDeadlineTwo

March 2008


March 6th


March 13th


March 20th

Warning /!\ ArtworkFinalDeadline


March 27th

April 2008


April 3rd


April 10th


April 17th


April 24th

Warning /!\ [wiki:FinalRelease Final Release of Ubuntu 8.04 LTS]