Blueprints for Ubuntu Studio 17.10 "A"
ubuntustudio-topic-a - The Umbrella for all topics
package-tracker-a - Create a package tracker
bug-hugging-a - Bug Hugging Days
auto-mounting-a - Disable auto-mounting for audio work
auto-updating-a - Disable auto-updates for audio work
menu-resize-a - Resize wisker menu so all categories visible
change-default-theme - Update the Default Theme
more-workspaces-a - Allow two Workspaces by default
new-wallpaper-a - New double screen wallpaper
improve-controls-a - Continue to improve ubuntustudio-controls
replace-qjackctl-a - Replace Qjackctl
UbuntuStudio/BlueprintsA (last edited 2017-05-15 20:18:21 by rosco2)