
Revision 11 as of 2011-11-09 12:38:22

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Welcome to the Contribute to Ubuntu Studio Development page on The purpose of this document to help those who are not currently contributing to Ubuntu Studio development to do so. Below are items that require attention, find one that interests you and see if you can help.

Most of these items do not require development experience.

For further assistance or additional directions please email the Contact: listed for each item or visit #ubuntustudio-devel on Freenode IRC.


Description: Testing is the largest, most pervasive need we have and it is also one of the easiest with which to become involved.

QA testing of the ISO image is required at the regular Alpha and Beta milestones per the release schedule. The purpose of the test is not necessarily to verify that Ubuntu Studio works, but rather to validate the ISO image that is generated by making sure that the image can be installed. ISO testing does not require developer experience and is usually done inside a virtual machine (e.g. VMware or Virtual Box) or on spare machines.

Additionally, we will also be doing some kernel testing and application specific testing during the cycle. These tests are not regularly scheduled as the QA ISO testing and we will announce these requirements as needed throughout the cycle.

Contact: Scott Lavender

Resources: ubuntustudio-qa-testing-wiki-page -TODO


Description: Evaluate both the 'work flows' wiki page or just run Ubuntu Studio and do stuff. NB: not all work flows listed in the wiki are supported currently in Ubuntu Studio as we either feel they are not fully complete or not enough users demand them.

In particular we would like feedback from people who have used other applications/distros like ProTools, Cubase, Reason, et al. But all feedback is welcomed.

Please either add to the 'work flows' wiki page (please don't delete other's work!) or contact Scott Lavender.

Contact: Scott Lavender



Description: Going to a meeting and volunteering for a nominal task (e.g. emailing the mailing list) is a great and easy way to help. It helps get you involved and distributes the load to help prevent anyone from getting overwhelmed.

Formal meetings are held every two weeks on Sunday currently and informal meetings are held on the Sunday between the formal meetings. Use the meeting link below to see when the next meeting is being held.

Contact: Scott Lavender


Team Reports

Description: Each team in Ubuntu is tasked with creating a team report. The report simply contains very topical descriptions of what has happened during the last month. Consider this more of an executive summary and technical details are to be avoided.

A template already exists and the person responsible (team scribe ?) only needs to give a single line mention of the major items worked on during that month. Pretty easy! See the example below.

Any wiki markup required (the formatting syntax for wikis) is minimal and easily taught.

Contact: Scott Lavender

Resources: , example:

User Documentation

Description: We would like to begin to completely update the user documentation that provides assists user understanding what Ubuntu Studio is and how to use it.

The latest outline is located in the 'IntroTutVideos' wiki page, please ignore the "video" nomenclature.

This is a large undertaking and we would appreciate someone who will commit to coordinating all the updates and changes.

Contact: Scott Lavender

Resources: and


Description: Since 12.04 "Precise Pangolin" is a long term support (LTS) release, we would like to support it during it's life cycle by backporting updated applications into the official backports repository. NB: Our intent is to benefit ALL of Ubuntu therefore this task will not release via PPA's.

Packaging experience would be a minimum requirement for this tasks.

Contact: Scott Lavender
