
What: Ubuntu Studio Contributors Meeting

When: Monday, 2012 August 13th - 14:00 UTC
To view the meeting date/time in your time zone, click here.

Where: irc.freenode.net #ubuntu-meeting

Agenda for Meeting

If you wish to discuss anything not in this agenda, please wait until Any Other Business is called for.

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Blueprints statuses

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Action Items and Logs

Meeting summary

  • Report on Ubuntu Studio

ACTION: Len-nb and smartboyhw to find more people to test 12.04.1 daily images (smartboyhw, 14:26:21) ACTION: : stochastic to write a draft for changes between 12.04 and 12.04.1 (smartboyhw, 14:33:05) ACTION: holstein and Len-nb to find someone to publishing committs (smartboyhw, 14:39:21) ACTION: holstein and Len-dt to find someone for pushing commits (smartboyhw, 14:40:24) ACTION: : Len-nb to add menu item on xchat that starts #ubuntustudio (smartboyhw, 14:45:41) ACTION: : stochastic and Len-nb and holstein and smartboyhw to set up a graphics and publishing sub-committee for teh abovementioned metas (smartboyhw, 15:07:50)

Meeting ended at 15:10:28 UTC.


Action items

  • Len-nb and smartboyhw to find more people to test 12.04.1 daily images
  • : stochastic to write a draft for changes between 12.04 and 12.04.1
  • holstein and Len-nb to find someone to publishing committs
  • holstein and Len-dt to find someone for pushing commits
  • : Len-nb to add menu item on xchat that starts #ubuntustudio
  • : stochastic and Len-nb and holstein and smartboyhw to set up a graphics and publishing sub-committee for teh abovementioned metas

Action items, by person

  • holstein
  • * holstein and Len-nb to find someone to publishing committs
  • * holstein and Len-dt to find someone for pushing commits
  • * : stochastic and Len-nb and holstein and smartboyhw to set up a graphics and publishing sub-committee for teh abovementioned metas
  • Len-nb
  • * Len-nb and smartboyhw to find more people to test 12.04.1 daily images
  • * holstein and Len-nb to find someone to publishing committs
  • * : Len-nb to add menu item on xchat that starts #ubuntustudio
  • * : stochastic and Len-nb and holstein and smartboyhw to set up a graphics and publishing sub-committee for teh abovementioned metas
  • smartboyhw
  • * Len-nb and smartboyhw to find more people to test 12.04.1 daily images
  • * : stochastic and Len-nb and holstein and smartboyhw to set up a graphics and publishing sub-committee for teh abovementioned metas
  • stochastic
  • * : stochastic to write a draft for changes between 12.04 and 12.04.1
  • * : stochastic and Len-nb and holstein and smartboyhw to set up a graphics and publishing sub-committee for teh abovementioned metas

People present (lines said)

  • smartboyhw (79)
  • stochastic (58)
  • Len-nb (58)
  • holstein (51)
  • meetingology (9)

Full Log

  • 14:13:03 <smartboyhw> #startmeeting

    14:13:03 <meetingology> Meeting started Mon Aug 13 14:13:03 2012 UTC. The chair is smartboyhw. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology.

    14:13:03 <meetingology>

    14:13:03 <meetingology> Available commands: #accept #accepted #action #agree #agreed #chair #commands #endmeeting #endvote #halp #help #idea #info #link #lurk #meetingname #meetingtopic #nick #progress #rejected #replay #restrictlogs #save #startmeeting #subtopic #topic #unchair #undo #unlurk #vote #voters #votesrequired

    14:13:09 <smartboyhw> Okay, hi

    14:13:24 <stochastic> hi

    14:14:00 <smartboyhw> #topic Report on Ubuntu Studio

    14:14:22 <stochastic> hi holstein

    14:14:28 <smartboyhw> If anyone had anything to say about Ubuntu Studio development or progress, please o/

    14:14:34 <holstein> stochastic: \o/

    14:14:44 <holstein> o/

    14:15:01 <smartboyhw> holstein: PLease

    14:15:36 <smartboyhw> holstein: Go ahead

    14:16:51 <holstein> i was just saying im present... if Len-nb has something, that would be relavant

    14:17:26 <stochastic> Len-nb, you were saying about the commits that need pushing?

    14:17:41 <stochastic> before FF hits

    14:18:15 <smartboyhw> len-nb: Are you here?

    14:18:16 <Len-nb> -look -settings and the seeds/metas need to get done too.

    14:18:36 <Len-nb> takes time to type smartboyhw

    14:18:40 <smartboyhw> Sorry

    14:18:47 <smartboyhw> You haven't o/ed

    14:18:58 <stochastic> o/

    14:19:19 <smartboyhw> Please, stochastic

    14:19:22 <Len-nb> I had thought there was another but it is for 12.04.1 and it looks it won't get used. 14:19:46 * stochastic doesn't understand the o/ system 14:19:59 * Len-nb too

    14:20:12 <smartboyhw> o/ in first sight means that you are present

    14:20:24 <smartboyhw> o/ now means you want to bring up a topic

    14:20:58 <smartboyhw> ..

    14:21:29 <holstein> smartboyhw: re-link the meeting agenda, and lets go from there

    14:21:54 <Len-nb> stochastic, the seeds to meta stuff seems to not work acourding to micahg. He will work on it when time permits

    14:22:01 <holstein> we can see if Len-nb has time to report on progress today, and try and give ScottL time to show

    14:22:38 <stochastic> michag only has 10 days before FF

    14:22:41 <holstein> Len-nb: is that in 12.10?.. how about 12.04.1 or whatever... is that all good?

    14:22:53 <smartboyhw> So guys, do you think we can meet the 23/8 schedule of releasing Ubuntu Studio 12.04.1?

    14:23:25 <Len-nb> holstein, as far as I know we are not really doing anything for 04.1

    14:23:53 <holstein> Len-nb: hopefully, its just a matter of testing... and i think some folks were testing for US

    14:24:04 <holstein> i know the xubuntu team always helps US out

    14:24:13 <smartboyhw> Yep, just finished testing 12.04.1 image for 64-bit

    14:24:20 <smartboyhw> Reported on ISO QA Tracker

    14:24:38 <holstein> smartboyhw: cool.. thanks... i think thats all we'll have to do for 12.04

    14:24:41 <Len-nb> There is a -settings commited that could be used tha fixes minor menu details, but Scott doesn't seem enthused

    14:25:19 <Len-nb> I have done a few 12.04.1 i386 tests too

    14:25:32 <smartboyhw> Len-nb does 32-bit, me does 64-bit

    14:25:34 <stochastic> excellent, so I think we should make a motion to push for image testers for 12.04.1 just to make sure everything is all good. A call on the mailing list or something similar

    14:25:47 <Len-nb> second

    14:25:49 <smartboyhw> Len-nb: You know astraljava took over coordination of testing?

    14:25:51 <holstein> i have done some unofficial FW tests with ailo

    14:26:21 <smartboyhw> #action Len-nb and smartboyhw to find more people to test 12.04.1 daily images 14:26:21 * meetingology Len-nb and smartboyhw to find more people to test 12.04.1 daily images

    14:26:22 <Len-nb> FW = ?

    14:26:24 <holstein> yeah... just an email letting everyone know testing is needed...

    14:26:29 <holstein> Len-nb: firewire

    14:26:41 <Len-nb> Ah! right

    14:26:52 <stochastic> holstein, how'd they turn out?

    14:27:26 <holstein> stochastic: so far so good... im actually still personally running 10.04 on my production machine, but i will upgrade to 12.04 when i have time

    14:27:52 <Len-nb> I still miss gcdmaster

    14:27:53 <stochastic> Ok, I think busniess for 12.04.1 is sorted as much as we can for now

    14:27:56 <holstein> stochastic: seems better all the time actually.. especially without the *-realtime kernel.. i find that less and less manditory

    14:28:02 <holstein> Len-nb: me too :/

    14:28:17 <stochastic> or should we discuss release announcement for 12.04.1? Is one needed?

    14:28:45 <Len-nb> stochastic, on the website when released

    14:28:51 <holstein> stochastic: i think someone should mention it to scottL, and one of us can offer to help make on if needed

    14:28:54 <smartboyhw> stochastic: Let us write an email to users list

    14:29:48 <Len-nb> The main thing with 12.04.1 is it save upgrading about 200 packages at install for late adopters

    14:29:52 <stochastic> someone with knowledge of the changes between 12.04 and 12.04.1 needs to draft a couple explanation notes

    14:30:22 <holstein> stochastic: maybe we could just look at the main ubuntu ones and copy/edit a bit

    14:30:24 <smartboyhw> Question: Who has that knowledge?

    14:30:32 <holstein> or xubuntu...

    14:30:49 <stochastic> ok

    14:30:49 <Len-nb> holstein, you have it right

    14:31:25 <holstein> i bet the xubuntu ones are pretty much exactly ours... since we didnt change any studio specific stuff

    14:31:52 <smartboyhw> So we can transfer Xubuntu to Ubuntu Studio!

    14:31:59 <Len-nb> I am not if they made changes either, vanilla may cover it.

    14:32:13 <stochastic> I'll volunteer to draft one up for us and post it.

    14:32:23 <smartboyhw> stochastic: I agree

    14:32:31 <Len-nb> the big thing is xfce4.10 which 12.10

    14:33:05 <smartboyhw> #action: stochastic to write a draft for changes between 12.04 and 12.04.1 14:33:05 * meetingology : stochastic to write a draft for changes between 12.04 and 12.04.1

    14:34:10 <stochastic> so on to 12.10 chat, any big things need squishing before FF? let's get at least one action item hammered out for 12.10

    14:34:46 <Len-nb> firefox branding, publishing meta

    14:35:20 <Len-nb> Hmm, the people I need to ask are not here

    14:35:21 <stochastic> holstein, do you have upload privileges?

    14:36:19 <holstein> stochastic: to the site? i dont think so... but ScottL does ...i havnet checked to see if my old creds work on the official site

    14:36:28 <holstein> stochastic: i'll help sort that out though...

    14:36:42 <smartboyhw> holstein: Thanks

    14:36:44 <stochastic> holstein, not to the site, I have those, I mean to the repos?

    14:37:13 <stochastic> to help push commits through

    14:37:14 <holstein> stochastic: nah... that would be scott or one of the motu's... i think we can just ask someone for help

    14:37:35 <stochastic> persia is usually pretty good at helping out, also TheMuso

    14:38:01 <smartboyhw> Who should we select?

    14:38:07 <stochastic> Len-nb, can you talk to those gents to see if you can get the commits published?

    14:38:14 <holstein> yup... if we put the word out, i think we can get a hand.. let me know if you need help tracking someone down stochastic

    14:38:21 <Len-nb> I will try that

    14:38:33 <stochastic> excellent, sounds like an action item

    14:38:47 <smartboyhw> So what should we write for action?

    14:39:21 <smartboyhw> #action holstein and Len-nb to find someone to publishing committs 14:39:21 * meetingology holstein and Len-nb to find someone to publishing committs

    14:39:40 <smartboyhw> Anyone saw the action item? So many people quit

    14:39:53 <holstein> smartboyhw: netsplit

    14:40:03 <stochastic> please post the action item again

    14:40:24 <smartboyhw> #action holstein and Len-dt to find someone for pushing commits 14:40:24 * meetingology holstein and Len-dt to find someone for pushing commits

    14:40:54 <smartboyhw> Is this one OK?

    14:40:56 <stochastic> The firefox branding, where are we on that, is a fix committed?

    14:41:04 <stochastic> smartboyhw, looks great

    14:41:12 <smartboyhw> Thanks, stochastic

    14:41:19 <Len-nb> I need to find out if I should do more or less.

    14:41:52 <Len-nb> so far I have home page. but that will have to come off.

    14:42:01 <Len-nb> I have bookmarked our site

    14:42:16 <smartboyhw> Len-nb: Nice job!

    14:42:19 <Len-nb> but the blueprints seem to suggest more bookmarks

    14:42:39 <stochastic> baby steps are still good steps Smile :)

    14:43:05 <smartboyhw> Maybe we can bookmark Wiki pages and how to contribute?

    14:43:10 <stochastic> I'd be happy to chat after the meeting with you Len about the intricacies of the branding?

    14:43:30 <Len-nb> I can commit what I have or add more. xchat is stuck right now

    14:43:45 <smartboyhw> Uh oh, Len-nb.

    14:44:26 <Len-nb> I may just add a menu item that starts xchat on #ubuntustudio

    14:44:37 <smartboyhw> #ubuntustudio-devel also

    14:44:42 <Len-nb> No

    14:44:48 <smartboyhw> OK

    14:45:06 <stochastic> dev is for active volunteers

    14:45:20 <smartboyhw> Ok, so only #ubuntustudio

    14:45:23 <Len-nb> This would be right below the help item

    14:45:41 <smartboyhw> #action: Len-nb to add menu item on xchat that starts #ubuntustudio 14:45:41 * meetingology : Len-nb to add menu item on xchat that starts #ubuntustudio

    14:45:42 <stochastic> cool

    14:45:59 <Len-nb> I think it will use the studio logo

    14:46:23 <smartboyhw> It should

    14:47:03 <stochastic> ok

    14:47:19 <stochastic> what other major projects are we looking at in the next 10 days?

    14:47:31 <smartboyhw> Major...Hmm...

    14:47:37 <Len-nb> There is a new publishing meta.

    14:47:38 <stochastic> or minor

    14:48:01 <stochastic> have all the packages been screened/approved or is it just a rough draft still?

    14:48:10 <Len-nb> I was just looking at our web page and it suggests we are shipping libreoffice

    14:48:25 <smartboyhw> Len-nb: I agree we should ship it.

    14:48:34 <Len-nb> I have not added office to the meta

    14:48:42 <smartboyhw> So... ?

    14:48:47 <Len-nb> It is quite large

    14:48:49 <holstein> i could argue we shouldnt, but im with you guys

    14:49:16 <holstein> its a full featured suite of tools that does not directly address anything ubuntustudio is about

    14:49:16 <smartboyhw> So, action item on adding LibreOffice to Ubuutu Studio?

    14:49:18 <Len-nb> The is an icon for extra software that maks it easy to load

    14:49:40 <Len-nb> no ... or not yet

    14:49:59 <smartboyhw> OK, so maybe we can ship it in future 12.10 releases...

    14:50:09 <stochastic> Len-nb is there a package list I can take a look at?

    14:50:15 <Len-nb> I am thinking maybe the website should be changed

    14:50:24 <stochastic> which website page?

    14:50:31 <smartboyhw> ubuntustudio.org?

    14:50:32 <Len-nb> feature tour

    14:50:42 <Len-nb> publishing

    14:50:52 <smartboyhw> OK

    14:50:57 <holstein> i remember arguing about libreoffice though...

    14:51:10 <smartboyhw> So no LibreOffice or so?

    14:51:11 <holstein> seems like it might be that it is supposed to be there

    14:51:26 <Len-nb> I'll ask scott

    14:51:27 <holstein> i would run it by ScottL first...

    14:51:31 <smartboyhw> Ok

    14:51:41 <holstein> i will go with whatever you guys go with...

    14:51:41 <smartboyhw> So what's the action item for this?

    14:51:50 <stochastic> Len-nb, right at the top of the feature tour page it reads "Allthough not everything is preinstalled, powerful tools for book publishing are at your fingertips, installable from the repo using Software Center."

    14:51:53 <Len-nb> The other app mentioned is calibre

    14:52:22 <smartboyhw> OK

    14:52:26 <Len-nb> Ok, I will not worry about office then

    14:52:33 <smartboyhw> So, ignore LibreOffice?

    14:52:34 <stochastic> I don't think Calibre or LibreOffice should be shipped

    14:52:35 <stochastic> personally

    14:52:51 <smartboyhw> Action Item: Ignore office software?

    14:53:16 <stochastic> is there a publishing meta that is being created for this release?

    14:53:20 <Len-nb> Right. Ok, I think we worked out the workflow pretty good on the list

    14:53:26 <Len-nb> It is commited

    14:53:42 <Len-nb> Photography has been split and commited

    14:53:47 <stochastic> ok

    14:53:59 <Len-nb> so two new metas

    14:54:06 <smartboyhw> GREAT!

    14:54:12 <stochastic> so this falls under the pushing commits through subject that we already covered with the action item

    14:54:19 <stochastic> Smile :)

    14:54:26 <smartboyhw> Action Item?

    14:54:30 <Len-nb> Yup.

    14:54:38 <smartboyhw> What should we write?

    14:54:55 <holstein> asking scottL about libreoffice

    14:55:29 <stochastic> smartboyhw, we already covered this meetingology> ACTION: holstein and Len-nb to find someone to publishing committs

    14:55:36 <Len-nb> scott and ailo also have some workflow stuff they are working on for the bottom panel

    14:55:36 <holstein> stochastic: i could go there too.. i think they dont fit in.. but i remember someone convincing me on the issue of publishing

    14:55:40 <smartboyhw> Oh, that one

    14:56:12 <smartboyhw> Anything more to say apart from this?

    14:57:27 <smartboyhw> Anyone have more to say?

    14:57:36 <stochastic> I'd like to say that I think the overall direction of graphics and publishing should be given someone to take the reigns. Maybe not now.

    14:58:04 <stochastic> maybe there already is

    14:58:09 <holstein> stochastic: you mean, a team member who is into grahpis?

    14:58:14 <holstein> graphics*

    14:58:29 <smartboyhw> On stochastic's question, any volunteers?

    14:58:32 <stochastic> or has a solid concept of where US should help publishers and graphic artists

    14:58:54 <holstein> i think we have a lot of audio folks, and thats great, but it would be nice to cultivate a person or 2 for graphics and/or video

    14:59:10 <stochastic> is troy_s ever around anymore?

    14:59:12 <holstein> someone to come here like we are and say what works and what doesnt and why

    14:59:15 <smartboyhw> Who will do graphics and video publishing?

    14:59:20 <holstein> stochastic: havent seen him in a while

    14:59:22 <stochastic> or Corey?

    14:59:31 <Len-nb> Having the apps to make US interesting to these people may come first

    14:59:39 <smartboyhw> Len-nb: I agree

    14:59:41 <stochastic> agreed

    14:59:50 <holstein> i think someone will materialize... ScottL does a lot of video actually

    15:00:05 <stochastic> I can help slightly in the future with this planning

    15:00:12 <stochastic> maybe not in the next 10 days

    15:00:19 <smartboyhw> Maybe we should send a request along teh dev mail list for volunteers of helping graphics and video

    15:00:38 <holstein> stochastic: i think that email needs to be well thought out

    15:00:41 <Len-nb> Been done... in various ways

    15:00:45 <holstein> some folks dont come to the IRC...

    15:00:58 <holstein> stochastic: that was for smartboyhw

    15:01:48 <smartboyhw> That e-mail will be a job advertisement:)

    15:01:55 <holstein> just be careful how you "ask" for help... we dont need more differing opinions, and folks doing work that we cant include.. we really need one person to "take the reigns" as stochastic suggested

    15:01:57 <Len-nb> Part of the reason I am hesitant to add much more SW right now, is that I would like to see how big The ISO

    15:02:04 <smartboyhw> OK

    15:02:14 <smartboyhw> Len-nb: Make it under 2GB

    15:02:26 <Len-nb> Too late already

    15:02:33 <holstein> its over 2 now... and we have lots of "why dont we have this" emails on the list

    15:02:44 <stochastic> Len-nb let's not add too much on this release, just get the ball moving

    15:02:48 <smartboyhw> Make it under 4.7GiB (DVD capacity)

    15:02:58 <smartboyhw> stochastic: +1

    15:03:12 <holstein> swsure, but folks with limited bandwidth complain

    15:03:18 <holstein> smartboyhw: ^

    15:03:30 <holstein> you literally cant please everyone

    15:03:33 <Len-nb> I am thinking If the seeds/metas get updated I will be able to see where we are

    15:04:17 <holstein> i like the workflows idea.. a nice comfortable default, and you can click on "publishing" and install whatever is designated automagically

    15:04:30 <Len-nb> scott was talking about adding kdenlive... but I am not sure... and knowing how big we are now would help

    15:04:56 <smartboyhw> yeah, we are a small team

    15:05:00 <Len-nb> holstein, that needs a ubiquity plugin

    15:05:01 <stochastic> okay, for an action item, how about a graphics/publishing sub-committee is formed to polish the current release and shape the 13.04 release plan for these metas

    15:05:25 <holstein> Len-nb: could be after the install, for all i care

    15:05:43 <smartboyhw> stochastic: I agree. Everyone: Agree?

    15:05:58 <smartboyhw> who will be in that sub-commitee?

    15:06:05 <holstein> yeah.. i think thats a great goal

    15:06:09 <stochastic> I'll join

    15:06:09 <Len-nb> There is the live experience to look at

    15:06:16 <smartboyhw> I'll join too

    15:06:16 <holstein> gives some time for someone to step up

    15:06:33 <Len-nb> I would use the list to set it up

    15:06:35 <smartboyhw> Who's the chair of the sub-committee for now?

    15:07:08 <stochastic> we'll sort out the members later, including the chair, we just need to have someone willing to organize the people interested

    15:07:17 <smartboyhw> OK, so action item:

    15:07:50 <smartboyhw> #action : stochastic and Len-nb and holstein and smartboyhw to set up a graphics and publishing sub-committee for teh abovementioned metas 15:07:50 * meetingology : stochastic and Len-nb and holstein and smartboyhw to set up a graphics and publishing sub-committee for teh abovementioned metas

    15:07:57 <holstein> i think any of us can help shape that

    15:08:02 <smartboyhw> Yep

    15:08:58 <smartboyhw> So, anymore to say, guys?

    15:09:26 <stochastic> I think we covered most things that need attention over the near future

    15:09:44 <stochastic> and the meeting is starting to hit the 60min mark

    15:09:56 <Len-nb> done

    15:10:00 <smartboyhw> Good, so end meeting, everyone? o/ to agree

    15:10:07 <stochastic> o?

    15:10:09 <stochastic> o/

    15:10:12 <Len-nb> o/

    15:10:28 <smartboyhw> #endmeeting

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UbuntuStudio/Meetings/2012August13 (last edited 2012-08-13 15:12:14 by n112118156215)