
Mission Statement - Draft 1

About, the long version

Ubuntu Studio is an official flavor of Ubuntu, and the most widely used multimedia orientated GNU/Linux distribution in the world. It comes preinstalled with a selection of the most common free multimedia applications available, and is configured for best performance for the Ubuntu Studio defined workflows, audio, graphics, video, photography and publishing.

Ubuntu Studio is a community effort, targeted towards all skill levels, from beginner to pro, and aims to be easy to install and easy to use, as well as provide all the tools nessecary for any type of media content creation.

We aim to be an example on how to configure a Debian based operative system for our workflows, contributing in bringing improvements upstream to Debian, and communicating with developers directly, by doing testing, fixing bugs and providing feedback.

We aim to be a the gateway for users coming into the Linux world, wanting to use Linux for multimedia content creation, by providing applications and documentation, as well as being a portal to other GNU/Linux and FLOSS communities in the world.

We also want to make sure contributors of any skill level, who are wanting to give back to the community, should feel welcome and quckly blend into the team, and find information easily from our written documentation or through communication with other team members.

So, if you feel like contributing, please join the Ubuntu Studio team! We are always looking for new contributors of any skill level. We are all volunteers, and you may find us at:

  • irc
  • mail lists
  • social channels


Ubuntu Studio is..

  • The most widely used multimedia orientated GNU/Linux distribution in the world
  • An official flavor of Ubuntu
  • Targeted towards pros and beginners alike
  • Developed by volunteers

Ubuntu Studio Features

  • The XFCE desktop, derived from Xubuntu
  • A selection of applications for five different workflows
    • audio
    • graphics
    • video
    • photography
    • publishing
  • A custom workflow based menu

Ubuntu Studio Mission

  • Make multimedia content creation on GNU/Linux intuitive and easy
  • Be a gateway for users migrating to Linux multimedia through documentation, social channels, community

Focused Mission Statement

Slogan Form

The Ubuntu Studio mission is to make multimedia content creation on GNU/Linux easy and intuitive for both the beginner and the pro.

Material for the Mission Statement

Add mission statement here...

Ubuntu Studio is:

  • A different version of Ubuntu, tuned towards multimedia, same repository
    • Applications are FLOSS
    • Most of Ubuntu is Debian, and the packages are mostly maintained at Debian.
    • Sometimes other distros will provide what Ubuntu Studio is unable to, because of licensing issues, such as Mint or KXStudio, however, Ubuntu is the tree that they build on.
  • The biggest multimedia targeted Linux distro
    • Thus a centre point for FLOSS Linux Multimedia

Target Audience is:

  • Both beginners and pros

MISSION STATEMENT: might address the following (1):

  • target audience
  • typical use cases
  • hardware support (can be _very_ top level at desktop/laptop to low level for particular audio interfaces)
  • purposes of LTS vs non-LTS versions (i.e. non-LTS not intended for production?)
  • do we support upgrade path? just LTS->LTS? (2)

(1) even if we don't include all of this in the mission statement (which might not be a good fit), the team should probably still identify these topics and document them somewhere (website FAQ?) (2) if we support only LTS->LTS, how do we manage backports ? Most of users will expect us to provide recent versions of our main apps (Ardour, Gimp, etc.)

A list of things that Ubuntu Studio sets out to do

  • Provide a desktop base suitable for multimedia production work
  • Provide system performance needed for multimedia applications
  • Include relevant and up to date applications that cover all multimedia workflows
  • Provide documentation for users that covers every aspect of linux multimedia
  • Provide various tools (application/documentation) to make system management easy for non-hackers
  • Report/adress bugs/issues/ideas upstream to Ubuntu -> Debian -> Software Developers to improve applications and packages

Examples for Mission Statement:

  • ..using ubuntu official repositories, provide complete multimedia workflows of FLOSS applications for the beginners and professional content creator

UbuntuStudio/MissionStatement (last edited 2013-02-27 02:38:21 by h-162-149)