
Ubuntu Studio Raring Planning

Discussed Topics

- XFCE ideas?

  • - enhance cooperation with {Xubuntu|Xfce} devs

- Developer Docs, cross-flavor community team? (~ubuntu-doc-contributors at launchpad?)

- Are we lacking support for something?

  • - publishing work flow?

- Ideas for expanding the team

  • - promotion? We need to let people know this flavor/derivative, then we can get them on to contribute! - Just submitted an article to call for contributions to Full Circle magazine

- Automated testing (UTAH, checkbox, AutoPilot)?

  • - zequence attended sessions in UDS

- Kernel maintenance (zequence)n

Blueprint link: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/community-r-ubuntustudio-planning

[ubuntustudio-dev] Talk with lionel at Xubuntu about further cooperation on XFCE (get a picture of how XFCE is installed and set on Xubuntu/Ubuntu Studio).
[zequence] Talk with dholbach about developer docs (he might have been working for this)
[zequence] See about getting upload rights for zequence and len-ovenwerks (use LP names)
[ubuntustudio-dev] Use PR team to recruit users to help Ubuntu Studio define and finegrain Ubuntu Studio workflows (choice of applications, fixing bugs, etc)
[ubuntustudio-dev] Look at informing users about mixbus and linux-dsp plugins
*[cjcurran] investigate a good set of defaults for supercollider 
*[zequence] Add supercollider to seeds
*[zequence] Add faust to seeds
*[cjcurran] Define applications and settings to be installed for audio coding (subgroup of audio workflow)


* Ubuntu Studio devs could hang out more on Xubuntu/Xfce IRC channels, to get more involved in XFCE development, and settings * Especially Xfce channels, we do normally hangout on Xubuntu channels, but normally we won't step into the Xfce channels (smartboyhw) * Kaj should talk with Christian Dywan (kalikiana) in UDS

UbuntuStudio/UDS-R-PadNotes (last edited 2012-11-04 11:12:15 by h-161-160)