
Differences between revisions 7 and 8
Revision 7 as of 2005-08-27 08:14:10
Size: 806
Editor: host-84-9-61-61
Comment: added link to how to install
Revision 8 as of 2005-10-29 16:06:13
Size: 803
Editor: 220-245-97-227
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
Line 2: Line 2:
[http://andy.fitzsimon.com.au/ubuntu-title.ttf download the font] and follow the FontInstallHowto. [http://brisgeek.com/fonts/ubuntu-title.otf download the font] and follow the FontInstallHowto.


[http://brisgeek.com/fonts/ubuntu-title.otf download the font] and follow the FontInstallHowto. Andy Fitzsimon of the ArtTeam has created the official Ubuntu Title Typeface. Ubuntu-Title is licensed under LGPL.

Where it should be used

with a derived logo such as edubuntu or kubuntu it is reccomended that this font be used. Changes to kerning are permitted however kerning reductions are advised against.

Printed Documents

This is a title font and therefore not to be used in body text. Use it for topic headings in ubuntu-related printed documents or in digial documents where fonts can be embedded or subset such as PDF.

Extending This Font

Ubuntu-Title was made using inkscape and fontforge.

more to be added soon

UbuntuTitle (last edited 2010-08-15 21:11:56 by cpc2-stap6-0-0-cust290)